Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 71
Research Article / Научная статья
УДК 363.637
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2023)2-05
Mongolias Experience inE-Governance and Current Challenges
Bumdari Dagva-Ochir
Badamdash Dashdavaa
1, 2
National University ofMongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
bumdari@num.edu.mn, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8614-3891
badamdash@num.edu.mn, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1027-7233
Abstract. Although, Mongolia carried out «E-Government Mongolia» national programme
in2005–2012, the National Programme to develop Integrated Registration System in2008-2012,
and the E-Governance National Programme in2012–2016, the operation to separate information
communication networks and services could not be successfully completed.  e main reason is
the inertia ofmentality ofthe previous system to continue the state ownership ofdatabases ofall
types, to monopolize ofall pro ts for the government and to use for exercising power inimple-
menting activities ininformation and communication sector resulting inine ectiveness ofpolit-
ical system and governance.
In order to assess the digital governance issues and challenges ofMongolia, we intend to an-
alyse policy documents, and conduct case research and make an inductive conclusion.
First, we examined the implementation ofthe Government policy ofInformation and Com-
munication Development. e Government ofMongolia prioritizes the following 6 tasks to-
wards the development ofthe sector development.  ese include: a) legal framework, b) net-
works and infrastructure c) service d) innovation and research, e) production, f) investment and
competition g) information security and h) e-governance.  erefore, we aimed to examine the
implementation ofthese tasks, their stages, and their mutual dependence.
Second, to evaluate the overall implementation ofthe E-Governance, we analyse historical
development, political decisions regarding e-governance, legal framework, and negative conse-
quences ingovernment service and information transparency through cases.
Large majority ofthe population (78.2%) or 2,62, people use internet and social net-
works.  is indicates that there is very high internet usage among the adult population. To be
more precise, individuals between the ages of14 and 64 constitute 64.4% ofthe population,
indicating a signi cantly high proportion.
ere are 496 government services that are provided online. Among other services, most
widely used digital services include: one stop service, Electronic kiosk ofgovernment service,
«Khur» government information exchange system, «Dan» recognition and access system,
E-Mongolia, and E-barimt application
Our research  ndings suggest the following conditions for the major di erence ofabove-men-
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2023 72
tioned quantity and percentages, slow progress ofdigital transformation.  ese are:
Legal environment for digital services is not established;
Open databases are not accessible, only government can use them;
• Although government services can be provided online, society has not yet recognized its secu-
rity and still tends to demand for paper-based certi cation;
Information security is not guaranteed;
Databases are only used for government decisions, but frequency ofsudden changes inthe
information security level sets up the various discrimination inthe society.
e key  ndings ofthe research indicate the di erence between the above-mentioned  gures
is large and the digital transformation is not e ective due to the following conditions.
In conclusion, the lack ofa legal framework for e-government is caused by the lack ofa uni-
ed public management or absence ofcentral ministry on the relevant policy. Due to the lack
ofcoordination between the use ofthe database and other policies, citizens are obliged to pro-
vide in-person services by government agencies and provide additional paper documentation.
e fact that the usage ofdigital signatures is limited, with only a small percentage used inpublic
tenders and banking services, is becoming the main pressing issue.
Keywords: e-governance, e-Mongolia, E-Governance legal environment, e-notary, digital tran-
sition ofMongolian governance, Digital Nation Mongolia, government ownership ofdata base
For citation: Dagva-Ochir, B., Dashdavaa, B. (2023). Mongolia’s Experience inE-Governance and
Current Challenges. Society and Security Insights, 6(2), 71–89. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2023)2-05.
Опыт Монголии виспользовании систем электронного
управления иактуальные вызовы
Бумдари Дагва-Очир
Бадамдаш Дашдаваа
1, 2
Национальный университет Монголии, Улан-Батор, Mongolia
bumdari@num.edu.mn, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8614-3891
badamdash@num.edu.mn, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1027-7233
Аннотация.      « -
 »   2005-2012 .,   -
   — 2008–2012 .,   
 — 2008–2012 .,  --
      .  
      -
,  -      
    ,    -
  -   
  ,     
 .        -
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 73
        -
  .      
 - .  
      : a) -
    , b)  , c),
d) , e) , f)  , g) -
  h)  .    
