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Danchay-ool A.A. Email:


The article analyzes the prospects for the development of folk pedagogical traditions, the achievements of which are used in ethnopedagogy. It is determined that the modern cultural space is full of contradictions that create both unification processes and isolationism. Tolerance for other cultures and other social experiences becomes the key to the sustainable development of the global community. But tolerance should be instilled simultaneously through a deep understanding of the essence of one's own culture and the meanings of other cultures. This allows the formation of an understanding of the diversity of human forms of being in the minds of young people.


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A.A., D.- ool 2023. THE IMPORTANCE OF ETHNOPEDAGOGY IN THE FORMATION OF TOLERANCE IN MODERN. Social Integration and Development of Ethnic Cultures in the Eurasian Space. 1, 13 (Apr. 2023), 108-113.


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