Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 108
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.35
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2022)4-06
Отношение молодежи кдеструктивным практикам
вцифровом пространстве
Татьяна Михайловна Дадаева
Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет
им.Н.ãП.Огарёва, г. Саранск, Россия,
Аннотация.       
.. .       -
.        
          -
,    .    
 ,   ,  , -
   ,   -
 ,   .   ,  
  ,     
     ,  . -
       
,    ,  ,  -
,  - .      -
       , .. 
 ,   ,    -
 , - ,  ,  
 .
Ключевые слова: ,  ,  -
,  ,  ,  ,  ,
 
Для цитирования: Дадаева Т.ãМ. Отношение молодежи кдеструктивным практикам вциф-
ровом пространстве // Society and Security Insights. 2022. Т. 5, №4. С.108–125. doi: 10.14258/
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 109
e Attitude of Young People toDestructive Practices inthe
Digital Space
Tatiana M. Dadaeva
National Research Mordovian State University of N.ãP. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia,,
Abstract. Based on the data of a sociological study of students of the Ogarev Modovian State
University, the attitude todestructive practices inthe digital space is revealed. Based on the cal-
culated indices of approval of violence and the level of loneliness, their inuence on attitudes
todestructive practices inthe digital space, as well as risk groups, is determined. e level of
awareness of students about destructive communities that exist both real and virtual, about legal
responsibility for certain oenses, the level of involvement inyouth associations, leisure practices
are measured. It is concluded that the process of involvement indestructive communities, prac-
tices insocial networks among young people is oen associated with problems of communication
with their peers, with problems inthe family. e reasons for the participation of young peo-
ple indestructive communities, students note mental disorders, problems inrelationships with
adults, conicts inthe family, inner loneliness, the desire tounite with someone. Interest incer-
tain destructive communities can develop as under the inuence of a virtual mechanism, i.e. social
networks themselves that distribute destructive content, as well as under the inuence of specic
social, macro- and microfactors, life reasons that can speed up the inclusion process.
Keywords: student youth, destructive practices, digital space, risk groups, communication
level, approval of aggression, social networks, digital challenges.
For citation: Dadaeva T.ãM. (2022). The attitude of young people todestructive practices inthe
digital space. Society and Security Insights, 5(4), 108–125. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2022)4-06.
      -
  ,  , -
 ,  ,  , ,
, , ,   . -
 -     -
 ,    ,  -
, .
      -
,     ,  ,
 ,   .   -
     , -
   ,  1.
     -
1 Официальный сайт Федеральной службы понадзору всфере связи, информационных тех-
нологий имассовых коммуникаций. URL:
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 110
      
     
  .
Степень разработанности.    -
    .   
       -
  (, 219; , , 219; , ,
219; ,  219; , 219; Kosir et al., 22). 
  , ,   (, -
 219),   (, , 22) . 
       (-
, 219; Kosir et al., 22),    (, 221), -
   ( 22; ,  22).
     (, ,
219; Acosta et al., 219; Dorio et. l. 22),  , -
 .     
   ( ., 22); (, ., 22).
      -
   ,   , 
       
Методы и инструменты.    —  
       
,     
 .    
    .. .  18  .  -
 - 1123     (N = 1114 .1).
 ,     
,     SPSS 21..
 :    
    уровнем коммуникации вмалых со-
циальных группах (студенческая группа, семья). Мы предположили, что студен-
ты снизким уровнем коммуникации чаще проводят время винтернете, меньше
вовлечены вгрупповые коммуникации. Студенты свысоким индексом принятия
насилия больше вовлечены вактивные практики досуга, в молодежные сообще-
ства исубкультуры. Группами риска пововлечению вдеструктивные сообщества
исубкультуры могут выступать как студенты свысоким индексом принятия
насилия, так истуденты свысоким индексом одиночества.
   : уровень осведомленности
одеструктивных объединениях; уровень знания обответственности заопределен-
1 См. Информационно-аналитические материалы порезультатам проведения мониторинга эф-
фективности деятельности образовательных организаций высшего образования 2021 года.
URL: (дата обращения 17.11.2022).
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 111
ные деструктивные практики; индекс одобрения насилия; индекс одиночества; уро-
вень вовлеченности студентов вмолодежные сообщества; уровень коммуникации
вмалых социальных группах (студенческая группа, семья); формы досуговых прак-
тик; ценностные ориентации; причины вовлеченности молодежи вдеструктивные
сообщества; способы профилактики деструктивных практик, пол, возраст, уровень
материального благополучия, социальный статус родителей, факультет.
Результаты исследования. Социально-демографический состав. 
 —  222 .     
 . .. .  -  
  : — 4%, — 6%, -
 18 — 24%, 19 — 17%, 2 — 29%, 21 — 17%, 22 — 6%, 23 
  — 7%.     -
— 57%, — 4% — 3%.  
  3 (43%) 1  (4%).  2  
11%, 4 — 6%, 5 6  1%.
Уровень вовлеченности вмолодежные объединения исообщества. -
  5%    -  -
  , 16%  , 34%—   -
    ,    
.   155    - -
  .   (4 .) -
   .   ,  
 ,     . -
     ,   (-
 ,    ),    -
,   .    
 ,      
( — 8 .,  — 7.), 
 (k-pop —     -
 — 7 .,  — 6 ., — 6 .,
, , — 5 . ).
        :
 ( ,  ,  ..) -
 (, , ,  ..).   19%
,   ,  -
  , 81% —  .  
,   ,  
     .
      -
  21   (. 1).
  16%     ,  -
       -
  .   , 34%   
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 112
    ,    
,       -
  .
 1
   
