RESEARCH NOTE                                                  



S.V. Kuzhuget

Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Science, Internatsional’naya Str. 117а, Kyzyl 667007, Russia, E-mail:

The paper contains data of 15 species of heteropterous insects from 8 families for the first time found for Khakassia.
Key words: Siberia; Khakasia; new records; Heteroptera


The territory of Khakassia compared with other regions of Eastern Siberia relatively to hemiptera has been studied much less. Only 238 bugs are listed according to the latest data (Vinokurov, Kanyukova, & Golub, 2010; Babichev & Vinokurov, 2011). The author’s research work carried out within one field season of 2018 in the Minusinsk Basin exactly in the Coibal steppes allowed to find 15 new species of Hemiptera.
The Koibal steppe is located between the Abakan and the Yenisei rivers, between 53̊ 04ˈ and 53̊ 40ˈ northern latitude. It is characterized by interchange of gentle uplands, sandstones, small closed basins (about 300–350 meters above sea level) occupied by salt lakes. The examined meadows and steppes are located next to the Koibal irrigation system presenting ancient Yenisei River. Polydominant bunchgrass cereal steppes are wide-distributed in the Coibal steppe. Coarse-grained feather-grass steppes are less common in black humus earth lands. Plowed steppes are more mesophilic, include about 40 species of plants with a significant participation of steppe cereal grasses and forbs. There are cheegrass (Lasiagrostis), lyme grass (Elymus), hemp nettle (Galeopsis) from the saline steppes of the Koibal steppe (Kuzmin, 2007).

Material and methods

Bugs (Hemiptera) were collected mainly mowing grass vegetation using entomological net. Manual method of collecting the exhauster was used in the collection of materials. Further the insects were pickled with ethyl acetate and mounted on entomological pins.
The material is stored at the Common Use Center “Biological Collection Center” (“Terrestrial Invertebrates” Sector) of Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Kyzyl). Information about species distribution are taken from the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Asian part of Russia (Vinokurov et al., 2010).

Species list


Stenodema trispinosa Reuter, 1904
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 15 km S Arshanovo village, River Abakan, duct, Poa meadow (53,377121N, 90,985647E), 21.VII. 2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 2♀.

Stenotus binotatus(Fabricius, 1794)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 15 km S Arshanovo village, River Abakan, duct, Poa meadow (53,377121N, 90,985647E), 21.VII.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♀.
DISTRIBUTION. European-Siberian.

Pilophorus mongolicusKerzhner, 1984
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 15 km S Arshanovo village, River Abakan, duct, Poa meadow (53,377121N, 90,985647E), 21.VII. 2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♂.
DISTRIBUTION. Siberia. – Mongolia.

Closterotomus samojedorum (J. Sahlberg, 1878)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 15 km S Arshanovo village, River Abakan, duct, Poa meadow (53,377121N, 90,985647E), 21.VII. 2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♀.
DISTRIBUTION. North European part of Russia, Siberia. – Mountains of Central Asia.

Halticus pusillus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)
MATERIAL. Beysky Distr., 15 km SW Shalginov village, River Solobool, floodplain (53,319633N, 90,885430E), 24.VII.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 2♂, 2♀.
DISTRIBUTION. European-Siberian.


Dictyla minuta Golub, 1976
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 10 km SE Arshanovo village, sea buckthorn thickets (53,375021N, 90,017469E), 26.VI.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♂.
DISTRIBUTION. East steppe.

Dictyla lupuli (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1837)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 15 km S Arshanovo village, River Abakan, duct, Poa meadow (53,319633N, 90,885430E), 21.VII.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♀.
DISTRIBUTION. European-Siberian.

Lasiacantha kaszabi Hoberlandt, 1977
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 15 km S Arshanovo village, River Abakan, duct, Poa meadow (53,319633N, 90,885430E), 21.VII. 2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♂.
DISTRIBUTION. East Siberia. – Mongolia.

Kalama tricornis(Schrank, 1801)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 20 km S Arshanovo village, bluegrass-wormwood steppe (53,352518N, 91,063673E), 22.VII.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♀.


Peritrechus convivus (Stål, 1858)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 9 km SE Arshanovo village, feather grass and wormwood steppes with Achnatherum splendens (53,378688N, 91,051692E), 08.V.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 3♂, 3♀; Beysky Distr., 15 km SW Shalginov village, Poa meadow (53,316419N, 90,9187573E), 25.VI.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 5♀.


Myrmus miriformis miriformis (Fallen, 1807)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., SE Arshanovo village, caraganno-grass steppe (53,35N, 91,066667E), 21.III.2018, 3♀.
DISTRIBUTION. Transpalearctic.


Parapiesma salsolae (Becker, 1867)
MATERIAL. Beysky Distr., 20 km S Shalginov village, alkali soils, collection with Salsola spp. (53,304531N, 90,918346E), 26.VI.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♀.
DISTRIBUTION. European-Siberian. – Mountains of Central Asia.


Berytinus crassipes(Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 5 km SE Arshanovo village, meadow steppe (53,377603N, 91,038214E), 09.V.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♂.
DISTRIBUTION. European-Siberian.


Coriomerus scabricornis scabricornis (Panzer, 1805)
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 25 km S Arshanovo village, grass-wormwood-feather grass steppe (53,368766N, 91,046873E), 22.VII.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♂.
DISTRIBUTION. Transpalearctic.


Rhopalus parumpunctatus Schilling, 1829
MATERIAL. Altai Distr., 25 km S Arshanovo village, grass-wormwood-feather grass steppe (53,368766N, 91,046873E), 22.VII.2018 (Kuzhuget S.V.), 1♀.
DISTRIBUTION. Transpalearctic.


Babichev, N.S., & Vinokurov, N.N. (2011). Contribution to the Heteroptera fauna of Khakasia and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Trudy Russkogo entomologicheskogo obshchestva, 82, 29–41 (in Russian).

Kuzmin , V.A. (Ed.) (2007). Encyclopedia of the Republic of Khakassia. Abakan: Polikor (in Russian).
Vinokurov, N.N., Kanyukova, E.V, & Golub, V.B. (2010). Catalogue of Heteroptera of the Asian part of Russia. Novosibirsk: Nauka (In Russian).


Kuzhuget, S.V. (2019). New records of true bugs (Heteroptera) from Khakasia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5 (1), 53-55.
Submitted: 03.12.2018. Accepted: 30.01.2019

© 2019 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (