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Research Article / Научная статья
УДК 347.77
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)2-05
Infringement ofAI Intellectual Property Rights andLegal
Liability on e-Commerce Marketplaces: New Challenges
Anna V. Pokrovskaya
Intellectual Property Center “Skolkovo”, Moscow, Russia;
1142220181@pfur.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0002-6473-2027
Abstract. is article investigates theintricate linkage between articial intelligence, intel-
lectual property, andthedigital commerce sector. It delves into AI algorithms’ profound impacts
on thelegal landscape. Inan era where businesses heavily rely on AI forduties varying from cus-
tom recommendations to fraud identication, theanalysis meticulously scrutinizes theinternal
workings ofthese algorithms andtheir implications forintellectual property rights within digital
commerce platforms. rough acomprehensive scientic study, potential pitfalls emerge, high-
lighting thedangers ofpossible copyright, trademark, patent, andtrade secret violations originat-
ing from AI-generated content. As theboundaries ofownership become increasingly ambiguous
due to theintricacy ofassigning accountability inAI-driven systems, developers andcreators face
thechallenge ofcomprehending andmitigating these risks. eanalysis illuminates theuncer-
tainties surrounding possession when AI assumes therole ofinventor, underscoring theurgent
need foraadaptable legal framework that can adjust to thepace oftechnological progress. ear-
ticle puts forth applicable recommendations to mitigate these risks, putting an emphasis on re-
sponsibility, principled innovation, andlegal conformity inthe face ofevolving technologies. By
connecting therealms oflaw andtechnology, this examination oers aholistic analysis ofthein-
fringements on AI intellectual property rights andthelegal obligations ofdigital commerce plat-
forms. It underscores thenecessity ofexible legal structures that can accommodate therapid
evolution ofAI, ensuring asymbiotic relationship between innovation andlegal adherence inthe
digital commerce domain. eresearch not only elucidates themultifaceted challenges that AI
presents but also provides strategic insights to navigate these intricacies with integrity andfore-
sight. rough its in-depth exploration ofAI’s impact on intellectual property within thedig-
ital commerce sphere, this article aims to equip stakeholders with a nuanced understanding
ofthelegal ramications andethical considerations inherent inAI-driven innovation. By oering
aroadmap fornavigating these uncharted territories, thestudy strives to foster aculture ofac-
countable innovation andlegal compliance inthe ever-evolving landscape ofdigital commerce.
Keywords: AI technologies, digital era, e-commerce, algorithms, AI-generated content, intel-
lectual property rights, online sphere
For citation: Pokrovskaya, A.V. (2024). Infringement ofAI Intellectual Property Rights andlegal
liability on e-Commerce Marketplaces: New Challenges. Society andSecurity Insights, 7(2), 91–103.
(InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-05.
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 92
Нарушение прав интеллектуальной собственности наИИ
июридическая ответственность наторговых площадках
электронной коммерции: новые вызовы
Анна Владимировна Покровская
ЦИС «Сколково», Москва, Россия;
1142220181@pfur.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0002-6473-2027
Аннотация. Встатье исследуется тесная взаимосвязь между искусственным интеллек-
том, интеллектуальной собственностью исектором цифровой коммерции. Она посвящена
глубокому влиянию алгоритмов искусственного интеллекта на юридический ландшафт.
Внаше время предприятия взначительной степени полагаются наискусственный интеллект
для выполнения различных задач— отразработки индивидуальных рекомендаций довыяв-
ления мошенничества; встатье проводится подробный анализ внутренних механизмов ра-
боты этих алгоритмов иих последствий для прав интеллектуальной собственности врамках
платформ цифровой торговли. Благодаря всестороннему научному исследованию выявля-
ются потенциальные подводные камни, указывающие наопасность возможных нарушений
авторских прав, торговых марок, патентов икоммерческой тайны, связанных сконтентом,
создаваемым искусственным интеллектом. Поскольку границы собственности становятся
все более неопределенными из-за сложности распределения ответственности в системах,
управляемых ИИ, разработчики исоздатели сталкиваются спроблемой понимания исни-
жения этих рисков. Анализ показывает неопределенность, связанную с владением, когда
ИИ берет насебя роль изобретателя, подчеркивая настоятельную необходимость вадапти-
руемой правовой базе, способной подстраиваться под темпы технологического прогресса.
