• Даниил (Daniil) Валерьевич (Valer'evich) Иванов (Ivanov) St. Petersburg State Forestry University S.M. Kirov Email:
  • Адольф (Adol'f) Ануфриевич (Anufrievich) Леонович (Leonovich) St. Petersburg State Forestry University S.M. Kirov Email:
  • Антон (Anton) Станиславович (Stanislavovich) Мазур (Mazur) St. Petersburg State Forestry University S.M. Kirov Email:
Keywords: cyanoguanidine, guanylurea sulfate, formaldehyde, acceptors of formaldehyde, toxicity of wood boards


Fiberboards are producing of vegetable raw materials and urea-formaldehyde glues. The necessity to bind formaldehyde led to the search for modifiers that are capable to reduce the toxicity of wood boards without impairment of their physico-mechanical properties. It was researched how guanylurea sulfate influences on some process, which are occur during the formation of wood boards. The salts were synthesized at molar ratios of cyanoguanidine : sulfuric acid from 1 : 0.1 to 1 : 0.5 and their effects on the technological parameters of the glue were investigated. It was found that in combination with the urea-formaldehyde resin guanylurea sulfate sworn GUS-0.5 synthesized at a 1 : 0.5 molar ratio is most suitable as it accelerates hardening of the resin without negative influence on other standard parameters. Physicochemical tests and 13C solid-state NMR spectroscopy have shown that upon injection into the glue GUS-0.5 reacts with the functional groups of the urea-formaldehyde oligomer while embedding into the structure of the curing resin. At temperatures of hot pressing of wood boards in case of injection into the composition separately from the glue GUS-0.5 is subject to thermal transformations with the formation of ammonia. It’s shown that the properties of fiberboards depend on the method of injection of the modifier into the composition. To effectively reduce toxicity without impairment of their physico-mechanical properties should be used a combined method of using the modifier when one half is injected into the glue and the other half separately.


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Author Biographies

Даниил (Daniil) Валерьевич (Valer'evich) Иванов (Ivanov), St. Petersburg State Forestry University S.M. Kirov

аспирант кафедры технологии древесных и целлюлозных композиционных материалов

Адольф (Adol'f) Ануфриевич (Anufrievich) Леонович (Leonovich), St. Petersburg State Forestry University S.M. Kirov

заведующий кафедрой древесных и целлюлозных композиционных материалов, доктор технических наук, профессор

Антон (Anton) Станиславович (Stanislavovich) Мазур (Mazur), St. Petersburg State Forestry University S.M. Kirov

инженер ресурсного центра магнитно-резонанстых методов исследования


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Спектры образцов отвержденной карбамидоформальдегидной смолы
How to Cite
1. Иванов (Ivanov)Д. (Daniil) В. (Valer’evich), Леонович (Leonovich)А. (Adol’f) А. (Anufrievich), Мазур (Mazur)А. (Anton) С. (Stanislavovich) THE STUDY OF GUANIL UREA SULFATE AS A MODIFIER OF FIBREBOARD // chemistry of plant raw material, 2019. № 1. P. 277-285. URL: