Society andSecurity Insights № 1 2022 68
Научная статья / Original Article
УДК 316.472.4
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2022)1-05
Сетевой подход всоциологии:
теоретический обзор основных направлений
Дарья Александровна Ластовкина
Вологодский научный центр Российской академии наук, Вологда, Россия,,
Аннотация.         ,
      . -
     ,    
       -
 .  ,     -
 ,       ,
  .        -
  «».      
«», ,   ,   , 
       -
      .
 ,      
      .
        . -
       
 .     :  
,  ,     .
      . -
         -
.        «
»        -
,   «»  .
Ключевые слова:  ,  ,  , -
 ,  
Финансирование:    ,  «
    ».   20-011-0032.
Для цитирования: Ластовкина Д. А. Сетевой подход всоциологии: теоретический обзор
основных направлений // Society and Security Insights. 2022. Т. 5, №1. С.68–80. doi: 10.14258/
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 69
Network Approach inSociology:
a eoretical Review ofMain Directions
Daria A. Lastovkina
Vologda Research Center RAS, Vologda, Russia,,
Abstract. e twentieth century was marked by alarge number ofvarious kinds ofchanges
that aected almost all spheres ofsociety. New phenomena began toappear insociological sci-
ence, the explanation ofwhich caused diculties and required sociological theory torethink the
methods and analytical models used by it. Among the factors that have had an active inuence on
the evolution ofthe network concept, rst ofall, we should include the development oftransport
infrastructure, telephone networks and the Internet. e concept ofa network has been increas-
ingly used toexplain social phenomena. is approach inmodern sociology is called “network,
which, according tomany researchers, is quite productive, as it has ahigh potential insolving ex-
isting problems and informing aresponse tothe emerging tasks ofmodern sociological science.
It should be noted that inthe domestic sociological tradition and inapplied research, the possibili-
ties ofusing the “network approach” remain poorly understood. Many Russian sociologists do not
include this approach inthe focus oftheir attention. is article presents acomparative theoretical
analysis ofthe existing areas ofthe network approach. e main aspects ofcomparison are: the
time and context ofappearance, the main provisions, the methodology and methods ofempirical
research. Common features and dierences between the analyzed areas are highlighted. At the
end ofthe article, aconclusion is formulated about the autonomy ofeach ofthe designated areas.
Based on this fact, it is assumed that the term “network approach” is used solely as acollective
name for dierent theories and approaches that operate with the concept ofa network indierent
Keywords: network approach, network analysis, relational sociology, actor-network theory,
social networks
Financing: e article was prepared with the support ofthe Russian Foundation for Basic
Research, grant “Collective actions and social capital inRussian society” Project No. 20-011-0032.
For citation: Lastovkina D. A. (2022). Network Approach in Sociology: a Theoretical Review
ofMain Directions. Society and Security Insights, 5(1), 68–80. (In Russ.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)1-05.
  .      
,       
  .    
«», ,   ,    -
.        
  (, , )  -
, ,    - .
,      «»,  .
 ,    ,   -
Society andSecurity Insights № 1 2022 70
 , . .        
 .   ,  
      -
    .    -
  .   -
    ,  , ,
 .
        
:    ,
   «»    .  -
 « » (network studies)   
 (  )  (). 
      (social network analysis,
SNA)   (relational sociology).   
  ,   : - -
 (actor-network theory, ANT).
        -
  ,     -
       .
Источники развития сетевого подхода
        -
,    :
1)    , ,,
       -
  ;
2)       ( -
, );
3)     —  «».
        -
   « ?» (Moreno, 1934).    
  ,  ,     -
.  .      
  .     
      , 
    .
        -
 («», «», «», «»)   
  .  (Bavelas, 1948).     
   .   , 
       
 .    ,  -
  ,      ,
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 71
  .      
 .     .
    « »   1954 . 
.   «    », -
  « » (Barnes, 1954).  
    1952–1953 .    
  .    , 
 : «   , , 
   :    -
,     ,  
(associations),  ,  , -
    ,    -
. ,  ,   ;
      , -
   (obliquely and tentatively)» (Barnes, 1987).
        
  ( ,   
).  ,     
         -
     ,  
   SNA.
       . -
  .  (Cartwright & Zander, 1968).  
     ,  
     .   -
    .  (Newcomb, 1953),  -
,      
 .      -
 ABX-model,     
   (  B ),    
   ().     .  -
 ,   ,    
      -
 ,   .    
      -
  ,    
  .
      -
   , . .     -
   .    -
 :  ,   
(, , ),    (-
 , ).   ,   ,
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  ,   .   -
   , ,  ,  
  .     -
         
,    .  
      ,  -
       ,  
,     .
        . 
(2).        
  , , ,  
,  ,   .  -
      .
     ,   -
   .    
   .   
     