   , %, n = 136
Table 1
Distribution of answers about belonging toyouth associations by sex and age, %, n = 136
   18–20  21 
  
 18 20 18 24 19
 82 80 82 76 81
 100 100 100 100 100
Досуговые практики.  -   .
        -
 (  7% ),      (66%)
  ,  (54%).   
. ,  ,   , ,  
   (61%),     (52%), 
 (35%).   ,    , 
(53%),    (55%),    -
-  (38%).    18–2 
 ,     (7%),  
    (53%)   -
-  (41%).
    ,   , 
  (66%), 16%—  ,  
,   , 1%— ,  
  , 9%— ,    -
- ,  - .
Практики в социальных сетях.    
     .  
71%      6 .   -
    «»— 62%, Telegram— 11%, YouTube—
7%.     1%.
  ,     
   : «    -
  » (86%), «      -
  (   )» (55%), «   
    » (54%), «   -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 113
» (31%), «      , -
» (3%), «   ,   ,  -
   -  (,  ..)» (3%).
      -
     (87%), 5%  ,  
      , -
    ,   ,   ,
,    .
  —     -
  ,     .
      -
 ,   (71%), ,  (62%),
  ,   (55%), -
      (37%),  , -
      (28%) (. 2).
 2.
  ,  
  , % ( )
Table 2.
Distribution of answers about situation situations that students
faced insocial networks, % (multiple choice question)
  %
 ,    71
,  62
  ,   55
       37
 ,    
  28
 ,     24
  (, )   21
 ,    
  20
 ,    16
 ,    10
   () 10
 ,    8
   () 5
 ,   4
 ()    1
      /  12
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 114
    ,    
   .      -
    уровень возможной вовлеченности
   .   , 
    ,  «   -
   1» (21%), « , 
  , » (14%), «  /
    /» (13%), « 
,  » (11%), « 
(   ..)» (11%) (. 3).
 3.
     , 
  , % ( )
Table 3.
Distribution of answers about friends or acquaintances inthe
following situations, % (multiple choice question)
  %
     «» 21
 ,    ,  14
  /     / 13
  ,   11
  (   ..) 11
  ,    11
  ,  .. 10
  - ,     /  7
  ,   7
  «»,   7
 ,   ,  6
   6
    , ,  
 5
  , ,  5
    4
 ,     /-
 3
1 Смысл данного слова намолодежном жаргоне означает вид молодежного иподросткового
досугадомашние вечеринки сночевкой, накоторые через социальные сети приглашаются
малознакомые или совсем незнакомые люди.
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 115
     2
   («», ) 2
  , ,  2
 , ,  2
   2
     2
,     /-
 1
,  ,  « » 1
   (,  ) 1
   (« » .),  , - 1
      1
     13
      46
Уровень коммуникации содногруппниками.   (52%)
,     ,     
 , 43% — ,       
 , 2%— ,     ,  
 , 1%—     , 2%
 .  «    ,  
»     21  . «  
 ,   »,—    (. 4).
 4.
   
  , %
Table 4.
Gender and age distribution of answers on relationships with peers, %
    18–20  21 
   
  , 
  46 39 44 37 43
    , 
  48 55 52 54 52
    ,
   2 2 1 4 2
 ,   -
  1 1 1 <1 1
  3 3 2 5 2
 100 100 100 100 100
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 116
       -
 , 3%    («  ,
  », « ,    -
»).  21    ,     ,
    « »,   .
Уровень осведомленности о деструктивных сообществах.  -
      ,
  : , , , , -
— 62%,   (« »)— 61%,  «-
 »,  — 58%,    
  «»  (, , -
, ) , ,  ..— 57%
, —    (,
, )— 56%.     -
 ,  , , , , 
(12%), , ,  (12%),  (, ,
 ) (12%),  « »,  (1%),
  (, , , ) (8%), -
     (, ,
, ) (4%),   « -
» (4%) (. 7).   ,     
, ,   ,    -
    ,     
 ,      , 
       -
 . ,     -
    (78%),    -
   ,  (69%),  
  (68%),     
,   (62%),    (61%),
     