Встатье предлагаются рекомендации поснижению этих рисков, вкоторых особое внима-
ние уделяется ответственности, принципиальным инновациям иправовому соответствию
перед лицом развивающихся технологий. Соединяя сферы права итехнологий, данное ис-
следование предлагает целостный анализ нарушений прав интеллектуальной собственности
наИИ июридических обязательств платформ цифровой торговли. Подчеркивается необхо-
димость создания гибких правовых структур, способных учитывать стремительную эволю-
цию ИИ, обеспечивая симбиотическую связь между инновациями исоблюдением правовых
норм всфере цифровой торговли. Исследование нетолько проясняет многогранные про-
блемы, которые ставит перед нами ИИ, но ипредлагает стратегические решения, позволяю-
щие преодолевать эти сложности счестностью идальновидностью. Благодаря углубленному
изучению влияния ИИ наинтеллектуальную собственность всфере цифровой коммерции
эта статья призвана вооружить заинтересованных лиц тонким пониманием юридических
последствий иэтических соображений, присущих инновациям, основанным наИИ. Пред-
лагая «дорожную карту» для навигации поэтим неизведанным территориям, исследование
стремится сформировать культуру ответственных инноваций исоблюдения правовых норм
впостоянно развивающемся ландшафте цифровой коммерции.
Ключевые слова: технологии искусственного интеллекта, цифровая эпоха, электрон-
ная коммерция, алгоритмы, созданный искусственным интеллектом контент, права интел-
лектуальной собственности, онлайн-сфера
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 93
Для цитирования: Покровская А.В. Нарушение прав интеллектуальной собственности
наИИ июридическая ответственность наторговых площадках электронной коммерции: но-
вые вызовы // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т.7, №2. С.91–103. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-05.
1. Introduction
e rapid development ofAI technologies ine-commerce has changed theway
businesses work andinteract with their clients. Generally, with theopportunities to pro-
cess thelarge amounts ofinformation andmake smart decisions, AI has become amajor
disruptor ine-commerce. First, AI has changed thecustomer experience model.
Currently, e-commerce companies are using AI algorithms andother machine
learning approaches to analyze thebehavior patterns, preferences, andprevious inter-
actions to suggest personal recommendations. Such amodel allows to better under-
stand thecustomers andimprove andindividualize thesuggesting approach. Other,
AI isused to develop search engines that help to search theproduct andnavigate to
it more quickly. Finally, AI has helped inghting frauds. Basically, theinformation
technologies have enhanced therate oftheonline frauds andtheuse ofAI helps busi-
nesses to detect thepatterns andanomalies inthe user activity andidentify thepoten-
tial fraud. is stops thenancial frauds problems andthecustomers’ personal data
problems. en, AI helps inoptimizing theoperational processes. For instance, AI
algorithms monitor inventory processes andanalyze historical information to fore-
cast thefuture demand andstock therelevant amount oftheproduct, so thecompany
avoids losing money because ofthestock outs. Finally, AI supports innovations such
as chat bots andAI-driven virtual assistants that help inthe customer service. Gen-
erally, theAI development has provided thecompanies with new opportunities, but
there are also some new issues related to theAI implementation. Such issues as thein-
tellectual property andthelegal matters should be addressed andinnovated to provide
e-commerce thepromising future.
In this study, the general scientic and special methods of cognition are used.
