Тип статьи Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.48: 343.852
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2023)3-03
Воздаяние для всех:
квопросу опоследствиях наказания для семьи осужденного
Оксана Юрьевна Каплун 1
Хельмут Кури 2
Евгений Иванович Ильченко3
1Дальневосточный федеральный университет, Владивосток, Россия,
kaplun.oi@dvfu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1150-4269
2 Институт изучения преступности, безопасности иправа общества Макса Планка.
Фрайбург, Германия;
helmut.kury@web.de https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0319-5603
3Дальневосточный федеральный университет, Владивосток, Россия,
ilchenko.ei@students.dvfu.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6264-42984
Аннотация. ,      ,
  .     ,
  ,   . 
    :    -
  .  ,    ,
        
   .     ,
     ,  ,  
      . -
, ,     ,   -
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 64
,  , .  —   -
 ,      ,  
 .  ,      
 ,     .   
   ,    
,  ,    -
.  ,       
 : ,  ,      -
.      ,  
—     , 
 .    ,    , -
  :     
  .    , -
 ,   ,  -
,    .
Ключевые слова: ,  ,  , -
 ,  ,  , -
  , 
Финансирование:       
   (  22-08-06-006.  -
:        
  .
Для цитирования: Каплун О.Ю. Кури Х., Ильченко Е.И. Воздаяние для всех: квопросу опо-
следствиях наказания для семьи виновного // Society and Security Insights. 2023. Т. 6, № 3.
С.63–74. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2023)3-03.
Everyone isGuilty: an Issue ofthe Consequences for the Family
ofthe Perpetrator
Oksana Yu. Kaplun1
Helmut Kury2
Evgeny I. Ilchenko3
1Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia,
kaplun.oi@dvfu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1150-4269
2 Max Planck Institute for the Study ofCrime, Security and Law Freiburg, Germany,
helmut.kury@web.de, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0319-5603
3Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia,
ilchenko.ei@students.dvfu.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0004-6264-42984
Abstract. e purpose ofthis paper isto show that the family ofconvicted criminal has  nan-
cial, social and psycho-emotional di culties. e main goal ofthe deprivation ofliberty ofa per-
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 65
son convicted ofcommitting a crime isto punish the perpetrator. However, the criminal’s family
isalso punished, inthe sense that family members have a numerous hardship. At present, inthe
era ofmass incarceration, a signi cant number offamilies feel the harmful consequences ofthe
imprisonment ofone oftheir members.  ere isalmost no information inthe Russian scienti c
literature about the processes that arise infamilies a er the arrest ofa criminal. So this article pays
considerable attention to the analysis ofthe results ofinternational research.  e paper shows that
since each family isdi erent from the others, the consequences ofimprisonment experienced
by them are di erent. On the one hand, the removal ofa delinquent from the family structure,
which has a destructive e ect on family members, can have a positive e ect. On the other hand,
the detention ofa family member isa complete disaster, inwhich everything changes, changes
dramatically. Family members ofprisoners experience deep forms ofdiscrimination that exacer-
bate already existing forms, such as ethnic, economic and gender discrimination and inequality. It
should be noted that all members ofthe prisoner’s family su er from the consequences: parents,
brothers and sisters, but wives and children have the hardest time.  at’s why the emphasis inthis
article ison the designation ofthe consequences experienced by women— o cial and uno cial
marriage partners ofmen, who committed crime. All the family cares and burdens that a man
used to carry out now are shi ed to a woman: she becomes both the sole earner and a single
parent. Women are forced to overcome  nancial, socio-psychological di culties, condemnation
ofthe inner circle, bureaucratic obstacles, shortcomings ofthe judicial and penitentiary systems.
Keywords: criminal, negative consequences, delinquent behavior, family relations, crimino-
logical research, collateral damage, life imprisonment, punishment
Financial Support: the work was supported by the Far Eastern Federal University Founda-
tion, Project  22-08-06-006  e Philosophy oflaw: crime and punishment as a problem ofthe
social justice and e ciency inthe era ofglobalization.
For citation: Kaplun O.Yu. KuryH., IlchenkoE.I. (2023). Everyone isguilty: an issue ofthe conse-
quences for the family ofthe perpetrator. Society and Security Insights, 6(3), 63–74. (InRuss.). doi:
  -    
   1.  - -
      . ,  -
     « »,   
    ,    , 
    ,  . 
  , ,  ,  
   ,  .  -
      ,   -
  ,    -
,    .   
  ,    
   ,  , ,
1 https://ria.ru/20211118/zaklyuchennye-1759608221.html?ysclid=lkw7ehlsgy761527198
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   .   
   .
Лишение свободы преступника: благо или зло для его семьи?
      