   . -,   
        -
    ,   
       -
   .  ,   
(78,2%  2602 . .)    ,  ,  
      . , 
14  64   64,4% .   496  
  ,    : -
  (  ),   
,    «»,    -
 «», E-Mongolia  E-barimt
.   ,
  ,     
   , :   -
    ;   ,  
;   -   -
  ;    ; 
     -
 ,    
.       
     .  ,
       
     ,  
   .   
      ,   
        .
       -
  ,       .
Ключевые слова:  , e-,   -
 ,  ,    
 ,    ,  
 
Для цитирования: Дагва-Очир Б., Дашдаваа Б. Опыт Монголии виспользовании систем
электронного управления иактуальные вызовы // Society and Security Insights. 2023. Т. 6, № 2.
С. 71–89. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2023)2-05.
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2023 74
Mongolia implemented a democratic transition in199 and introduced democratic
values inall relations between the state and society inaccordance with the new Consti-
tution. However, public con dence inthe government has declined steadily over the past
3 years. According to a series ofsurvey conducted by the Sant Maral Research Institute,
public con dence inthe government has been less than 5 percent. e survey also con-
sistently ranked corruption, e ective law enforcement, and government red tape inthe
top ten inthe order ofsocial and economic issues. In particular, 57.6% ofrespondents
once said that the only way to solve the red tape related to public service is to pay a bribe.
According to the Worldwide Governance Indicators, in221, Mongolias Government
E ectiveness (GE) is 39.9 points , which means that red tape and public service ine -
ciency are still weak
In the case ofa new democratic state, if the people’s trust inthe state is not restored,
there are negative indicators that a dictatorial system can be established in2–3 years
(Crozer, 1975). To prevent this, transparency inpublic services and public awareness
may not directly increase citizens’ trust in the government, but they can strengthen
their trust inthe government. In short, there is an acute need to bring the relationship
between the state and the citizen closer. To improve the weakness ofthis weakness inthe
government, the idea ofgood governance has been promoted internationally.  e core
values ofgood governance are accountability, transparency and openness. In our coun-
try, a er the 24 election, the idea ofdeveloping good governance began spreading
UNDP de nes the good governance using the following criteria: greater citizen
participation, decision-making based on the rule oflaw, transparency ingovernment
operations, better awareness ofthe needs and interests ofcitizens, equal treatment ofall
citizens, e cient and e ective use ofpublic funds, and political accountability and apply
visions in development planning.
Consequently, the transition to e-governance using technological advances may
make the idea ofgood governance a reality. Researchers (Contreras, 221) believes that
good governance provides the basis for e-governance ethics and norms.
It can be said that the foundation for the development ofe-governance has been
laid inour country since 199. For example, on February 14, 1992, Government Resolu-
tion No. 25 was issued to establish an internal network ofautomated information system
ofthe government. Recognizing the need for e-government, the relevant policies had
been developed starting with the 25 e-Mongolia National Program. Series ofpolicy
documents were approved subsequently.
ese include:
«Electronic Mongolia» national program in28;
National e-Governance Program in212;
E-governance National program in219.
e main concepts and results ofthese policy documents are summaries inthe
following table (Table 1).
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 75
Table 1.
 1.
Government policies and programs on e-governance development
      
«Electronic Mongolia» National Program 2005–2012
Concept Expected Results Implementation
e goal is to create
a new management
model based on ICT
and implement e-gov-
Introduce e-government to a new level ofgovernment
services to citizens and organizations, and create a new
ow ofinformation from citizens to the government
Develop an action plan to introduce ICT tools into the
public administration system
e quality and accessibility ofpublic services will be
Government activities will be open, transparent, e -
cient and reduced bureaucracy
Establish a good governance system with a public ser-
vice centered on «citizen»
Mongolias external Internet
access capacity is 78 Mbit / s
Internet users 22,000
e length ofthe broadband
ber optic cable is 3251 km
Cellular phone users 551,000
External Internet access ca-
pacity is 22 Gbps
Internet users 654,009
e length ofthe broadband
ber optic cable is 18123.8 km
Cellular phone users
National Program on Development ofUni ed System ofRegistration inMongolia 2008–2012
Expected Results Implementation
e goal is to create a
new ICT-based man-
agement model and
implement e-govern-
Improve transparency and openness ofgovernment
organizations, and increase citizen participation ingov-
ernment policy making, make government services
more accessible and less time consuming, and develop
and introduce e-government services
•Established a national data center, improved civil registra-
tion, state registration ofproperty rights, state registration
oflegal entities, ensured property exchange and updated the
registration, database and system ofgovernment organizations
included inthe uni ed registration system.
