Phytoplankton of the Boguchany reservoir in 2016-2017 at the stations in front of the hydroelectric dam
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Angara River
Boguchany Dam

How to Cite

Usoltseva, M. V., & Titova, L. A. (2017). Phytoplankton of the Boguchany reservoir in 2016-2017 at the stations in front of the hydroelectric dam. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 3(3), 57-65.


The species structure and seasonal dynamics of the phytoplankton of the dam area of the Boguchany Reservoir were studied in the first years of operation of the hydroelectric power station in 2016-2017. Two peaks of algal bloom are noted in spring and summer. Mass species were: diatom Stephanodiscus minutulus and dinophyte Gymnodinium baicalense in spring; diatoms Asterionella formosa and Fragilaria crotonensis, blue-green Dolichospermum lemmermannii, D. flosaquae, D. flosaquae f. spiroides and Aphanizomenon flosaquae; green Sphaerocystis planctonica and dinophyte Ceratium hirundinella in summer; diatoms F. crotonensis and A. formosa, cryptophytic Rhodomonas pusilla and Cryptomonas ovata in autumn. The cryptophyte R. pusilla and the Cryptomonas species were dominated under the ice. The maximum number of phytoplankton (9 million cells in liter) was recorded in the spring. According to the indixes of saprobity, the purity of water corresponded to II-III quality classes (pure and moderately polluted water).
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Angara River. Available from: Accessed on 25.09.2017

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