  . ,    
      ,
,     
   .     -
  ,      
(Watts H., Nightingale D.& Adding, 1996).
     ,   -
    .    — 
   ,   
 ,    . ,  ,
 /    -
   ,  ,    
   .     -
       : 
, «» ,-
    (, , 213).   
       .
  ,        (
 : «     ,  
  ,      
,      .
  ,   » (Sinko R. et al, 22: 324).
Последствия лишения свободы для семьи преступника
  .   . ,   
 ,      
 ,   ,   
    :   ; 
 ,      
;     (Hagan, Dinovitze, 1999).  -
,   , ,     ,
     , ,
,  ,    -
    ,   .
   ,   , , 
     .  -
      -
   .   «  »
. .    ,   
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 67
.  ,     
,       , 
 ,  ,   .  -
      ;  , 
  ,   (Carlson, Cervera, 1992).
   . .  ,  
 ,  ,     
 (Kury, Kern, 23).   ,   -
       ,  
       -
.        -
         
  .
     - 
    - .
Финансовые последствия
    ,   -
  -  .  ,    
, «»    ,   ,
   ,     -
.  ,     ,   -
      .
  ,  -
      . , 
 ,      -
  (Hagan, Dinovitze, 1999).
       -
 ,    .    
,    ,    -
 .     
   ,   , -
    (  ),    
. «    .  
   ,    -
» (Kury, 22: 117).    ,  
 .      
  .     ,
 .      -
,      
 .       
 (Hagan, Dinovitze, 1999).
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     -
.     ,    .
  ,   :  ,  -
,  , ,   
«»;          -
 , , , . « .   
     » (Hairston, Oliver,23).
Социально-психологические последствия. Стигматизация
- ,    
,   ,    ,
        (Kury, 22).
    -  -
   (Hairston, Oliver,23).    -
         
,   ,      
  .   ,   
,    - .    
   ,   -
    .    -
        -
 ,  ,  , 
 (Carlson, Cervera, 1992).     ,  -
 .  ,   
     -
.      -
       
 ,    ,   -
  (Turney, 214).   ,     
  ,   . -
      ,    -
   .   ., « 
   ,     , 
,  » (Watts H., Nightingale D.& Adding, 1996: 58).
    —   
  .   , 
  , ,  
 (Kotova, 22).
 ,  ,    ,   
  .   , «  
      „ »
(Hagan, Dinovitze, 1999: 121).      -
 ,  -    ,  - ,  
 -,   . .  : «
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 69
 ,   : „    ?“ , 
 : „      ?“»
(Hairston, Oliver, 23: 8).
   ,      -
  ,  ,      -
.     ,  -
 .    
,      
        
 (Kotova, 22).    ,   -
        -
    ,  ,    
(Sinko R. et al, 22).
        -
 ,  ,     -
   ,    
 ,    .   -
  ,     ,   
  .   -
     , 
  (Sinko R. et al, 22).    ,
       
,  .      -
  .   ,  
  ,     .
Посещение тюрем, свидания сзаключенными
  ,     ,
    ,  ,  -
  ,  ,    (Kury,
22).   ,  ,    -
,      ,   
 .  ,      -
     ,  -
  ,   .    -
      
  .      , 
. ,       ,
  ,     , -
,     ,   -
,      .
 ,   , ,  
      (Kaplun, 217).  
     -
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. ,     ,   -
     .  -
      , 
     .
     , 
       -
,    . .,  1995 .  
  ,     -
. 1999 .       
 . . .  , ,  
  15    -
 ,  .    -
,  ,      
,  , ,   -
     
    .    
  .
        
  .  ,  ,  -
,       -
,       -
  . . . ,     ,
, 
   (, 216).
     ,  
   ,   
      (, 216: 55).  -
 . .,     ,    
 «  —    
  »,     ,   
,     ;    -
       ,
       (, 216
:54).       -
 ,  37,1%     -
      (, 28).
     ()  
. . , ,      -
       -
  ;    
       
.  ,    ,  -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 71
        -
   .
. .  ,    
      ,    -
 .  ,   
   ,    , 
     , 
      (,
216).        -
 ,  /   -
 ,    ,   .
    «»   
      
      ,    2
     . . .
    ,  , 
«    » (,
216).     ,   -
   ,    -
,: « Y.  
,   .   ,   
. ,  ,   ,   -
         -
 . , ,     . 
       : «!
.  !» (, 216: 162).
        ,
      ,    -
      ,  -
    . , , 
.. ,— ; ,    ,  ,
 ,  ?   ?   , -
  ,  . ,  ,
   —    
. ,         -
 ,  , ,   .  
        ; 
 ,    ,  :
    ,    , 
 ,      -
  .
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 72
 ,  ,  ,   -
    : -,  -
 , -,    - 
,     ,  
    .
       -
 ,     -
,      .
       -
     .   
  ,  ,   -
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 //    . 213.  2. . 24–256.
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  — . . , ,   -
    ,-
, .
Oksana Yu. Kaplun— Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Professor. Ass. Professor Department
ofPsychology and Education ofFar Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
 — - . ,    -
      (  
,     ), ., -
Helmut Kury— Prof. Dr. habil. Dipl. Psych., Prof. h.c. mult. Former: Senior Research-
er at Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Penal Law (currently the Max
Planck Institute for the Study ofCrime, Security and Law)— Department ofCriminol-
ogy and Prof. at the University ofFreiburg, Germany.
  —    -
, , .
Evgeny I. Ilchenko— student ofFar Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 14.07.2023;
одобрена после рецензирования 03.08.2023;
принята кпубликации 15.08.2023.
The article was submitted 14.07.2023;
approved after reviewing 03.08.2023;
accepted for publication 15.08.2023.