Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 331.54
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2023)4-09
Опыт трудовой деятельности молодежи
Сибирского федерального округа
Алла Владимировна Зинич1
Светлана Геннадьевна Максимова2
1Омский государственный аграрный университет, Омск, Россия;
av.zinich@omgau.org, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-5633
2Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Россия;
maksimova@socio.asu.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4613-4966
Аннотация.      
   ,    
  ,    .  -
       .  
       
,   .    
,     2021 .  
   .      
      . -
  ,     
     ,   
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2023 146
.       
  ,      -
.       -
    . ,  
         ,
    ,  .  , -
     ,    
    .  ,  
    ,   
,       .  -
       
    ,    ,
    ,  -
       .
Ключевые слова: ,  ,  , , -
 
Финансирование:      
   ( 19-29-07366 « -
      -
 »).
Для цитирования: Зинич А.#В., Максимова С.#Г. Опыт трудовой деятельности молодежи Си-
бирского федерального округа // Society and Security Insights. 2023. Т. 6, № 4. С. 145-159. doi:
Work Experience ofYoung People
ofthe Siberian Federal District
Alla V. Zinich1
Svetlana G. Maximova2
1 Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk, Russia,
av.zinich@omgau.org, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-5633
2Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia,
maksimova@socio.asu.ru, https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-4613-4966
Abstract. e possibilities ofrealizing thelabor potential ofyoung people are largely deter-
mined by their educational base, motivational aspects and theavailability ofwork experience inthe
eld that is outlined by theframework oftheir professional identity. In this regard, much attention
should be paid to thestudy ofthese processes.  e article presents an analysis ofthe existing work
experience ofmodern Siberian youth and thefactors in uencing it. Empirical data were obtained
as a result ofa survey conducted on thebasis ofa sociological study in2021 on theterritory ofall
subjects ofthe Siberian Federal District. Its main purpose was to assess themain driving motives
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 147
ofeducational and work activities among modern youth. New are theresults that allow us to assess
regional di erences inthe distribution ofrespondents both by thepresence ofwork experience
and by thecharacteristics ofits components.  e presented results allow us to judge theavailability
ofwork experience among Siberian youth and assess thepossibility ofcombining it with educa-
tional activities.  e form ofregistration oflabor relations and theconnection with theprofessional
education ofthe respondents’ place ofwork are analyzed. It is noteworthy that intheir answers to
thequestion about barriers inthe labor market intheir region, most noted thefact that it is quite
di cult to get a job ina specialty, but it is possible. Among thereasons that prompted young people
to start working, theend ofvocational training and theneed to pay for it were most o en highlight-
ed. At thesame time, revealing their plans for theapplication ofthe education they have already
received, inmost cases, young people noted that they plan to work by profession or continue their
studies. And themain measures to improve thesituation with theemployment ofgraduates ofed-
ucational institutions included thedevelopment ofa training system, theopening ofnew areas
oftraining, strengthening therole ofcareer guidance activities at school, orientation to digitaliza-
tion and theformation ofa forecast ofthe need for personnel for theeconomy ofthe region.
Keywords: youth, labor market, labor activity, experience, sociological research
Financial Support: thework was supported by theRussian Foundation for Basic Research
(project No. 19-29-07366 Interdisciplinary approach to professional self-determination ofrural
youth inthe conditions ofdigitalization ofthe economy).
For citation: Zinich, A. V., Maximova, S. G. (2023). Work Experience ofYoung People ofthe Siberi-
an Federal District. Society and Security Insights, 6(4), 145–159. (In Russ.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2023)4-09.
    ,  
 ,   . 
  ,     
  1,      -
   (  ., 219).    
, ,    , -
  .    -
,     .
      
