Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2023 82
Second, the quality results ofgovernment, citizens and private sector cooperation or
stakeholder engagement inimproving access to public services, strengthening account-
ability, and ensuring transparency and openness and accountability mechanism, and it
viewed the responsibilities ofgovernment, citizens and private sector to have an equal
participation. However, stakeholders inthe e-Mongolia national program were de ned
not clearly enough. For example, it is not clear what responsibilities the state has, what
the citizen has the right to receive, but no mention ofresponsibilities ofcitizens, what
role the relationship ofprivate sector has inthe relationship between government and
citizens. ird, the use ofICTs ingovernment, citizens and private sector interrelation-
ships is a way to reduce the time, space, and the cost ofservices and products, meanwhile
the Electronic Mongolia National program viewed this as to make the government, gov-
ernment services and management, governance structure and system citizen-centered.
In terms ofpolicy and regulation, the e-Mongolia program is aimed at increasing
the e ectiveness ofpublic administration, and the program’s goals and objectives are
to regulate G2G or inter-government activities. erefore, it can be considered that all
aspects have not been coordinated.
«E-Government» National Program
In order to de ne the next stage inthe development ofe-government, the Govern-
ment ofMongolia adopted the «E-Government» national program 212 with the goal to
improve the government activities open and transparent, increase citizens’ participation
inthe policy making ofthe government, and make the government services accessible,
less cumbersome and develop e-government services.
e program is based on the objectives ofthe e-Mongolia National Program and
other relevant policy documents, the results ofmonitoring their implementation, and
the World Bank’s e-government development model, recommendations, and research.
e policy paper de nes the term e-government (Electronic Government, E-Gov) as a
translation ofthe word, and includes terms such as Government Enterprise Architec-
ture, information technology infrastructure, mobile communications, and cloud com-
puting. «Electronic Government, E-Gov» is de ned as the use ofadvanced information
and communication technologies inthe process ofproviding information on govern-
ment activities to citizens ina transparent and e cient manner, ensuring cooperation
between citizens, businesses and government organizations, and increasing their partic-
ipation and the process ofstreamlining the country’s internal and external relations and
governance activities based on e-services.
e goal ofthe program was de ned as to increase citizen participation ingovern-
ment policy-making through the use ofICT advances by establishing an information
technology (G2G communication) infrastructure that connects government agencies,
and makes government activities, services, news and information transparent and open
to citizens regardless ofspace or time, accessible and fast delivery, sophisticate the gov-
ernment memory and develop e-government services based on it. In other words, in-
creasing the participation ofcitizens inpublic policy-making through the use ofthe
ICT infrastructure used ininter-government relations, and the delivery oftransparent
and open public services by increasing citizen participation, bringing about accessible