Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 70
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.32
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2022)4-04
Человеческий капитал приграничных регионов России:
субъективные представления населения
Наталья Юрьевна Атясова 1,
Ольга Валерьевна Суртаева 2,
Максим Борисович Максимов 3
1–3 Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Россия,,
Аннотация.      , 
       --
     .     
 ,      
.        -
  ,  «  », 
  .    -
    .    
   :   , 
, ,   .  -
    ,   
 ,  ,   ,  -
,    .   
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 71
  ,      -
 .
Ключевые слова:  ,   , -
  , , ,  ,  , -
 
Финансирование:     -
     FZMW-2020-0001 « , -
  :      
 ».
Для цитирования: Атясова Н.ãЮ., Суртаева О.ãВ., Максимов М.ãБ. Человеческий капитал
приграничных регионов России: субъективная оценка впредставлениях населения // Society
and Security Insights. 2022. Т. 5, № 4. С. 70–89. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)4-04.
Human Capital inBorder Regions of Russia:
Subjective Representations of Population
Natalia Yu. Atyasova1,
Olga V. Surtaeva2,
Maxim B. Maximov3
1–3 Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia,,
Abstract. e actuality of the research upon which the article is based is substantiated on
the fact that human capital is one of the key factors of socio-economic development of the
country and its regions. e aim of the work was tostudy the content of human capital, estimate
the human capital of the region through representations of its residents. e article considers
denitions of human capital within the framework of economic and sociological sciences, the
concept of «human capital of region», approaches tothe structure of human capital. e article
presents the results of research of human capital conducted insix border regions of Russia: the
Altai krai, the Khabarovsk krai, the Republic of Buryatia, Belgorod, Voronezh and Chelyabinsk
oblasts. e article presents the analysis of subjective representations about the quality of hu-
man capital, including opinions of the population on the state of health, quality of knowledge
gained inthe process of education, its demand, job satisfaction and its conditions. An attempt
was made toestimate the potential of health, education and labor capital of the six regions
Keywords: human capital, human development index, border regions of Russia, education,
health, education capital, health capital, labor capital
Financial Support: the work was supported by the Ministry of science and higher education
of the Russian Federation, Project FZMW-2020-0001 «Human Capital, migration and security:
transformation innew migration conditions inborder regions of Russia».
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 72
For citation: Atyasova, N.ãYu., Surtaeva, O.ãV., Maximov, M.ãB. (2022). Human Capital inBorder Re-
gions of Russia: Subjective Representations of Population. Society and Security Insights, 5(4), 70–89.
(InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)4-04.
  6- . XX .  « » -
       . 
        -
-  ,  
   .     -
        -
  -   -
 23 .       
 13  ,   : «-
», «», «» «».
      -
 —  ,   
  .      -
    ,   -
       -
     ,   
  (, 219).
, 219 .   52-    189   -
  .      -
, 197- .      
       , 199 . -
   26-  (, 215).
     -
  .    
 « ».
      
.  . . , .    : «...-
 —      -
,   ,    
   ,   » (, 23).
.       
     -
  ,    -
    ,   -
     (, , 212).
     -
. .  . .    ,  «-
   ,  , -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 73
 ,  ,  , -
   ,  
     --
    » (, , 214).
       -
     - .
       
    ,     
 . , . .  . .    
 «    
  ,      -
,     ,  -
   » (, , 216).
  , . .  ,   -
       , 
  «  , , 
 ,  , -
 ,  ,  
 » (, 24).
. .      -
     « - 
 ,   -
  ,   
 ,     -
     » (, 27).
  . . ,   «
»          «-
» «»,    «  
    , , , -
, ,       
 ,    
     ()  » (,
, , 1999).
 ,   « »  -
   ,   
      
,  , ,  . ,   «-
 »   ,   .
. .      : «-
 —     -
,  ,     -
,     —  
,   » (, 22).
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. .  ,  «   «-
 -   -
,         -
  ,     
 ,     
 » (, 213).
. .  ,  -,  -,
     «  -
,   ,     
» (, 214).      
   . . . , , 
      
 ,      -
 .      -
   (, 222).
     « »,
. .    «,   -
      , -
    » (, 217).
      -
,  ,   -,   -
      , -
,  ,   , -
      .
        
     ,    -
.       
  ,       
    «  », 
« ».     ,    -
   ,    -
       -
. , . .  . .    
 «     -
,   , , 
,  ,  » (, , 218).
. .      « 
    , , , , -
,    ,  -
    » (, 222).
       
  ,      «-
     
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 75
,  ,    -
  ,      -
 ,   ,  -
    ,  
» (, , , 213).
       
 .      -
  .    
,        . . ,
       -
  ,  . .  . . , . . , . . -
, . .  . . , . . , . .  . . ,
. . , . .  . .  (, , , 213).
      -
    :   -
    ,  
 , -       -
       ,  -
      
(, , , 213).
     . , . .
       -
 : - ,  ,
,       (, 212).
. .        -
,  ;    ; -
 ;     
     (, 211).
. .      :
,   .  -
    -, -   
      , -
 —  , 
, ,  (, 214).
. .   . .      
    , ,
;    :  (-
); / (); 
 , ,  ();  (-
);  () (, , 22).
. .      ,
 ,  , , ,
  (, , , 215).
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      -
     ,  , -
,  .      -
    .
     22
221 .   :  ,  , -
 , ,  ,  . 
     (-
      6 , 
 18 7 ).     
    
.      , 
  .
       
,       -
.       
     -
  .     
     , -
, ,   ,  -
   , , , -
     ,  
   .    
   ,   
       
 .
   , -
       -
 ,     .
     