•On July 5, 2010, civil registration was conducted nationwide,
and 331 soums in21 aimags, 132 khoroos in9 districts, and a
total of463 units registered citizens and issued e-ID cards to
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2023 76
«E-Governance» National Program 2012–2019
Concept Expected Results Implementation
Developing e-Govern-
ment «One ofthe ways
to improve govern-
ment operations and
introduce innovations
is to develop e-govern-
e results achieved inthis policy document are the
same as in2005 and 2012
«Develop e-government to make public service more
citizen-friendly, e cient, e cient and cost-e ective»
Identify public services that can be converted to electronic
form and identify 25 services inthe e-service machine
18 services that citizens consider to be the most di cult and
time consuming were delivered electronically through the
uni ed public service portal www.ezasag.mn
Introduction ofkiosk service will serve 2.2 million people
induplicate in2018, saving 1 hour and 40 minutes per service
«E-Mongolia» Digital Nation Program 2020
Concept Expected Results Implementation
Implement «Vision
2050», Government
Action Plan 2021-2024,
become an «Digital
1. In the  rst phase ofthe project, mgov.mn provided
188 services online from 34 organizations
2. In 2020, the e-Nation program launched a mobile ap-
plication to deliver 181 government services to citizens
electronically from 23 government organizations.
Moved to e-mongolia.mn platform.
In 2021, 592 public services from 50 government organiza-
tions are being integrated into the system.
Source: Integrated Legal Informa on Database https://www.legalinfo.mn /
Table 2.
Таблица 2.
Open Date Initiative
  
Initiative Date ofstart Main activities implemented
Open Government
2013 - Improving public services
- Increase the transparency ofgovernment institutions
- Strengthen justice and reduce corruption
Open Data 2014 In 2014, the idea ofthe Open Data became active inour country. International projects have started. A smart
card reader is installed inpublic transportation.  e purpose is to regulate public transport routes. An open
database ofthe Capital City Citizens’ Representative Assembly was established.
Open tender and
2012–2016 Technical support for electronic bidding and budget transparency
Source: Mongolia’s Electronic Data Mapping and Evalua on, 2017. P.22.
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 77
In this way, policy documents e-government development were changed and ap-
proved each time by the new government a er the regular parliamentary elections. Sub-
sequently, inorder to implement the programs approved since 25 and presented inTa-
ble 1, 67 other documents have been approved by the Parliament and the Government to
create a legal basis for the development ofe-government and as a policy direction.
Nevertheless, the development ofe-government is still weak, according to indices
developed by international research organizations. For example, according to the United
Nations Department ofEconomic and Social A airs’ EGDI (E government development
index), Mongolia ranks 92nd out of193 countries. e dimensions ofthis study are: a)
e-service— quality issues b) electronic technology c) human resources. According to
this index, Mongolia is quite weak. One ofthe main factors in uencing this may be the
fact that the corruption and red tape indicators ofpublic organizations has consistently
been poor, as it is noted inthe Corruption Perceptions Index.
According to a 215 survey on red tape indomestic government organizations, 62%
ofparticipants said they were bureaucratic, while in218, the same answer was given by
53%. According to the average survey, the Bureaucracy Index is still 2-3. Respondents
said that the main reason was the lack ofcoordination between government agencies.
In 215, 62% ofrespondents said it was bad and 2% said it was average, while in218,
42%— said it was bad and 39%— said it was average. About 7-8% ofthe total answers
were rated as medium or bad, which may indicate that the policy documents were not
being correctly implemented. In particular, it is important to see whether the legal envi-
ronment, technological development, and human resource capacity are consistent with
policy objectives.
For example, let’s look at how inter-agency coordination and a uni ed platform
have been addressed. E orts have been made to improve the technology and systems
used inMongolia’s civil service and to create open data.  ere is a growing tendency to
disclose information, expand cooperation, and create a uni ed government information
distribution platform.
