Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2022 106
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 616.89:614.4
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2022)2-07
Пcихическое здоровье ипути его сбережения
во время пандемии COVID-19
Татьяна Васильевна Милаева
Институт социально-экономических иэнергетических проблем Севера Коми
научного центра Уральского отделения РАН, Сыктывкар, Россия,,
Аннотация.    ,    COVID-19
    .  
         -
,  ,    ,  .  -
    .     
   ,      -
    .  — 
    ,   .
      , -
     .  ,   
      -
      
  , .
Ключевые слова: COVID-19,  ,  , -
  , ,  , c
Финансирование:      « 
  :      »
(122012700169-9, 2022–2024.).
Для цитирования: Милаева Т.'В. Психическое здоровье населения ипути его сбережения
вовремя пандемии COVID-19 // Society and Security Insights. 2022. Т. 5, № 2. С. 106–119. doi:
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 107
Mental Health and Ways to Save it During the COVID-19
Tatiana V. Milaeva
Institute for Socio-Economic & Energy Problems ofthe North Коmi
Science Centre ofthe Ural Branch ofthe RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia,,
Abstract. e relevance ofthe article lies inthe fact that against the background ofthe COV-
ID-19 pandemic, people face serious psychological problems. Most Russians living today have
never experienced the shocks ofwar or global catastrophes, so the emotions they are experiencing
now are unfamiliar to them. Prolonged anxiety leads to the development ofmental disorders. In
the zone ofthe North ofRussia, this problem is even more acute, since living inharsh climatic
conditions creates an additional burden on the psyche ofthe population.  e purpose ofthe article
is to analyze the causes ofmental health deterioration and the factors contributing to its preserva-
tion. Approaches to the problem ofdomestic and foreign researchers are considered, possible ways
ofpreserving mental health are given. It is concluded that inthis situation it is necessary to im-
prove the system ofproviding psychological and psychiatric care to the population and to study the
psycho-emotional consequences ofthe pandemic not only at the moment, but also inthe future.
Keywords: COVID-19, mental health, mental disorders, psychological and psychiatric ser-
vice, post-COVID, risk groups, coping
Financial Support: the study was carried out within the framework ofthe research project
„Human resources ofthe northern regions ofRussia: development potential or limitation ofeco-
nomic growth“ (No. GR 122012700169-9, 2022–2024).
For citation: Milaeva, T.V. (2022). Mental Health and Ways to Save it During the COVID-19 Pan-
demic. Society and Security Insights, 5(2), 106–119. (In Russ.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)2-07.
       
,        -
   ,    
 (Xiang et al., 22),  (Rossi et al., 22)  (Schwartz, 22).
  , O   
(World Health Organization, 22),    -
      
      COVID-19 (Mental Health UK,
22).      
      
  (, 1996: 689–694;  .,
21; , , 29; Courtet et al., 22).   
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2022 108
       :
, ,  ,   ,  
(Courtet et al., 22).   ,   -
 ,   ,  -
, ,      -
      
(Goyal et al., 219).
        
      (, ,
 , , - , ),
    ,    -
 ,  ,  ,
  ( ., 22; , 22).
   ,   
      
    ,   
,      ( ., 22).
        ,   -
,  ,   -
.         -
 ,  .     
  , , , -
.          -
 28  ,    7%  .
   .    
 ,   .
Последствия перенесенной коронавирусной инфекции для психического
 ,     
2%. (-
)   ,     
:    ,   -
,    ,     ,
     .   ,
   .     -
 .       .
,     ,  COVID-19,
   : ,  -
,     (). 
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 109
   — ,  
    6–7% , -
 COVID-19, — 25–3%,  — 15–
2%, — 8–1%  .    -
   14 9    — 
     ,   -
  . COVID-19    
- ,     -
.      2–3  .
 ,      -
   ,   , -
   ,  
  Sars-CoV-2   . -
    (-   ),  
  —  ,  
, , ,  ,   
  .    
  .     
     ,  ,  -
      , 
   .
    —  
,       
,       .
 ,      -
  ,    .
 ,    ,  , -
   ,      «-
». ,       , -
 , , 
  .      
        -
  .  ,   ,
,   ,     ,  ,  -
  . ,     :   -
   ,      .
   (APA)  
  COVID-19,   221 ., ,
      -
  COVID-19.  ,   
,     COVID-19.  -
   , ,  ,   
 .      
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2022 110
 : , ,  -
.        
       
