CURRENT CULTURE <p>"CURRENT CULTURE" is a specialized academic peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the problems of development of traditional and innovative culture as a value-semantic system and presenting the results of research by Russian and foreign researchers.</p> <p>Published since 2023.</p> <p><strong>ISSN: </strong>2949-5482</p> <p>Publisher's address: 66 Dimitrova St., room 513A, Barnaul, 656049, Russian FederationPeriodicity of the journal - 4 issues per year.</p> <p>The scope of the journal's activities:<br>- operative publication of scientific researches on problems of modern culture in a wide philosophical and outlook aspect;<br>- Providing opportunities for the publication of scientific degrees in the journal's profile;<br>- Providing Internet publication opportunities for a wide range of researchers, teachers, practitioners, as well as undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students who have shown themselves in research activities;<br>- information support and accompaniment of scientific and educational projects and operational exchange of scientific information.</p> Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Алтайский государственный университет» ru-RU CURRENT CULTURE 2949-5482 Ethnicity and the forms of its manifestation in culture and public life (using the example of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East) <p>The article analyzes the ethnicity of the indigenous peoples of the North, taking into account the biological and genetic characteristics of their development, the form of its manifestation in public life and culture. The formed biological type of ethnic groups living in extreme conditions of the natural and climatic environment is characterized by the dominant development of right-hemisphere (figurative) thinking, which contributes to building harmonic relations with nature and the outside world. Ethnicity is manifested in the presence of a developed ethnic identity among the peoples of the North, enshrined in the self-name of the ethnic group, the national language (most often spoken), the peculiarities of culture and life, the originality of the system of kinship, nutrition, religion and religious cults. Ethnicity for small peoples are a way of preserving and developing their individuality in a multinational society. This is the possibility of its entry into the national cultures of other peoples. The article is a revised and supplemented, published earlier, article by the author "Ethnicity as a factor in the socio-cultural self-determination of the people (based on the material of the peoples of the North) (Kryaklinа 1998).</p> Tamara F. Kryaklina Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 16 Сivilizational approach in the content of the course «fundamentals of Russian Statehood» <p>The subject of the study is the use of the civilizational approach as a basic paradigm for studying the social dynamics of various countries and peoples, and especially Russia as a state-civilization, in the content of the course «Fundamentals of Russian Statehood». This discipline has been introduced for students of all directions in higher education organizations of the Russian Federation from the 2023-2024 academic year. Civilization theories of domestic and foreign authors, set out in sufficient detail in the text of the course textbooks, are compared with linear-stage approaches to the development of society. The concept of «civilization» is considered by the compilers of the academic discipline both in the universal aspect and in the aspect of uniqueness. The latter makes it possible to identify the specifics of Russian civilization and determine its value principles. The article concludes about the possibility of using the civilizational approach, along with other theories of socio-historical development, to implement the goals and objectives of the educational course.</p> Marina A. Shirokova Shirokova Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 12 Cultural experience in phenomenology Stavenhagen <p>The article focuses on the consideration of cultural experience in the phenomenology of the German thinker Kurt Stavenhagen (1884-1951). An assessment is given of the correlation of the appearance and non-appearance of things through their transcendence through nature and logos in comparison with cultural experience. It is established that the category of cultural experience in comparison with aesthetic experience gives an idea of the direction of transcendence of things, and also becomes an additional source of transcendence. Stavenhagen's approach highlights the characteristic of cultural experience as a phenomenological perspective of grasping things. At the same time, the key problem of the study is the lack of completeness of ideas about the place given to cultural experience in the transcendence of things. In part, Stavenhagen's concept fills this gap.