Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 204
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.37, 159.99
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2023)3-12
Проблемы профессионального выгорания уюристов
Надежда Васильевна Мрвич 1
Ирина Станиславовна Косорукова 2
1Северо-Западный институт (филиал) Университета имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА), Вологда,,
2Северо-Западный институт (филиал) Университета имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА), Вологда,,
Аннотация.       
     .   -
      . -
        , 
  .
  ,     
     ,  
.        
     
       
      -
      
  (MBI)  .  .  
..     . , . -, -
 .    .   2023 ., -
    500 .
       . -
,      ,  ,   
    ,  
  .     
 :    , ,
 «»  .    ,   
       . -
     ; -
        . 
    ,  , 
 .      -
  .     
Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 205
,   ,    -
,  .
Ключевые слова:   ,  ,
 , ,   
Для цитирования: Мрвич Н. В. Косорукова И. С. Проблемы профессионального выгорания
уюристов // Society and Security Insights. 2023. Т. 6, № 3. С.204–217. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2023)3-12
Problems ofProfessional Burnout Among Lawyers
Nadezhda V. Mrvich1
Irina S. Kosorukova 2
1the North-West Institute (branch) ofKutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA), Vologda, Russia,,
2the North-West Institute (branch) ofKutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA), Vologda, Russia,,
Abstract. e problem ofprofessional burnout has been inthe center ofnumerous research
for the last decades.  eir results facilitated diagnosing the causes and consequences ofthis pro-
fessional dysphoria.  e majority ofthis research was focused on social occupations connected
with intensive contacts with people. However, practicing lawyers who have a lot ofsocial contacts
by the nature ofservice and therefore especially su er from burnout, have not been studied fully
enough.  e relevance ofour study ofthis problem primarily lies inthe need offurther research
ofthe professional burnout syndrome for its timely prevention and assistance to lawyers.
e investigation ofthe professional burnout syndrome among that category ofworkers was
carried out with the help ofthe MBI survey to determine the level ofprofessional burnout accord-
ing to the methods ofChristina Maslach and Susan Jackson inadaptation ofNatalia E. Vodop-
yanova based on the research ofpsychologists Charles Figley, Simon Philip Baron-Cohen, as well
as Russian scholars.  e respondents’ survey took place inthe city ofVologda inFebruary 2023
and the sampling population was more than 500 respondents.
As a result the relationship ofprofessional burnout with age and gender was determined. It
turned out that working women are more prone to burnout than men, as they have additional
emotional and physical burden connected with family chores.
ere isa description ofdepersonalization as a component ofemotional burnout: inadequate
attitude towards colleagues, irritability, loss of“idealism” and withdrawal into oneself. At the same
time it was revealed that the impact ofthe psychological state ofan individual employee on the
whole team isinsigni cant. Speci c recommendations for the prevention ofthe emotional burn-
out syndrome are suggested; the impact ofprofessional burnout on the respondents’ general state
ofhealth was studied. Dependency ofemotional burnout with empathy and features ofthe team
are revealed.  e most e cient ways ofemotional burnout syndrome prevention are suggested.
e results ofthe research can be used by psychologists who work with lawyers with emotional
burnout symptoms and heads oforganizations.
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 206
Keywords: professional burnout syndrome, legal professions, emotional exhaustion, deper-
sonalization, preventing burnout methods
For citation: Mrvich, N. V., Kosorukova, I. S. (2023). Problems ofProfessional Burnout Among
Lawyers. Society and Security Insights, 6(3), 204–217. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2023)3-12
       . 219 .
     -
       -
 ,    ,  
   ,    1.
    ,  
        -
   .
   ,   , , -
,     . 
 , ,    
    ,  -
 , . ,   ,
 . . ,  75%    
   (, 22).  , -
      .
  197- .   .   -
  burnout ()   , -
  ,     -
 (Freudenberger, 1974).
      ,  -
 .     
  .  . ,   1986 . 
  (MBI),    (Maslach,
Jackson, 1981).  ,1998...-
     :  -
     «»   
     ,   
     (Maslach, Goldberg, 1998).
  .  .   ,
       , 
   (Pierce, Molloy, 199).
       -
   .   
,    , 
1 Международная статистическая классификация болезней ипроблем, связанных создоро-
вьем (МКБ-11) от2019 г. (вступила всилу 01.01.2022). URL:
Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 207
..,  1996 . ,    -
      . .
    ,    -
   (, 1999).
 . .  . .   
 ,     . 
      -
   -,   
 (, , 223).
        -
 ,  .   
      -
  .     
.  .   223 . (  ). -
    5  ( 
,    ,    1%).
Анализ субшкал профессионального выгорания
       
(MBI) .  .   . . .  -
  22 ,      
:  ,   -
 .      ,
 «»   «», « »— «.  ,  -
      
      
    ,   
     -
 . ..  27 . (, , , 27).   -
       1, ..  -
      .
    (. 1)   -
      . -
     ,   -
     . 
,     ,  .
 31%  ( «», « » « ») -
     (. 1).
     -
,     . ,  
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 208
  , ,   
   .   
  , - , , -
,  .     
      -
 (Gorji, 218).      
 ,      
   ,   
(Popov, 22).
 1.
Table 1.
    
