, 
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 613.861
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2022)3-09
  
    VID-19
(  
  )
Юлия Евгеньевна Шматова1,
Ирина Николаевна Разварина2
1, 2 Вологодский научный центр Российской академии наук, Вологда, Россия
1 ueshmatova@mail.ru,
2 irina.razvarina@mail.ru,
.    COVID-19  ,  -
      .    -
,  ,      
   .    -
    «   -
   »,     .
  —   364    :
2004, 2014 2020 .. (  1, 7 17 ).   ,
      . : ,
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 139
 ,       -
 .        
   ,    
,   ,   , -
  ,     . 
       
 .      
 ,     , 
       ,
     .      -
      . -
       
  .   ,   -
,      
     COVID-19   -
  .
 :  COVID-19,  , , , ,
 , ,  , -
Для цитирования: Шматова Ю. Е., Разварина И. Н. Дети иих родители встрессовой си-
туации пандемии СОVID-19 (результаты когортного исследования вВологодской области) //
Society and Security Insights. 2022. Т. 5, № 3. С.138–155. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)3-09.
Children and eir Parents
in the Stress Situation ofthe COVID-19 Pandemic
(Results ofa Cohort Study in the Vologda Region)
Yulia E. Shmatova1,
Irina N.Razvarina2
1, 2 Vologda research center ofRussian academy ofsciences, Vologda, Russia,
1 ueshmatova@mail.ru,
2 irina.razvarina@mail.ru,
Abstract. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF warned that the mental well-being
ofchildren and adolescents could be severely aected. And their parents are also, according to
scientists, a group ofincreased risk ofadverse outcomes ofthe outbreak ofa new coronavirus
infection. is study presents selective results ofthe cohort monitoring “Studying the conditions
for the formation ofa healthy generation in the Vologda Oblast, conducted by the Vologda Sci-
entic Center ofthe Russian Academy ofSciences. e information base is the results ofa survey
of364 mothers ofchildren from three cohorts born in 2004, 2014 and 2020 (aged 1, 7 and 17). e
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2022 140
problems and experiences faced by the families ofchildren and adolescents during the pandemic
are considered. Results: children, according to parents, most easily endured the situation ofthe
spread ofa new coronavirus infection. However, schoolchildrens mothers note in their children
an increase in the level offear for the health ofloved ones, the emergence ofproblems with dis-
tance learning, a decrease in physical activity, excessive passion for gadgets, an increase in body
weight, and a deterioration in physical and mental health. Parents ofrst-graders became the
group at increased risk ofdeveloping adverse psychological outcomes ofthe pandemic. ey were
more likely than other parents to face economic problems, experienced anxiety and depressive
symptoms, feelings ofguilt towards children due to insucient time and attention, their family
members began to quarrel more oen. Despite the severity ofthe condition, their behavior was
dominated by constructive coping actions in a dicult life situation. e most protected in psy-
cho-emotional and economic terms were the parents ofchildren ofthe rst year oflife. Health,
education and social policy professionals, governmental and non-governmental organizations
have an important role to play in mitigating the psychosocial negative impacts ofCOVID-19 on
children and adolescents and their parents.
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, children and adolescents, health, stress, anxiety, mental
stress, gadgets, distance learning, coping activities
For citation: Shmatova, Yu. E., Razvarina, I. N. (2022). Children and Their Parents in the Stress
Situation ofthe COVID-19 Pandemic (Results ofa Cohort Study in the Vologda Region). Society and
Security Insights, 5(3), 138–155. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)3-09.
    SARS-CoV-2 -
        
    ,  , , -
  ,     (Tso et al.,
222).      ,   COVID-19
         
   (Gjoneska et al., 222).   -
     ,  
   1    -
     . -
     , , 
 .     
,       . 
      -
    .     -
      
 ,     .   -
     ,  
  COVID-19,   ,
1 UNICEF. 2021. Protecting the most vulnerable children from the impact ofcoronavirus: an agenda
for action; 2020 April 3. https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/agenda-for-action.
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     (, , 22). 
  ,      
     
     (Meherali et al., 221).
      -
     , ,  
,    ( .. , , -
 ). ,   4    ,
       ,  -
— , 15%— .     -
,      COVID-19  
      (Tang et al., 221).
        
