Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 65
At the end ofgraduate school and successful thesis, a graduate student receives a PhD
e Republic ofBelarus
e main law regulating the sphere ofeducation is the Code ofthe Republic ofBe-
larus (Belarus) No. 243-3 “On Education”, adopted on January 13, 2011.
In accord-
ance with this document, the state policy ineducation should be based on the principles
ofthe priority ofhuman rights, ensuring equal access to education, compulsory general
basic education, integration into the world educational space, secular nature, and envi-
ronmental orientation ofeducation. e Belarus Code “On Education” also provides for
the development ofeducation, considering the tasks ofthe socioeconomic development
ofthe state and the state-public nature ofeducation management. Even though formally
these principles can be called progressive, the degree oftheir real implementation inthe
education system ofBelarus causes doubts among researchers (Pogorelskaya, 2016).
e Resolution ofthe Council ofMinisters ofthe Republic ofBelarus ofMarch 28,
2016, No. 250 approved the State Program “Education and Youth Policy” for 2016–2020
According to this document, institutions ofhigher education inBelarus include
43 public and nine private universities
. ey are divided into universities (33), acade-
mies (8), institutes (10), and higher colleges (1). e main di erence between institutes
and universities is that they train narrow specialists, and inhigher colleges, you can
get a higher education only at the rst level. e Ministry ofEducation ofthe Republic
ofBelarus is the only state body for implementing state policy ineducation, organiza-
tion ofscienti c research, and education international cooperation. In particular, the
Ministry has jurisdiction over the quality control ofeducation, coordination ofthe ac-
tivities ofstate educational institutions, and licensing ofeducational institutions. It also
organizes the development ofeducational programs and standards with the participa-
tion ofeducational institutions, provides scienti c and methodological support for ed-
ucation, etc.
e universities can submit their requirements and recommendations to state au-
thorities through the Republican Council ofRectors
. Another feature ofthe Belarus
education system is that, according to the Belarus Code on Education, employment
ofgraduates ofhigher educational institutions occurs through distribution based on the
received specialty and quali cation (distribution does not apply to graduates ofevening
and extramural education and full-time graduates who have received education on a fee
The National Register ofLegal Acts ofthe Republic ofBelarus. No. 13, 2/1795. 2011. https://pravo.by/
The National Register ofLegal Acts ofthe Republic ofBelarus. No. 92, 5/34264. 2011.
National Legal Internet Portal ofthe Republic ofBelarus. No. 5/42890. 2016.
Resolution ofthe Council ofMinisters ofthe Republic ofBelarus. No. 1554. On Approval ofthe
Regulations on the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. National Register of Legal
Acts ofthe Republic ofBelarus. No. 118, 5/9561. 2001. http://law.by/databank-business/list-of-legal-
Decree ofthe President ofthe Republic ofBelarus. On the accession ofthe Republic ofBelarus
to the Convention on the recognition ofqualifications relating to higher education inthe European
Region. No. 5. 2002. URL: https://pravo.by/document/?guid=3961&p0=P3020000.