For example, Mongolia has been a participant inthe International Open Govern-
ment Partnership for Open Data since 213. Within the framework ofthis initiative, the
following activities have been carried out inour country (Table 2).
According to this initiative, the real platform that can be used inaccordance with
open data usage procedures, presented inthe Figure 1.
Figure 1— Centralization into the National central data base.
 1—     .
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2023 78
As for the databases inthe  gure 2, are not yet integrated into the National Cen-
tralized Data Base.
Figure 2— Not integrated into the National Centralized Data Base.
 2— ,  
  .
Figure 3— Components ofthe E-Government development.
 3—   .
As can be seen from Figures 1 and 2 above, the inconsistency ofthe internal infor-
mation network and open database ofgovernment organizations has a negative impact
on public services.  e results ofthe research on the coordination ofgovernment organ-
izations show that they are true.
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 79
In 219, the National e-Government Program was approved, considering that weak
policy implementation and systemic inconsistencies have a negative impact on the im-
plementation ofe-government.
e Mongolian Communications and Information Technology Authority has been
tasked to implement the e-Nation program approved under the national program.  e
program is one ofthe six strategic goals ofthe organization. In particular, the MCITA
has set six strategic goals: digital infrastructure— e-government— information secu-
rity— digital literacy— innovation, and industry-accelerator ofthe national develop-
ment. It should be noted that the realization ofpolicy for the development ofe-govern-
ment is exclusively implemented by governmental agencies.
Within the framework ofthe strategic goals set by the Authority, the development
ofe-government inMongolia can be shown inFigure 3.
e latest e-government program approved in219 aimed to have two laws related
to e-government.  is directly leads to the conclusion that the legal environment has
not been fully laid out.  erefore, it is necessary to study the reasons that hinder the
development within the framework ofthis research.
Literature review
We utilized one ofthe e-government development models as a source. For example,
according to Richard Heeks (Heeks, 21), developing countries need to create e-readi-
ness that will be the basis for the development ofe-government.  erefore, « e priority
for an NeGI is to build e-readiness insix areas: Institutions, Laws, Leadership and com-
mitment, Human capacities, Technology, Data systems» as a complex system. In order
to form this complexity, four stages ofdevelopment were proposed.
Another e-government model for developing countries was developed by M. Back-
us (21). He states that e-government is aimed at promoting a good governance, so
many stakeholders ofsociety should be involved. e model by Layne and Lee (Layne,
21) is focused on the integration and technological and organizational complexity,
inwhich ICTs play an important role inthe development ofe-government.
Furthermore, the role ofgovernment should be clear inthe development ofe-gov-
Scholars, such as Palvia & Sharma (Palvia, 27) has found that a government
agency (G) interacts with outside constituents including citizens (C), business (B), an-
other governmental agency (G) or employees (E). Separate governmental agencies are
held responsible for performing activities such as tax collection where such revenues
are utilized to provide services similar to defense, security or health care. To perform
all these activities, governmental agencies deploy ICT, making this activityelectronic
government or e-government. us, primary delivery models for e-government are: (1)
G2CGovernment-to-Citizen, (2) G2GGovernment-to-Government, (3) G2EGov-
ernment-to-Employees and, G2BGovernment-toBusiness.
e above research shows that the development ofe-government should be system-
atic, complex and needs to go through di erent steps. It is clear that the transition will
take some time, and how to make an e ective transition is not only a matter ofdevelop-
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2023 80
ment, but also it needs policy and legal regulations. E-government also needs to involve
many stakeholders, as it covers all societal activities.  erefore, the research will analyze
the coherence ofthe policy documents issued to date and compare whether the condi-
tions are met as re ected inthe e-development model.
Study design
e research methodology was followed inthe order ofdocument analysis-com-
parative analysis-case study.  e purpose ofthe document analysis was to analyze the
content ofkey documents related to e-government.
Analysis ofpolicy documents included a total of67 policy documents, inparticular:
Internal government operations (G2G / G2E)
Government Business Organization (G2B)
ere were six documents from the government that covered all ofthe three main
areas of citizen (G2C) regulation, de ning medium- and long-term e-government
policies, while containing the continuity ofe-government policies.
ese six policy documents are:
1. Concept ofinformation and communication technology development ofMongolia
until 21 approved by the Parliament Resolution No. 21 of2.