Percentage distribution ofscores on the questionnaire subscales
     
. %-
. %-
  27,7 149 26 139 46,3 249
 25,4 136 28,3 152 46,3 249
 
 16,7 90 27,1 146 56,2 301
 1—    , . ,
223 .,   
Figure 1— Lack ofdesire to go to work, Vologda city. Vologda, 223, as% ofrespondents
      
   .  54%  
     .  31%—  
Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 209
   ,       (. 2).
      
   .   , -
 , ,   (),   -
.       .
 2—     
, . , 223 .,   
Figure 2— Relationship between negative emotional state at work
and health, Vologda, 223, as% ofrespondents
     -
.     , ,
 «»  —   .  
     ,   -
 .    ,  -
,  .     -
   :  
    .   -
   , .. —  -
 ,    (Gorji, 218).
       -
     .  
       -
  .   (  
.        -
    . ,  -
 ,        
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 210
      -
  .     -
     -,  
   .    
    .  , -
    (-, 212).   -
   .     -
,        ,
   .
    « »  
   -   -
  (, 1999).   .  -
      .   -
        ,1 .
,       -
  .
 3—     
, . , 223 .,   
Figure 3— Impact ofnegative emotional state ofcolleagues on
respondents, Vologda, 223, as% ofrespondents
Профессиональное выгорание исоциально-демографические факторы
    - -
  ,   . , 
  ,     -
 (, , ), --
 (, ,  )  ( ,
 ,      )
(, 24).       -
 .
Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 211
, ..  ,      
  19–25      
4–5 ,     (, 22). -
    . ,   -
  «» (, 215 .) ,  84% , .. 
   24  4 ,   
  77%   (Popov, 22). . .  
   . ,  . ,
  ,      
   (, 216).
      , 
      (,52),  -
 —     24  (,4) (. 4).    
   ,    
       , .. 
    ,  , -
      .  
     « »  
 , , - -
 ,         -
,   (, 216).
 4—     
, . , 223 .,   
Figure 4— Dependence ofthe emotional burnout index on the age ofthe
interviewees, Vologda city. Vologda, 223, in% ofrespondents
       -
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 212
.    ,     ,
  (, 22).     -
:     ,53  ,47  (. 5). -
     , 
   ,  -
   .
 5—    
, . , 223 .,   
Figure 5— Dependence ofthe emotional burnout index on gender,
Vologda, 223, as% ofthe number ofrespondents
Профилактика синдрома профессионального выгорания
     
 .      
()     -
.  ,      -
 ,      (. 2).
 35      -
       . -
    ,    -
.  ,     
 . ,    , .. 
   ,     -
,   .  —  -
,   .  , 
      .
     -
— ,    2  . -
Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 213
,        ,
,      .     -
   ,    -    1.
       -
  :     -
  ,   
,    .   : 
75% ,   ,   ,  -
 ,    .  , -
       -
      .
 2
Table 2
    
Ways to prevent burnout syndrome
     %
 206 19,8
 167 16,0
 25 2,4
 / 357 34,3
 161 15,5
   92 8,8
   7 0,6
 3 0,3
  20 2,3
      
 (16%)  (15%).     -
  ,   
,   ,   .
, ,   ,  
   ,     . 
     .
   .   -
  , ,  ,   , 
,  .
1 Statistics Show Exercise isa Healthy Stress Reliever for Teens and Adults— 2020 / Tennessee
Chiropractic Association. URL:
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 214
     -
     :  5% 
       , 
      
(56,2%),      .
      -
.  54%      
 . ,       -
,   ,   -
 .
       -
  .     
      . -
  (     )
    .     
    ,   -
  .
        -
.      ,
       - -
  .    
  .     
   ,1 .
 -  
    .   
   ,     -
  (,52),  —     24  (,4).
 .      
,      
       .  -
,     .
        
,53  ,47 .     -
.    «» ()  
   ,  
  .
      
.   —     -
 (35%).       
      .  
Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 215
  2%  .    
   :  75  , -
  ,    , 
    .  
    (16%)  (15%).  ,
  , ,   ,   2,3%.  -
     ,  .
- .  :    // -, 212.
 . .   :    . M.: ,
 . .,  . .  :  -
. . : , 28.
 . .  : , ,  -
 //     . . . -
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 . .,  . .,  . .    
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 . . -   
   : . . … . .
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:    // -  
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Краткие сообщения ипервый исследовательский опыт 217
  — . . ,   --
    -  (-
)   . .  (), . , .
Nadezhda V. Mrvich— Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor ofthe Department
ofSocial and Humanitarian Sciences and Legal Informatics, the North-West Institute
(branch) ofKuta n Moscow State Law University (MSLA), Vologda, Russia.
  —  -  (-
)   . .  (), . , .
Irina S. Kosorukova— Student ofthe North-West Institute (branch) ofKuta n Moscow
State Law University (MSLA), Vologda, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 28.06.2023;
одобрена после рецензирования 15.08.2023;
принята кпубликации 21.08.2023.
The article was submitted 28.06.2023;
approved after reviewing 15.08.2023;
accepted for publication 21.08.2023.