   /   
,   ,   -
     (Tso et al., 222).
  ,      -
     . 
     (1)   
    ; (2)  
; (3)      ; (4) -
       (Håkansson
et al., 221; Gjoneska et al., 222).       -
      
 .      
  ,   «  -
». ,      -
 (-11)       «-
,   » (Stein et al., 22).
  ,   47%  -
      (Sun et
al., 22).   , 221.  38%  -
,         -
, 7%—     ,  .
  ,     -, -
-     -
  ,  .   -
 ,   -    -
    (Zamboni et al., 221).
       -
,        
.  ,   , -
 ,       
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      -
   . ,  ,   
       (Meng et al.,
22; Guessoum et al., 22; Bhatia, 22). ,   (53%)  -
     (Higuchi et al., 22), -
 3%     5  ,   
   - (Sun et al., 22; Higuchi et al., 22;
Kar et al., 22).  7%   -  -
   ,   .   ,
 ,  ,  COVID-19,  
   (Elhai et al., 22).  , -
  ,  ,   , -
,   (Keles et al., 22; Chen et al., 221) 
  (Barry et al., 217).     
     
  (Amin et al., 222; Evren, 22; Kily et al., 22). 
  количеству экранного времени (,   
       ),  качеству экранного време-
ни (   )1.   
 ,     , -
  ,    -
    ,   , 
 (Tavormina, Tavormina, 221).
  ,  ,   —  -
 ,     -
  ,     -
 (O’Keee, Clarke-Pearson, 211).
 ,  ,   , -
 ,       -
  ,      
 .    -
,      
   ,    (Cluver et al.,
22), .. ,   - COVID-19.  -
       
 (  ,   -
 ) (Holmes et al., 22).
,   , ,   
      , -
     ,   
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 1.       -
      (Pfeerbaum,
North, 22).      
COVID-19      -
    ,   (Brooks et al., 22).
      ,
   ,   -
      
    COVID-19 (Tso et al., 222).
       -
  ,      -
        
      , 
    .
 
Целью      , 
      .
Информационная база исследования—   -
     «  
 »,     
  (  ) 1995. ,  
 ,     -
,     1- . -
       
 , ,  ,    .
    .   -
        (—
),       -
  ,    
      -
   .
     : 
 221. 22       (-
 22..), 111   - ( 214..)
34  17-  ( 24..).   -
   —  17- , 
      ,
 .      ,
    , . .  
 .
1 The Academy ofMedical Science (2020) Survey results: Understanding people’s concerns about the
mental health impacts ofthe COVID-19 pandemic. https://acmedsci.ac.uk/file-download/99436893.
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2022 144
 221.       
     COVID-19.   -
       -
-  ,  , -
   ,   
   .
 
      ,  
  (, 221), ,     
      (.1). 
         -
.     , ,  -
 ,   -   -
.  ,   ,    
  .
     COVID-19,   1-, 7- 17-
  (  ,  1— , 5—  ).
e severity ofthe incidence offamily time ofthe COVID-19 pandemic, according to mothers of1-,
7- and 17-year-old observation participants (on a 5-point scale, where 1 is easy, 5 is very dicult).
         
       
  .   ,    
       -
       
, 15%   .  22%   
 ,      
  (15%   ).  , -
       , 
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 145
    ,   
   -   -
,   ,   -
 22 .,    .   -
   ,  «     
»,  «   » ( -
).        15%.
      ,  -
  ,      -
      (.1), , , 
   .   
  .    ,   , -
    .     -
     .    
  ,   ,   , -
   .
 1.
   ,  
      
  ,  , %
Table 1.
New psychological problems faced by parents ofchildren and adolescents ofvarious ages
during the outbreak ofa new coronavirus infection, quarantine and self-isolation, %
   