2. Mongolia’s Medium-Term Strategy for the Development of Information and
Communication Technologies and Action Plan for the Implementation ofthe Strategy,
approved by Government Resolution No. 233 of22.
3. «Electronic Mongolia» national program, approved by Government Resolution No.
216 of25.
4. National e-Government Program, approved by Government Resolution No. 11 of212.
5. State policy on information and communication development approved by the
Government Resolution No. 47 of217;
6. National e-Government Program, approved by Government Resolution No. 73
Of the six policy documents, three of them «e-Mongolia», «e-Mongolia» and
«e-government» were directly linked to the e-governance development.  erefore, the
analysis was primarily focused on these documents.
«E-Mongolia» National Program
In 25, the Government ofMongolia pursued a strategy to implement the «Elec-
tronic Mongolia» national program inorder to build an informed society. In order to
implement this program, it has been included inthe government’s medium-term devel-
opment policy inthe ICT sector. It can be assumed that the use ofICTs will create an
informed society, which will make the development ofe-government a reality. In par-
ticular, the goal ofthe ICT Authority is to make technology universal. e e-Mongolia
program, on the other hand, has a strategy ofusing information and communication
technology to develop e-government. It is clear that e-government will develop if there
is a connection between the two. It can be concluded that there is a policy error inthe
development ofour country as two independent issues separately.  erefore, to date, the
development ofe-government is the responsibility ofthe CIT Agency.
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах азиатского региона 81
e main strategy ofthe e-Mongolia Program is de ned infour main areas: legal,
policy and regulatory environment, infrastructure development, ICT use inall sectors
ofsociety, and human resource development, consisting of7 chapters and 25 sub-chap-
ters and around 1 measures, developed together with the master plan. In particular,
it is planned that the use ofICTs will ensure the coherence ofe-government as follows
(See the Table 3).
Table 3.
 3.
Planned that the use ofICTs will ensure the coherence ofe-government
     
   
ICT development goal «Electronic Mongolia» programs ICT development strategy
Use ofICT inall areas
Provide government support and leadership
Improving the e ciency ofpublic administration through the
use ofICTs
ICT application and its interrelationships
Development ofe-government (G2C / G2B / G2C)
• Development ofe-learning
• Development ofe-health
• Develop e-commerce
• Standard
ICT-based economic growth
Accelerate and support ICT investment and consumption
inthe economy
Increase and support the use ofICT inSMEs and enterprises
Develop the domestic ICT market
Increase the growth ofexport products ofdomestic ICT com-
Introduce ICT to the public and citizen participation
Introduce ICT to the public
Intensify public training and advocacy activities
increase citizen participation ingovernment activities
Developing Human
ICT capability and human resource development
Provide ICT skills to everyone
Improving ICT education for civil servants
Training ofICT professionals and researchers
Comparing the content ofthe e-government development strategy with the con-
tent ofthe World Banks 21 e-government de nition, the e-government issues inthe
e-Mongolia national program are similar to the content ofthe e-government de nition,
but logically inconsistent.  is is because the program does not specify regulation ofso-
cial relationships regarding who will do what, who will provide what, and who will
receive what from whom.
e content ofthe World Banks de nition ofwho should do what and how is rst
de ned as to use ICTs to improve public, citizens and private partnerships, while the
e-Mongolia national program does not consider the participation ofsocial stakeholders.
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Second, the quality results ofgovernment, citizens and private sector cooperation or
stakeholder engagement inimproving access to public services, strengthening account-
ability, and ensuring transparency and openness and accountability mechanism, and it
viewed the responsibilities ofgovernment, citizens and private sector to have an equal
participation. However, stakeholders inthe e-Mongolia national program were de ned
not clearly enough. For example, it is not clear what responsibilities the state has, what
the citizen has the right to receive, but no mention ofresponsibilities ofcitizens, what
role the relationship ofprivate sector has inthe relationship between government and
citizens.  ird, the use ofICTs ingovernment, citizens and private sector interrelation-
ships is a way to reduce the time, space, and the cost ofservices and products, meanwhile
the Electronic Mongolia National