Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2023 86
is2.29 points (sd= 1.19), guiding in uence ofdivine power is2.31 points (sd= 1.14), divine
touch is2.2 (sd= 1.14), divine presence is2.18 points (sd= 1.14). e ndings are consist-
ent with the data ofrepresentative polls by Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsI-
OM), according to which in215 more than a quarter ofthe Russian population surveyed
(26%) reported that religion helps them ineveryday life (in 199 this proportion was only
5%), and 29% had encountered divine help intheir lives (18% in199)1.
e experience ofdivine intervention inthe life ofindividuals ismost pronounced
inthe Altai Republic (m= 2.62, sd= 1.2), and isless pronounced inthe Novosibirsk region
(m= 2.27, sd= 1.17), unity with the world ismost clearly manifested inthe Tyva Republic
of(m= 2.46, sd= 1.15), less inthe Novosibirsk region (m= 2.19, sd= 1.14). e direction
oflife by divine will ismaximum inTyva (m= 2.53, sd= 1.5), and minimum inthe Novo-
sibirsk region (m= 2.1, sd= 1.12), the frequency ofthe touch ofdivine power ismaximum
inTyva and the Altai Krai (m= 2.16 / 2.16, sd= 1.13/1.2), the presence ofGod ismore o en
felt by the residents ofTyva and the Altai Republic (m= 2.37/2.31, sd= 1.1/1.2), less o en
by the inhabitants ofthe Novosibirsk region (m= 1.89, sd= 1.6) (Table 5).
Index ofreligiosity centrality
Religions, beliefs and religious ideas can di er signi cantly from each other
interms ofthe complexity ofreligious systems and institutions, content, forms ofrit-
uals, the degree ofregulation ofthe life ofbelievers. However, all religions have a com-
monality, which is, for example, the division ofthe world into earthly and “heavenly” (or
this world and other world). Besides this, the basis ofany religion isfaith inGod orgods,
deities, divine essences, supernatural forces, as well as intheir participation in“earthly”,
“natural” processes, inpeople’s lives.
is belief isre ected inthe concept of“religiosity”, as noted by Danilyan O.G.
and Tarasenko V.M. (Danilyan, Tarasenko, 25), and has, unlike religion, an objective
character, as it acts as a measure ofthe centrality, importance, orexpressiveness ofreli-
gious meanings for a person, that is, it isa character trait. Religiosity marks the world-
view, behavior, way oflife, mediates the evaluation ofsocial processes and phenomena.
Accordingly, the degree ofreligiosity describes the extent to which an individual has
assimilated religious ideas and norms, the values ofreligion.
us, based on the summation offrequency ratings for all 2 component scales
and the calculation ofaverage values for all four regions, the index ofreligiosity ofthe
population was calculated. e overall index ofreligiosity for the entire sample is2.41
(sd= .86), which isslightly lower than the test norm for the Russian Federation, record-
ed inHuber’s study (Huber and Huber, 218). e most religious population isinTuva
Republic, where religiosity isexpressed at the level of2.75 points (sd= .75), the second
position istaken by Altai Republic, where the index value is2.52 points (sd= .87), the
index values below the test norm are recorded inAltai Krai (2.36 points (sd= .87)) and
Novosibirsk Region, where the religiosity ofthe population isexpressed to a lesser ex-
tent: at the level of2.16 points (sd= .82).
1 In 2015, 16,000 people were interviewed in130 settlements of46 regions ofthe Russian Federation,
in1990— 766 people. Source: VTsIOM, Infographics VTsIOM: Religion: for and against ( .