While the research question is examining AI technologies in e-commerce markets,
theintegral perspective ofanalyzing theconsequences ofAI on intellectual property
rights violation isconducted. erefore, adeep analysis ofthemechanisms ofusing
AI algorithms and machine learning models in the e-commerce platforms is need-
ed, the potential threats and weaknesses ofthe systems, and the legal consequences
to theunfolding ofsuch aws or abreach ofrights are to be known. emethodology
utilized inthis study implies theanalysis oftheevidence-based empirical material from
thescientic literature, judicial practice, andnormative legal acts. emethodology also
intends thethorough analysis oftheexisting legislation andpolicies referring to intellec-
tual property rights ande-commerce markets. Finally, being built on theinsights gained
from theprevious sections, thedata analysis, theassessment oftheexisting normative
base andpending problems, therecommendations section suggests thecomprehensive
list ofmeasures andinitiatives relevant to theexisting problems. erecommendations
target theelimination ofchallenges revealed inthe study, theenhancement ofhuman
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 94
rights andfreedoms on thee-commerce area, setting thelegislation-based accountabil-
ity, andlegal responsibility ofall stakeholders involved.
2. eRole ofAI algorithms andmachine learning ine-commerce platforms
e functioning ofe-commerce could be impossible without theAI algorithms
and machine learning. e ability of these tools to process enormous amounts
of information, extract valuable insights, and generate intelligent predictions
and recommendations is what makes e-commerce personalized, ecient,
andprotable. For instance, it has already been mentioned that they provide thebasis
fortherecommendation system, which isconsidered theprimary customer engagement
tools (Khrais, 2020). AI algorithms andmachine learning can also assist incustomer
segmentation to maximize the eect of targeted advertisements. By evaluating
thepurchasing history andbehavior on theplatform, machine learning algorithms can
distinguish customers by their purchasing patterns based on their behavior, allowing
forhighly customized andattractive oers. AI algorithms also dramatically improve
thefunctionality ofsearching theplatform. By evaluating large amounts ofdata on each
product inthe database, it can show accurate search results andminimize customers’ time
spent searching. It not only increases customer engagement andretainment andmakes
thecustomer experience more enjoyable, but also economic, as it takes less money to
keep theservers running. Another interesting implementation oftherecommendations
system is dynamic pricing. By considering demand, competition, and consumer
sentiments, companies using AI and machine learning can scale their revenues to
areasonable price, tailoring asale to their community, andincreasing product demand.
Furthermore, AI algorithms are used for fraud prevention and detection
in e-commerce platforms. Based on analyzing the transaction-based data, machine
learning models can spot andag certain data points or patterns as being more likely
to be a fraudulent purchase or an unauthorized login attempt (Vergne, 2020). is
allows e-commerce platforms to implement strong protection measures, mitigate
nancial losses andsecure good reputation among both clients andsellers. Other than
that, AI algorithms serve other roles ine-commerce platforms as well— namely, those
are inventory management andsupply chain optimization (Lingam, 2018). Based on
the historical sales, sales forecasts and other factors such as seasonality and market
trends, machine learning models can predict the future demand fora product. is
allows thee-commerce platform to minimize inventory levels andget rid ofstockouts
andoverstocking issues, thus, helping to reduce costs. AI algorithms can also be used
forcustomer support andservices. Chatbots andvirtual assistants powered by thenatural
language process andmachine learning can handle user inquiries, queries as well as
provide suggestions and prompts. ese assistants can respond in real-time and are
highly responsive to messages, which makes them asuitable companion inproviding
customer services. Lastly, AI algorithms are ideal for image and video recognition
ine-commerce platforms (Gochhait et al., 2020). With thehelp ofthecomputer vision
soware, they can analyze and tag product images automatically, extract the most
relevant features andenable thevisual search.
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 95
3. Mitigating Risks ofAI Intellectual Property Infringement
3.1. Challenges in determining accountability and gauging comprehension
inAI-generated materials
Safeguarding inventors andrights holders inthe electronic age. Fostering innova-
tion andcreativity through fair handling ofideas isimperative forsustained economic
growth. As online marketplaces andecommerce platforms dominate commerce, gov-
ernance should ensure intrinsic protections forintellectual property remain intact. Pol-
icies uphold various rights like copyrights, trademarks, patents, andindustrial secrets.