</p> Purevsuren Byambakhishig Evgenia K. Belikova Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 12 Culturalphilosophical foundations of the study of the phenomenon of friendship of peoples <p>The article examines two trends in the relations of peoples - the tendency towards isolation and the tendency towards unification. The ethnocentric belief of ancient people in their natural superiority over other peoples coexists with the desire for peaceful, good neighborly relations. Medieval Central Asian thinkers talk about the equality of people of all nationalities and the need for dialogue between cultures. In modern times, the idea of Eurocentrism is opposed by the refusal to perceive non-European peoples as less valuable and developed. In the 21st century solidarity is proclaimed one of the fundamental values of humanity. The author comes to the conclusion that the idea of equal, friendly relations between peoples is deeply rooted in human existence. Its development is conditioned by the logic of the unfolding of human social life and is a form of the embodiment of culture as a constructive, creative process. Thor comes to the conclusion that the idea of equal, friendly relations between peoples is deeply rooted in human existence.</p> Savely А. Muzhchil Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 12 The role of F.'s ideas Aquinas in solving the problem of substantiation of faith and knowledge <p>The article examines the ideas of the medieval thinker F. Aquinas, which contribute to solving the problem of substantiating faith and knowledge. The context of the formation of medieval philosophical thought is presented and its connections with the ancient intellectual tradition are demonstrated. The essential characteristics are shown and the problems of the philosophy of the Middle Ages are outlined. It has been proven that the concepts of creation and revelation are the leading principles of medieval ontology and epistemology. The contribution of F. Aquinas to the intellectual heritage of the declared historical period is noted. Five proofs of the existence of God are analyzed. At the conclusion of the study, the vectors of development and influence of the ideas of F. Aquinas on subsequent intellectual directions are outlined.</p> Nikita N. Ravochkin Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 10 Сон и сновидение в традиционной картине мира <p>Статья посвящена изучению русских пословиц и поговорок, описывающих состояние сна. В них отражены традиционные народные представления о том, что происходит с человеком в этом состоянии, как он воспринимает мир. «Сонные» пословицы и поговорки свидетельствуют, явно или косвенно, о сжатии и расширении времени во сне. Пространство снореальности воспринимается как незнакомое место, в которое можно вернуться, чтобы его «поправить». Во сне человек становится «думным», «думает не свою думу» или «не в своем уме». Его ментальное состояние трактуется как «чужое», вызывающее «несанкционированное» речепорождение. Сон наделяется взаимоисключающими характеристиками, рассматривается то в координатах смерти, то в координатах жизни.</p> Gigla Dzhindzholia Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 16 Тhe philosophical and aesthetic Сoncept of unity in variety in the architectural criticism of nestor Кukolnik <p>The article is devoted to the philosophical and aesthetic interpretation of the critical works of the writer, art historian, art and architecture critic Nestor Vasilievich Kukolnik (1809-1868), devoted to the architecture of early eclecticism in Russia. The author's views on architecture, in the context of contradictory worldview trends of the Romantic era, correlate with the principles of the philosophical and aesthetic concept of unity in variety, the realization of which is aimed at achieving a qualitatively new architecture of «high taste». The critic comes to the assertion of the artistic significance of the new polystylistic approach in architecture by identifying the continuity and commonality of the style formation. The result of N.V. Kukolnik's critical reflection can be seen as a philosophical and aesthetic decomposition of the principle of unity in variety in its applied meaning in the field of architectural creativity of the period of national architectural eclecticism of the XIX century, which has not lost its relevance in present days.</p> Natalya V. Bagrova Andrey N. Zhurin Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 14 The impact of media content on modern speech culture (based on the materials of the regional digital media of Volgograd) <p>The article analyzes the facts of violations of linguistic, communicative and ethical norms of the modern Russian language in digital media, which are part of modern Internet communication. The authors raise the problem of the negative influence of the media on the Russian speech culture due to the low quality of the information products. The paper shows the typical tendencies for modern Russian speech to abuse unjustified borrowings, to vulgarization and jargonization, to the erasure of normative and ethical boundaries in the Internet space. It is noted that a typical feature of the modern speech situation is the abuse of anglicisms. This trend is also noted in modern media, and it is the media that often contribute to the popularization of new borrowings among the population. This may be due to various factors: fashion, the desire of journalists to appear more educated and modern, to attract a younger audience, but as a result it leads to negative consequences in relation to speech culture.</p> Maria V. Denisenko Irina S. Nikitina Copyright (c) 2024-04-01 2024-04-01 1 1 10