New localities for six species of plants (Achillea schmakovii, Botrychium lunaria, Cystopteris altajensis, Euphrasia altaica, Agrostis tuvinica and Calamagrostis × thyrsoidea), five species of lichens (Bacidina phacodes, Leptogium burnetiae, Melanelixia albertana, Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla, Tetramelas chloroleucus) and nine species of Lepidoptera (Parnassius apollo, Lampides boeticus, Limenitis sydyi, Maniola jurtina, Erebia kindermanni, Eudia pavonia, Proserpinus proserpina, Macroglossum stellatarum, Catocala elocata) are reported for Altai Territory and Republic of Altai. Lichens Bacidina phacodes, Tuckermannopsis chlorophylla, Tetramelas chloroleucus and Lepidoptera Lampides boeticus, Maniola jurtina, Proserpinus proserpina and Catocala elocata are reported as new for Altai Territory, Macroglossum stellatarum and Limenitis sydyi are new for the Republic of Altai. Localities and ecological preferences are indicated for each species.
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