Ecommerce platforms facilitate transactions between sellers andconsumers, serving as
intermediaries through their digital venues. Content ownership becomes blurry as ar-
ticial intelligence that powers language models andgenerative systems may uninten-
tionally copy expressions. Platforms walking theline between enabling AI applications
andcurbing pilfered works. Striking aprincipled balance merits consideration anddis-
cussion (Grover & Teng ,2001). To develop trust andpromote safe andlegal commerce,
online builders must create new strategies andprocedures to address concerns related to
aseller’s or trader’s infringement ofintellectual property rights.
Aside from notice andtakedown schemes (Kumar et al., 2021), e-commerce plat-
forms are equipped with avariety ofother technologies to tackle copyright violations
andsafeguard theinterests ofcontent creators. Content ltering technologies can be
used to automatically discover andblock theupload or sale ofright’s-infringed materials
(Tan et al., 2021). Inany case, companies may align themselves with copyright collection
societies to solve theintricacies oflicensing androyalty management forthem.
E-commerce platforms have asystem inplace fordisciplineing multiple infringers
ofintellectual ownership. Penalties can escalate, or enforcement measures can increase
on sellers who committed more than one violation. egoal isthesame as previously—
e-commerce platforms aspire to provide asafe andsecure location to facilitate transac-
tion while protecting theconsumer’s andright-holder’s interests.
Intellectual property policies fore-commerce platforms need to incorporate meas-
ures to guarantee transparency andaccountability. Platforms are required to have pro-
cesses andprocedures forreporting violations andmust have open information to its
consumers andstakeholders. ey must establish intellectual property dispute resolu-
tion mechanisms andregularly update thepublic on thenumber andoutcomes ofsev-
eral takedown requests andthetype ofenforcement actions taken as measures to ensure
In summary, intellectual property policies are fundamental frameworks forpro-
tecting therights ofcontent creators andother rights holders. ough collaboration
andadherence by both players, these policies can help inthe creation ofaourishing
andsustainable digital marketplace that integrates innovation, creativity, andeconomic
development growth. It is, therefore, vital fore-commerce platforms to strike aperfect
balance between establishing proper spaces forlegitimate commerce andenforcing in-
tellectual property rights. Firms are required to create policies andenforcement meas-
ures that help address intellectual property infringement concerns to foster thenotion
oftrust andsecurity as well as growth.
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 96
3.2. Content ltering technologies foridentifying infringing content
Content ltering technologies are digital means used by e-commerce platforms to
determine andprevent theexistence ofinfringing content uploaded or oered forsale
(Pokrovskaya, 2023). e technologies, using various methodologies, analyze theup-
loaded content andcompare it with other known copyrighted works or other forms
ofintellectual property. epurpose ofcontent ltering technologies isto detect poten-
tially infringing conceptual or literal content before it ispublished or oered to thepub-
lic or other users oftheplatform. econceptual approach ensures that copyrighted
material isnot distributed unauthorizedly.
ere are dierent approaches forcontent ltering, andthe following are some
examples (Lyu et al., 2020): hash algorithms that help to compute aunique digital le in-
formation known as ahash out ofacopyrighted document andcompare with theguard
document or what has been uploaded to theplatform. Image recognition or music recog-
nition algorithms, imitating le metadata analysis, could be used forcomparing image
copyrights or video recognition.
e methods, which are presented above, are all realistic and achievable
forthecontent ltering approach. Most platforms combine some ofthemethodologies
to reach thebest possible accuracy for copyright detection. Moreover, some schemes
are used foreither discovering positive or negative matches by thesystem. Whitelis-
ting andblacklisting can be combined together to compare if it isauthorized or not.
Whitelisting compares thecontent hash made from thele to thehash list ofthesame
les that are authorized or not. Blacklisting compares content with thehash ofaknown
le that isnot authorized.