,  (6%),       (-
 ,   ..) (56%),   (54%),
,    , ,  (53%), -
/  (53%,  32% ,    -
 ).    25% ,  
    / -
 , 15%— / , 8%— -
   /      ,
7%—       /
, 5%—      -
    ,  .
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 117
 — 46%   
  ,   ( -
)  ,    , 12%—  
, 42%—  .    
      (,
-, ), « », « ».
Причины вовлеченности молодежи вдеструктивные сообщества. -
  ,     -
       
 (25%), 18%—    ,
7%—    , 6%—  -
   (,  ..).    «  -
  ,       -
 ?» 77% ,  , 19%—  , 3%
,  ,   1–2 , 1%— ,    .
      ,
      , :  -
 (48%),    ,   (43%),
 ,  -  (4%).  
    . ,   -
     (45%),  , 
   (4%),   ,   ), -
  (38%,  ,   ),  -
  ,   (37%),  ,  
,    ,    (32%).
       -
/   (42%) (. 5).
        (-
)   .    
  .     
   (75%), , , 
 (68%),  ,    (59%),  
( ) (53%),    (51%).
Индекс одобрения насилия.   ,  
   : 1. «  ,
    ». 2. «, ,   -
   » (. 6).
        «-
 ».   ,      
       
 (36%)  (25%)   ,  
     39% . 
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       -
  18–2 ,  21  .    
 .
 5.
     
 -  
  , % ( )
Table 5.
Distribution of answers on the reasons for the participation of young people inthe
activities of some destructive associations according tosex and age, % (multiple choice)
    18–20  21 
   
  45 57 51 56 48
  
,   37 54 48 45 43
 , -
 -  36 47 42 44 40
 , 
   40 39 37 45 36
  38 38 36 43 35
 /
 
30 42 37 37 34
  ,
,   31 34 31 37 30
,    32 27 28 30 27
  
,   29 29 26 34 26
  /-
 () 25 28 23 36 25
  
 21 18 17 23 17
  , -
 ,  14 12 11 18 12
  ,  
 14 9 10 14 10
  25 20 23 19 20
 417 454 420 481 403
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 119
 6.
  : « 
()   ?», %
Table 6.
Distribution of answers tothe question: “Do you agree
with the following statements?”, %
 
 
 -
 ()
1. «  -
  ,
   -
  »
49 21 18 7 5
2. «, , 
  
 »
11 6 22 14 57
       -
 : , ,   , -
 , -  , , 
   . ,     ,
    « »   (52%),
   (11%),    
(64%),   (52%)    (43%),
      (45%) -
     (43%)   (38%). 
       
 .
Ценностные ориентации молодежи.    -
     ,   
(68%),   ,     (58%), -
 ,   (5%),  ,
 (46%), ,   (38%).   -
   .    , -
      (36%).  
        
 (31%) ,   (26%) (. 7).
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2022 120
 7
    
  ,% ( )
Table 7
Distribution of answers on students’ value orientations
by sex and age, % (multiple choice)
    18–20  21 
   
, 
  61 74 69 68 68
  , 
   55 62 61 55 58
 , -
  46 53 50 52 50
 ,
 42 50 46 48 46
,  -
 32 43 40 36 38
,  36 33 34 34 33
 , -
 30 31 31 29 30
  
 31 26 29 26 28
,  -
 24 27 26 27 26
,  23 27 25 26 25
,  -
 26 22 23 24 23
 , -
 9 4 6 7 6
  -
,  4 3 4 3 3
        
 ,  «   » (57%),
«,  » (5%), «   »
(44%), « ,  » (42%) «, -
 » (41%).
Способы противодействия распространению деструктивных объеди-
нений.       
     -
     .  -
     , -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 121
    ,  
  (49%),     -
     (48%), -
  ( ..   ) (42%), -
       
,      
  . . (34%),    
    ( , 
 .) (34%),   () -
 (, , ),    
     (24%).
      , 
     ,  -
       
   .   (46%),
      , -
  ( )  , 
   .     -
  .    -
      ( 
  «», Telegram, YouTube)    
 .  ,  -
     ,  «    
 », «      
 (   , «     -
   », «   », « 
    , ».
     « »  -
 ,     ,    -
 ,      .   -
:       ,
     ,   
,    ,   .  -
        
,     , , 
.       ,
  . ,   
     ,    , 
  .
    ,   
          -
,  .      
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        
,    ,  - -
.        -
     , ..   -
,   ,    
, - ,  ,  
 .     :
21%—     ; 76% 
    ; 31%  
   ,     ;
66%  ,   ,   .
     ,    -
  .    
       
 ,    ,   .
       -
   ,       -
    .    -
       
   ,  
        .
        -
      . -
      , 
  ,     
     ,
  ( ..   ) ..
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    //  :  -
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  — - . ,   ,
   . . . , , 
Tatiana M. Dadaeva— Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor at the Department of Sociology,
Mordovian State University of N. P. Ogarev, Saransk, Russia
Статья поступила вредакцию 05.10.2022;
одобрена после рецензирования 25.11.2022;
принята кпубликации 29.11.2022.
The article was submitted 05.10.2022;
approved after reviewing 25.11.2022;
accepted for publication 29.11.2022.