Chemotaxonomic study of Spiraea aemiliana compared to the closely species S. betulifolia and S. beauverdiana
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Spiraea aemiliana
S. betulifolia
S. beauverdiana
phenolic compounds
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

How to Cite

Kostikova, V., Kuznetsov, A., Tishchenko, E., & Fayzylkhakova, A. (2019). Chemotaxonomic study of Spiraea aemiliana compared to the closely species S. betulifolia and S. beauverdiana. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(3), 15-21.


The composition and content of phenolic compounds in the leaves of Spiraea aemiliana Schneid. from 2 natural populations growing on the Island of Kunashir were studied by HPLC. The chromatographic profiles of S. aemiliana and closely related species S. betulifolia Pall and S. beauverdiana Schneid. were compared. Nineteen compounds were detected in 40 % water-ethanol extracts from the leaves of S. aemiliana. Of these, сhlorogenic, p-сoumaric and cinnamic acids, quercetin, kaempferol, hyperoside, isoquercitrin rutin, avicularin, astragalin and dihydroquercetin (taxifolin) were identified. A specific compound in the leaves of S. aemiliana is isoquercitrin, not identified in other closely related species. The chromatographic profiles of S. aemiliana and S. betulifolia are generally very similar. This is additional evidence of the opinion of scientists about the taxonomic rank of S. aemiliana as a subspecies, variation, or form of S. betulifolia. S. aemiliana (the sum of phenolic compounds varies from 16.4 to 23.,88 mg/g) is more similar to S. beauverdiana in the quantitative content of phenolic compounds. Leaves of S. aemiliana contain a lot of hyperoside (up to 9.50 mg/g), which is almost twice as much as that of S. beauverdiana (up to 4.3 mg/g) and 6 times that of S. betulifolia (up to 1.55 mg/g). The revealed difference in the hyperoside content between the three Spiraea taxa is statistically significant.
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