In addition to the methods that are described, other methods are also used.
eplatforms also invest inthe improvement ofthemethodologies to increase theaccu-
racy ofthedetection systems. All these methods are not apermanent solution, as thelaw
ischanging andnew ways to infringe are being created. at isthereason why plat-
forms invest heavily inresearch forimprovements. eplatforms always have asecond
thought about thepositive match ofan infringement andalways can appeal thedecision
to ban content to thecreator. All ofthis helps to thebasis ofdigital copyright inthe
e-commerce sector to be instep with modernity andeective.
4. Emerging Technologies andFrameworks
4.1. erole ofblockchain inintellectual property rights protection
It has been explored as apotential tool to improve theenforcement ofintellectual
property rights forblockchain technology. edecentralized andsecure nature ofadis-
tributed ledger makes them well–suited for addressing some of the challenges asso-
ciated with theimplementation ofIPR, such as copyright infringement or counterfeit
goods. For starters, blockchain allows the creation ofan immutable ledger, meaning
once details concerning intellectual property ownership, licensing, or patent application
isrecorded on theblockchain, it can be any changed or modied aerward without de-
tection (Xiao at al., 2020). is can provide irrefutable proof ofownership andprevent
unauthorized usage oftheproperty.
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 97
Smart contracts are used by several other key blockchain features, self–executing
deals with thecontract’s provisions directly into code (Hewa at al., 2021). Smart con-
tracts can also be used to automate contractual enforcement on intellectual property,
such as licensing or distribution, which eliminates intermediaries from transaction ne-
gotiations anddecreases therisk ofconict andboth sides fail to meet their obliga-
tions. Another opportunity forblockchain istheestablishment ofdecentralized systems
fortheprotection andmanagement ofdigital content. Storing details associated with
digital creation or copyrighted material on this kind ofblockchain gives content creators
robust evidence ofownership andhelps them regulate andmonitor use anddistribu-
tion. Such protection will assist inidentifying andpreventing unauthorized distribution
andguarantee afair distribution ofroyalty.
Blockchain can disrupt the counterfeit market by creating an unchangeable
andtrackable record ofthesupply chain (Negi et al., 2021). For example, the block-
chain may capture theprovenance, production, andmovement ofaproduct. As are-
sult, thebuyer andtheauthorities respond to theauthenticity oftheproduct to make
thedetection offake items more ecient. euse ofblockchain technology isphysically
impossible to prevent inbattling counterfeit goods.
Blockchain can simplify IP licensing andauthorization management. edecen-
tralized database oflicenses andauthorizations signicantly decreases transaction costs
while enhancing transparency inthe process ofpermits issuance andwithdrawal. Block-
chain can help streamline thecumbersome process ofissuing an authorization based on
permitting access at alower risk expense andwithout theright holder challenging illegal
use conditions.
Copyright registration andvalidation can be accomplished through theuse ofblock-
chain-based platforms (Singh & Rishi, 2020). A timestamp on apiece ofartwork stored on-
line veries thesaid work. Creators offunds may use this as adefense inany infringement
case by “proving” that they released their creation before thealleged infringer, although
theactual timestamp does not need to be correct. Blockchain can also be applied to ob-
tain potential rights andresolve disputes. Smart contracts allow theparties to determine
clauses which activate automatic payments when aparty does not fulll its obligations,
reducing thecosts offullling thelaw to reduce litigation expenses.
us, to sum it up, blockchain technology provides avariety ofbenets interms
ofintellectual property rights, such as unrepealable recording, usage for smart con-
tracts, management andmarketing ofdigital rights, monitoring ofroyalty distribution,
copyrighting, fake prevention, anddispute resolution. Consequently, blockchain can be
used to improve opportunity andtrust forcreators andrights holders.