 PostCovid-19 LongCovid,    U9.9, -
  «  COVID-19, ».   -
  ,     
  ,  .
 ,   ,   -
 .      
 ,      , -
.  ,    , -
      .1
Значимость сбережения психического здоровья вовремя пандемии
  —   -
 ,    , 
      , .. -
    .
     
(  ,  , (. mental health)) -
 ,       -
,    ,  ,
      ( , 218).
     : 
,     
«»;      ; -
 ,     ; 
  ()    , -
  ;    
   ;  -
    ;  
      .
        -
 , , ,  .
     , -
   ,    
  ,   .
     , 
, , ,  ,
 ,   .
   «»  « ».
    « -
1 Постковид. URL:
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 111
»   ,    .
—   ,   
  ,   -
  ,   ,   -
 .Психологическое здоровье—   ,  -
  ,   , ,
,   (  , 22).
     13  22 .  (, 22),
     ,   -
   ,    .   
    ,   -
       . 
     ,   
      -
.       
      COVID-19  -
     —  -
  .     
 ,  ,      .
       2  -
 ,   .
   ,     -
      :
,      , 
   . ,   -
  ,    , -
      
 ,     . 
,       
 ;
       -
      ,  COVID-19.
  65      7  
. ,      -
    ,    
,         
  .  ,   
     .  
- ,   ;
     ,   -
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     .   -
     .  
        ,
  ,      -
 ;
    ,   .
       -
      ,
  .     
-    ,   
       .  
      
 .
Возможные пути испособы сохранения психического здоровья
   ,  -
       
    .
      -
      
   .
. .    «   
 COVID-1 (22) ,    -
      --
     (, 21) 
    ,  -
,  -
      : 
    ,  , 
   ,  COVID-19,
 COVID-19,  ,   -
 COVID-19,  ,   
 .
      
« »  « » (  -
 ).     
  ,      
 ,      .  -
       
    ,  
  : 1)  ,  ;
2)  COVID-19     ; 3) 
,    COVID-19; 4)  ,
  ; 5)  , 
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COVID-19,    
   (, 22).
       -
 ,       -
       -
      
,   —  -
  (Garriga et al., 22).
      1 -
   :
1.       
     ,    
 .    ,    --
 ,     ,
      .
2.     ,    
   ,    -
,   ,    -
  ,       -
      
3. COVID-19      -
 ,      ,  
 ,        -
.       
   ,     COVID-19 ,
     —   
  . ,    
,  ,      -
 ,      -
  ,     -
 ,     
,      ,  
     .
       -
     .   -
   ,  , -
  ,  .
,       -
  , ,     
    . -
1 Эксперт ВОЗ: COVID-19 разрушает нетолько организм, ноипсихику. URL:
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2022 114
      
  .
 «» (. oping)   .  
  ,   -
 .    .  «»,  «-
 »,    , 
   (, 212: 259–263).
. . , . .  . .    -
      -
  (,  , 22: 918).  
,       -
      ,
, ,  , .    -
—  «» ,  , 
, .      -
,  ,  ,   ,
.     ,  
 .      
,       
—   ,   .
. .  . .      -
       -
., 
 .     
 ,   .    
  .     -
 ,      -
  , ,   
.      —  
     . 
,      
       
(, , 22: 7–89).
. .  . .  (22: 53–57)   --
    .  . ,  -
       
     (, 22: 4–43). 
       
 ,      , ..
      , -
      ,     -
Государство, гражданское общество и стабильность 115
     
,    ,  
 .
       -
  ,   -
 ,    
  .
,       -
,  ,     .  -
      ,  -
  ,   .
Рекомендации ВОЗ
  22 .     
     1.  ,  
, ,       —  -
  .
    ,  ,   -
 ;
  ,    ,  -
  ;
       -
  ,     -
 ;
      ,
,        -
,   ;
     ,  
    .
      -
   ,      
      -
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     
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  — . . , ,   -
  -   
      ,. -
, .
Tatiana V. Milaeva— Cand.Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher,
Institute for Socio-Economic & Energy Problems ofthe North, Kmi Science Centre
ofthe Ural Branch ofthe RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 11.04.2022;
одобрена после рецензирования 5.05.2022;
принята кпубликации 10.05.2022.
The article was submitted 11.04.2022;
approved after reviewing 5.05.2022;
accepted for publication 10.05.2022.