    ,  .
Анализ социальных сетей (social network analysis, SNA)
     ,  -
    ,   
   .   SNA  ,  -
       -
 .
 ,    , 
 .  «  » (Granovetter, 1973).  -
  ,       
      :  ,
  , ,   , ,   .
       
«»,      ()    ().
   ,   -
,     ,    
 ,  ,  ..   
   ,     
  , . .       
 ,   .
        
   . -,   -
      
    ,  -
      -. --
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 73
,       
 ,      
. -,     
,  , ,   .
       
.  (Wellman, 1983).     , 
   .
 ,      
  (Wellman, 1983),      
.   SNA  ,  -
    .     -
       .
      -
  ,    .
   ,   -
      (. .).
   . 
Principles ofnetwork analysis by B. Wellman
Для социологического объяснения сильным источ-
ником являются структурированные социальные
отношения, ане персональные атрибуты членов
 
  -
    -
,     
(    )
  -
  
    
  ,   -
 ,    
   -
  -
  
     , -
   -
  
   -
 ,    
  -  
       -
 SNA       -
. .  ,   ,    
,      -
,     «   ,  -
    ,    
 ,      
.         -
   » (Erikson, 213).
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     .   -
   (Emirbayer,1994; Mützel, 29).  
      -
 .     
SNA  :   ,  
     . 
       .
  ,    
      
.       
 . , ,    (-
, )     ,    -
    .    
      .   
  ,      .  
.  (Mizruchi, 1994),    
 ,      
 .    
 ,     .  
,  «     -
  „ “ ,    
   » (Pachucki, 21),   -
      . -
  ,  . , . , . , 
 SNA      -
.     ,  
 .
     
     —  ,
      . -
 ,      
     .
  SNA     -
 ,     .
Реляционная социология
    -
 ,   .
      .  (Donati, 1983), -
      ,    -
      . 
    ,   
«-»  (   .   
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 75
 )   .  . .  
      . 
(Emirbayer, Goodwin, 1994),     -
        -
.       
  .  «  » (Emirbayer,
1997),         -
  ,    -
 .     ,   -
    ,   
     .
    
Intellectual centers for the development ofrelational sociology
        -
    .  «  .   -
 »,    1992 .,   
 28 . (White, 1992; 28).     -
       
 . .  ,   
       -
     .  ,  -
,   ,    
,  .    ,  -
        .
  .  « .   -
Society andSecurity Insights № 1 2022 76
 »       
   .
       -
    , 
 ,  .   
  ,    .   
  ,   
Акторно-сетевая теория (actor-network theory, ANT)
  — - , -
    .   -
        -
   ,   7-.
.   Science and Technology Studies (  -
) Science, Technology and Society (,  )— STS (Douglas,
23).    STS     -
   ,  ,   
    (, 213). 
«» «»     
,    ,     ,
         -
.      . , . 
.   «  », 
« » (, 214).   . --
,     , 
    (post-social turn), ,  -
   «     -
      , 
  » (-, 22).
  ANT    :  (. -
, .  . )   (. , . , . ,
. ).       -
      
« » .  (Latour,1988)    -
    ANT. 1881 . .   
  ,      , ,
  ,      .
.   ,   -
        ,  -
 ,      -
    .    
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 77
 .   ,    -
       
  ,     
 «».   « »   -
 ,      , -
      .
  -    
       .   -
  ANT     -
 .     -
  ,    
     .
       -
   ,         -
       -
     . , ,  
     
      . 
,       SNA, -
      -
.     - , 
   «»   
.  ,       -
       -
,      
   .
        -
     .  
       
    « ».    -
      ,
      ,   -
   .    
     
    ,    -
 .
Список источников
 .  : ,   . .
.  . . . . . . :  , 2. 68 .
- .  :   -
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   //    .
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Информация об авторе / Information about the Author
Дарья Александровна Ластовкина— c   -
,      , , 
Daria A. Lastovkina — Senior laboratory assistant with higher education, Vologda
Scientic Center ofthe Russian Academy ofSciences, Moscow, Vologda, Russia
Статья поступила вредакцию 11.02.2022;
одобрена после рецензирования 20.02.2022;
принята кпубликации 10.03.2022.
The article was submitted 11.02.2022;
approved after reviewing 20.02.2022;
accepted for publication 10.03.2022.