5. Case Studies
While articial intelligence technologies’ integration continues to rapidly transform
entire industries inunexpected ways, creating both promising opportunities andunfore-
seen legal challenges, particularly regarding intellectual property rights anddetermining
liability in novel marketplace contexts such as complex global e-commerce platforms.
ecombinatorial eects ofarticial intelligence technology’s expanding computational
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 98
capabilities andtraditional concepts ofintellectual property ownership andlicensing re-
main unclear forbusinesses, innovators, andlegal professionals alike as these elds evolve
together at an accelerating pace. A more sophisticated andnuanced understanding ofhow
potential infringement ofintellectual property rights by or relating to AI systems may
threaten principles offair competition, protection ofinnovation, andrespect fortherule
oflaw underlying thedigital economy issorely needed.
e Legal Precedent ofDexCom Inc. v AgaMatrix1. emedical device rm Dex-
Com sued AgaMatrix innovation forpatent infringement ofintellectual property right
regarding raise glucose monitoring. It also asserted that AgaMatrix had plagiarized its
technologies inthe Articial Intelligence algorithms applied inits device. Inthehealth-
care system, thecourt ruled inDexCom’s favor, implying that protecting intellectual
property rights linked to AI technologies might be challenging.
Apple Inc. led alawsuit against Samsung Electronics Co2. forpatent claim viola-
tion innumerous countries. Apple claimed that several ofSamsung’s device character-
istics, including thevoice assistant, andcomputer-imaged oriented on AI, all infringed
upon Apple’s intellectual property rights. is instance illustrates thecomplexity ofen-
forcing intellectual property rights inthe sector ofAI andmobile devices.
A landmark lawsuit was led by Oracle against Google due to thealleged copyright
infringement3. Google used a Java programming language while developing the An-
droid OS. eprimary dispute was whether theuse ofJava APIs by Google was a“fair”
use or infringement. is case has complicated more details regarding thelimitation or
extension ofAI-related intellectual property claims andfair use as well as thesoware
industry ingeneral.
e copyright claim case between two dominant online platforms forsmall video
sharing, TikTok andTriller4, TikTok was charged with utilizing its AI source code to
parse through Triller’s video content andcreate comparable content. elawsuit depicts
amore pressing challenge forlaw inmaintaining an internet content protection regime
against issues revolving around technology andthelaw. ecritical questions being,
when andhow legal systems will adapt to technology advancement?
ese case studies have illustrated thecomplex relationship between AI technolo-
gies, intellectual property rights, andlegal liabilities inthe fast andevolving landscape
ofe-commerce marketplaces. More signicantly, these cases have highlighted thecrit-
ical importance of protecting intellectual property is the digital era and concocting
thenumerous legal challenges ofAI innovation.
6. Results
e investigation into theencroachment ofmachine intelligence legal rights andac-
countability on digital marketplaces exposed an illuminating series ofcore ndings that
1 Dexcom, Inc. v. Agamatrix, Inc., Case No.: 2:16-cv-5947 SJO (ASx) (C.D. Cal. Feb. 23, 2018).
2 Apple, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Case No. 11-CV-01846-LHK (N.D. Cal. Jun. 19, 2015).
3 Google LLC v. Oracle Am., Inc., 141 S. Ct. 1183, 209 L. Ed. 2d 311 (2021).
4 Triller,Inc.v. Bytedance Ltd. et al. (W.D. Tex. 6:20-CV-693) (Nov. 24, 2020).
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 99
illuminated themodern landscape andimpending repercussions ofAI-propelled inno-
vations inthe realm ofintellectual property.
e inquiry uncovered that computational models have radically overhauled
theorigination, distribution, andsafeguarding ofintellectual property ine-commerce
settings. Algorithmic protocols play apivotal part incontent formation, product evolu-
tion, anddecision-making procedures, thereby redening time-honored notions ofin-
tellectual property possession andprotection.
e examination discerned avast range ofdiculties andopportunities stemming
from themounting reliance on AI on electronic commerce platforms. While AI-driven
progress presents unprecedented eciency andscalability, they also pose intricate law-
ful andethic problems regarding intellectual property rights andliability.