1  7  17 
  ,    
( .. )    45,9 38,7 32,4
 /  (-) /  
  32,7 31,5 44,1
  ; ,   -
 5,5 16,2 8,8
  ,  / 
  10,9 21,6 5,9
,  « »,  -
   10,5 19,8 5,9
    -
   /   6,8 7,2 8,8
       (44%;
.1)     
  (27%),    (9%).
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2022 146
    2–3     , 
   ,  /  
 (22%),     
 (2%)   «-» (16%; .1). -
    ,  ,  
   / ,  ,  
    .
,       -
     (  
)1 (, 21; , 216; Brooks et al., 22),  -
   .  ,  -
,     (, 216; , 219; ,
, 22).    ,  ,
   ( 85%)   
  ,    .
     , -
    (    -
 )      
,       (7%),    
 (8%; .2).    ,   
   ,     
(2728%; .2), ,      -
      (1821%).
 2.
  COVID-19   ,
 ,  
Table 2.
Impact ofthe COVID-19 pandemic on family relationships,
% ofmothers who agree with the statement
   
1  7  17 
    ()  5,5 7,2 0,0
     17,7 27,9 26,5
     ,  -
    23,6 14,4 23,5
     , , -
 1,8 8,1 0,0
  ,      -
 ,      3,6 18,0 20,6
1 Everett J.A.C., Colombatto C., Chituc V., et al. (2020). The effectiveness of moral messages on
public health behavioral intentions during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://psyarxiv.com/9yqs8.
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 147
  -,    -
      (.3). , -
         
  ,  —   -
 ,    ,  -
      . 
 15%  17-     -
   , 12%—  (.3).
 3.
, ,  , 
     7 17 , %
Table 3.
Problems that, according to mothers, their children aged
7 and 17 faced during the pandemic, %
,   /   7  17 
  6,3 5,9
  (,  ) 20,7 35,3
   21,6 32,4
   25,2 35,3
   18,0 29,4
   39,6 50,0
    8,1 14,7
    10,8 11,7
, ,   17-  , 
       -
    ,  , -
.      
  ,    . ,   12%
 ,     (.3),   
     35%. 
  ,        
,     82%.    71%
 17-    , ,
   .     
 .
    ,  17-   -
 ,     -
 .    ,   -
   ,  — 
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2022 148
   -.   -
     ,  29%  
.    ,   
 ,   .  9%  .
       -
 (.3),   ,   
 .
      -
,      
  (    ,   ,
  ,  ,   ..; .4)
     (4%  ),  -
,      ( ).
         -
      .  
       
 ,    /  -
,   .
 4.
    ,  COVID-19, %
Table 4.
Ways to overcome increased fear and anxiety caused by COVID-19, %
-   
1  7  17 
«»  35,0 39,6 41,2
   (,  ,
, ) 25,5 39,6 29,4
  /  
,   6,4 16,2 8,8
    , , -
  1,8 9,0 8,8
      -
 2,7 4,5 8,8
/    
 20,0 18,0 5,9
  ,  1,4 9,0 2,9
 
 COVID-19,       -
    ,    -
    ,   .
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 149
  ,    -
,      -
 .  ,     18-  ,
        ,
         -
.     ,  
      
,  ,   ,   
     . , -
,     OVID-19,    -
    ,   
-,       .
 « » ( 22.)   -
       -
      (, , 22).
,      ,— 
  ,    , -
   .     -
 .       
 17-  .
      -
       -
 ,     ( ., 22). -
, , , ,  ,  
  ,   
       -
  COVID-19   .
 
 . .,  . .,  . .,  .,  . -
     COVID-19  -
  //  . 22. . 13,  7.
 . .     // -
 . 216. . 9,  49.
 . .,  . .,  . .   -
  () . : - . . -
, 219. 34 .
 . .      // 
 . 21.  38. .38–44.
 . .,  . .   : ,  -
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 
  — . . ,  , 
    , . , .
Yulia E. Shmatova — and. Sci. (Economics), Researcher, Vologda research center
ofRussian academy ofsciences (VolRC RAS), Vologda, Russia.
   —  ,  
   , . , .
Irina N. Razvarina— Researcher, Vologda research center ofRussian academy ofscienc-
es (VolRC RAS), Vologda, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 15.08.2022;
одобрена после рецензирования 25.08.2022;
принята кпубликации 27.08.2022.
The article was submitted 15.08.2022;
approved after reviewing 25.08.2022;
accepted for publication 27.08.2022.