Краткие сообщения и первый исследовательский опыт 183
„My brother-in-law sends money to his family during holidays such as Nooruz, New Year
and others“.
e villagers do not have any problems with accessing the banks and getting the
remittances. One FGD participant said: „ ere are no problems with sending money to us,
and we go there and get money at the bank“. One more FGD participant observed: „It has
become so easy for us. We just get money from the bank, instead ofworrying about what
happened to the money which is sent by someone, is the money going to reach me safely?“
e remittances are used for various purposes. One FGD participant reported:
„When they are sending money, they instruct us how to use it. For example, they tell us
that we should buy a sheep or cow“. Another FGD participant added: „Now they send
money and tell us that we should pay credit back“. ey also send money for organizing
feasts or weddings, according to another respondent. Migrants also send money for their
children’s needs, for example, for their food, clothes and education.
ere is a general belief that migration is a ecting the villagers’ lives positively.
A FGD participant said: „My sister went to Russia and from there to Israel and she now
got married there and she is living well. e Kyrgyz always want to improve their life and
she is trying to further improve“. us, migration is improving the life conditions ofthe
migrants and their relatives.
e migrants are also a ecting the youth inthe village. e young people also
want to go abroad to work. Some people who already le are inviting the villagers who
are here. ere is increase ofnumber ofmigrants during last ve years. As participant
ofFGD expressed on migration: „ ey hear news from each other, and hear that some
people have improved their lives because ofmigration and thus they also join them. More
young people want to go for migration“.
e young FGD participants of both sexes also responded to the questions on
migration. Opinions were not the same. A young girl said: „Young girls are going to
migration to earn money“. Another young girl mentioned: „I don’t want to leave abroad.
Many young people with diplomas do not have jobs, to nd a job one needs to pay bribe at
least one thousand dollars. erefore, young people are going for migration“. A young boy
however stated: „I haven’t heard ofanyone who made a fortune by being a migrant. I also
spent one year inKazakhstan where I paid for an apartment and then to police o cers and
came back without money“.
us, as shown by the results ofthe study, the destruction ofthe family and family
relations oflabor migrants became a negative factor. ere is a violation ofthe social
integrity ofthe family and family relations, deformation offamily values and traditions,
an increase inthe number ofstreet children, and juvenile delinquency. e local
community and the remaining families are faced with the situation ofan incomplete
family, which leads to a change in the functional system, the role, and mechanism
ofupbringing and education ofchildren, the younger generation is formed inisolation
from parental education. ese and other di culties, however, do not stop migrants
from looking for work. Working abroad allowed most ofthem to improve the nancial
situation oftheir families, and for the republic itself, among the main economic e ects
was a reduction inthe de cit ofbalances ofpayments due to the receipt ofremittances.