,   ,   -
    (  ., 22).   -
  (, 221; , , , 222; ,
, 222; , 223; , 217; , , 217; ,
219; Kosenchuk et al., 221),  ,   
   , :
1.    .
2.      -
 .
1 Эксперты РБК объяснили исторические минимумы безработицы вРоссии при сокращении
экономики. URL: https://www.rbc.ru/economics/03/03/2023/6400712f9a79474d18f79446
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3.        -
 .
4.      -
       -
    .
5.        -
  .
6.      .
      ,  -
    ,   -
     .
      , 
     ,   -
      
      , 
 ,     ,
    .
Методы исследования
       -
     .  
      .
      
  .     -
    ,  , -
 .      
1435. 592.
  ,    
  ,     
      .
    ,    
 .
   (χ2, ≤,5)  -
       -
   (. 1).
,    ,  , 
  ,    (74,4%).  
 ,   ,   -
   (55,4%).
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 149
 1—     
    , %.
Figure 1— Distribution ofrespondents by work experience, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
 2—       
       , %.
Figure 2— Distribution ofrespondents by experience ofcombining educational activities
with employment at thelast place ofwork, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2023 150
 3—      
      , %.
Figure 3— Distribution ofrespondents by forms ofregistration oflabor relations
at thelast place ofwork, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 151
  «      -
   ?»      -
   (75,6%).  ,   -
,       (66,7%), 
    .  -
       (χ2,
≤,5)      
      
  (. 2).
      
       -
     (χ2, ≤,5) (. 3).
,    (43,8%)    -
      . -
 -      -
 ,    (27,4%),    
        (12,9%). «-
»   ( ,    ) 
      (83,3%).
 4—      
       , %.
Figure 4— Distribution ofrespondents by thepresence ofconnection with therespondents
professional education at thelast place ofwork, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2023 152
,    ,  -
  ,   ,   
    (. 4).
     , 
   (53,7%),       
(73,3%)      ,  -
   .
  ,   ,  
,    (. 5).
 5—     
    , %.
Figure 5— Distribution ofrespondents by motives for starting labor
activity depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
 ,     ,
        -
     (37,5%)  
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 153
(32,9%),        -
  (11,4%)   (12,5%).    -
        
       (22,8%) -
  (17,1%),    —    
(1,5%)   (,%).
 6—     
     , %.
Figure 6— Distribution ofrespondents by planned use ofthe profession
they obtained, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2023 154
 7—     
    
   , %.
Figure 7— Distribution ofrespondents’ assessments ofreal employment opportunities by
specialty inthe region oftheir residence, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
       
 ,     
 6.
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      -
   (56,7%)   (5,%).  -
   ,    
,      (31,3%). 
      -
  (22,7%)   (5,%). , -
        -
 ,  ,    
(26,7%)   (25,%).
,     
    (. 7).
      
      
  (35,6%),   (33,8%) 
 (33,8%).      ,  ,  
       (39,4%)  
        
    ,  
       
 .   ,   
      ( ,
 ,  ).    
.     , ,  -
,    ,   
   (. 8).
,       -
    (52,2%)    -
       (53,3%). -
      
     (47,8%).   
 (47,5%).-
      
      -
       
(52,7%)   (5,7%).   
        -
       (41,2%) -
Society andSecurity Insights № 4 2023 156
  (41,2%).    (27,3%)  
       
       
 .
 8—     
 /   
   , %.
Figure 8— Necessary measures to improve theemployment situation ofuniversity/college
graduates inthe respondents region ofresidence, depending on theregion ofthe survey, %.
  ,    ,
   ,      -
   ,    — 
 . ,     ,  -
      ,   
Социальные, культурные исследования ибезопасность 157
  ,  —  . -
,     ,      
     . -
          -
,       
     
 .  
        -
 :     
      
     , 
     -
      
 .    , -
 .
 . .       -
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Svetlana G. Maximova— Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor, Head ofthe Department ofSo-
cial and Youth Policy ofthe Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 15.11.2023;
одобрена после рецензирования 28.11.2023;
принята кпубликации 03.12.2023.
The article was submitted 15.11.2023;
approved after reviewing 28.11.2023;
accepted for publication 03.12.2023.