.       
 ,     
   .    -
       -
    1,    -
        (56,5%),  
     (33,7%).
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 77
 1—       , %.
Figure 1— Degree of health satisfaction among population of border regions, %.
 2—   : «   
       ?», %.
Figure 2— Distribution of answers tothe question: «What actions do you take
topreserve your health and maintain a high level of activity?», %.
       
«»:   53,7  54,3%  , -
   , 57,1 63,7%  , -
   .    -
     : 29,5 32,4% 
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 78
, ,  ,  , 36,2% -
 , 37,6%  .    -
    «» — 4,2%    7,7%
 ,  « »— 1,8%  
8,2%  .
      
  .     
      :
5,3%—    , ; 44,8%
   , ,  
/  ; 39,% —  , ,
,  ,  ,  , 
- ; 13,7%—   , -
 ,      -.
      , 
 ,     , 
    ,   
     (. 2).
      
   —      
  . ,     -
     ,     
   .      
     .  -
         
          
  ,      «».
    ,   
 ,    .    
       ,  
  .    -
       
     ,   
,     .   -
       ,
    .      
    ,     -
 , ,    .  
       .
       
    ,     , 
   .      
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 79
    ,  ,
  ,  .  -
        -
    .
     ,  -
    ,      
  (   ,     ).
           -
   ,   -
     ,     -
   .      
      .
        -
     . ,   
    ,  , -
,   .  
        
  .
 ,    , 
,       
,     —  
 .     
 .      , -
       :
  ,     -
 ( ,   ),   ,
   , , , ,  -
, ,   .   -
       
      -
   ,     -
   .
   ,   -
,   .    -
    .
         -
  ,    (46,5%). 
      (52,3%) -
  (5,7%),  —   (38,6%).  
        
(22,1%) (. 3).
     
    (43,9%),  —
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 80
  (25%).     -
      -
 (5,5%),       
(31,2%) (. 4).
 3—    , ,
,   , %.
Figure 3— Degree of satisfaction with the quality of knowledge,
qualications, skills acquired through education, %.
 4—   
 , ,  , %.
Figure 4— Degree of satisfaction with the demand for the
education, skills, knowledge and competencies, %.
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 81
     ,   -
       
   :    — 44,8%,
 — 47,9%,  — 44,3%, 
— 52,4%,  — 51,2%,  — 5,4%.
       : 31,4% -
   36,7%   .
       :
 — 24,6%,  — 25,2%,  -
— 27,3%,  — 28,6%,  — 33,3%,
 — 24,2% (. 5).
 5—    «    
    ,  ?» ( «»), %.
Figure 5— Distribution of answers tothe question «What do you agree tochange
inyour life toget a well-paid, prestigious job?» (answer «yes»), %.
  ,   ,   -
      . 
        
       ,
   ,   , 
  ,     .  
       
 . ,      -
       
,    — 
 ,      
  .      
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 82
      -
     .    
      -
    ,    -
    ,   
    .
       -
 ,        -
,    .   
    .    
       -
,   -    
.       
  « »,     
    , 
  .
       
 ,       
    , 
     ,   
    .
 ,     
    :  
 ,  ,  —  -
, —    .    
      -
,        .
      
.      -
       .
      ,
      .
       
(48,5%),     (25,8%), 14,6% 
.      -
 : 3,5%   7,3%   -
 .       
  —     
37,9%    ,    
 (46,1%),       -
   .
    43,4%    
.        
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 83
  —     
33,2%     ,    -
       .
 6—   , %.
Figure 6— Job satisfaction rate, %.
 7—    , %.
Figure 7— Job satisfaction rate, %.
        -
      .  
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 84
— 29,4%,  — 3,7%,  — 31,6%,
 — 25,9%,  — 29,7%, 
— 35,%.    ,    ,
,       ,  . -
     ,   
,    .      2% 
        
   (. 8).
 8—    «    
    ,   ( «»)», %.
Figure 8— Distribution of answers tothe question «What do you agree tochange
inyour life toget a well-paid, prestigious job (answer «yes»)», %.
    .   -
   ,    -
 ,      ,  
       ,    
     .  
,       -
   .
       
      .
,   ,   ,  -
   ,      
   .
      -
      ,  , 
  .      -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 85
   ,      -
,       .
       -
      ,  
       -
.        .
        -
      ,    
    .  
      
      
      .
,  ,  ,  ,
     ,  -
  — .      
  ,        
     ,  . -
   ,      
,        -
  .
       
 ,     -
 .     
      ,
   .
          -
 «»  ,  — «». -
        -
 ,      , 
       
,      -
 ,       -
     .
      ,
      «»  -
,  ,  ,  — «-
»,  —  « ».  
      -
  ,      -
  .  , 
       
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       
 .      -
      .
    ,    -
     ,   ,
 ,    — «». -
       , 
        -
.    ,     -
    ,    
   ,    .
      ,  -
    .    -
        -
 , ,     
      
 . .,  . .     // 
  . : , -
  . 218.  3. . 69–74. DOI:1.2163/25-3372-218-3-69-74
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 . .      // -
   - .
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  //    . -
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  — . . ,    -
 -, - -
 ,   , . , .
Natalya Yu. Atyasova— Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Research Fellow at the Research and
Development Department, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
  — . . ,   
 ,   , . ,
Olga V. Surtaeva— Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor at the Department of
Social and Youth Policy, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
  — . . ,    -
 -, - -
 ,   , . , .
Maxim B. Maximov— Cand. Sci. (Medecine), Research Fellow at the Research and De-
velopment Department, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 10.11.2022;
одобрена после рецензирования 29.11.2022;
принята кпубликации 08.12.2022.
The article was submitted 10.11.2022;
approved after reviewing 29.11.2022;
accepted for publication 08.12.2022.