e research underscored thenecessity to elucidate ownership andaccountability
frameworks inlight ofAI-spawned intellectual property. As computational systems auton-
omously fashion content andinventions, existing legal norms face an urgent need forad-
aptation to accommodate thenovel abilities andobstacles introduced by AI technologies.
e analysis emphasized theimportance offostering collaboration between stake-
holders to address the evolving intersection of machine intelligence and intellectu-
al property. By engaging policymakers, legal experts, AI developers, ande-commerce
marketplaces in dialogue and cooperation, the research highlighted the potential
forgroundbreaking solutions andbest practices to navigate thecomplexities ofAI-pro-
pelled intellectual property.
e conclusions oftheresearch suggest thenecessity forpolicymakers to proactive-
ly address thelegal andregulatory gaps arising from AI’s impact on intellectual property
ine-commerce markets. Clear guidelines andframeworks are essential to ensure robust
protection ofintellectual property rights while fostering innovation andcompetitive-
ness inthe digital economy.
In summation, theresults ofthestudy underscored thetransformative power ofAI
inreshaping intellectual property landscapes within e-commerce environments. By elu-
cidating thechallenges, opportunities, andpolicy implications ofAIs inuence on intel-
lectual property, theresearch provides valuable insights forstakeholders seeking to nav-
igate thedynamic intersection ofAI technology andlegal frameworks inthe digital age.
7. Discussion
In thee-commerce marketplaces context, theinfringement ofAI intellectual property
rights andlegal liability issues present additional challenges. us, given thewidespread
use of AI technology, complexities such as ownership, inventorship, attribution,
andcopyright require comprehensive solutions andperspective actions agreed upon by
theinvolved participants. erefore, to meet these challenges andovercome these issues,
it is essential to develop standards and best practices. us, the AI-generated works
intellectual property rights best practices will alleviate thesituation by providing clear
andcoherent insights into this complex issue regarding determining intellectual property
rights. Furthermore, licensing andagreement mechanisms should be enhanced to ensure
fair compensation. Eventually, theinvolved parties should collaborate to develop licensing
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 100
frameworks as they commercialize anduse AI-generated inventions andcontent. is
will enable dening thenegotiation terms on therevenue share, attribution stipulations,
andusage limitations. Sharing knowledge andinvolvement ofexpertise isalso crucial.
It implies that AI developers andrights holders should share their information to fully
understand theissue andnd thesolution. Proactive measures will be integrated into
AI systems to achieve responsible AI system use. is includes implementing an ethical
framework and human oversight. Also, research and development should continue
enhancing thesolution to thedescribed problem.
Governmental andinter-governmental legislative andregulatory measures are also
important inthe context ofAI intellectual property. One ofthemost important func-
tions ofgovernments andinternational bodies inthis eld istheestablishment ofalegal
basis regulating AI intellectual property rights. is basis shall consist, among other
things, oflaws andregulations that dene thenew dimensions ofAI-generated works
forintellectual property rights. It iscrucial to fully appreciate thediverse perspectives on
some foundational issues by considering existing legislation. A key consideration relates
to determining thelegal status ofAI systems, which inuences how rights andduties
are dened within intellectual property. Standardizing intellectual property laws across
jurisdictions also warrants examination.
e speed of AI development far outpaces the ability of current legislation
andregulation to address technological challenges. Harmonized standards promoting
simplicity andcooperation could help remedy this imbalance. Moreover, specialized
dispute resolution mechanisms focusing specically on AI intellectual property rights
may prove more suited than prolonged general legal processes. Expert arbitration pan-
els andmediators could expedite matters concerning AI andintellectual property.
All involved groups require awareness of responsibilities and vulnerabilities.
Policymakers, businesses, inventors and the public must understand implications.
Public-private partnerships could stimulate sharing knowledge andpractices to fuel
innovation. Collaboration may also facilitate international norms and guidelines
forresponsible, ethical AI use.
In summary, AI intellectual property poses intricate diculties necessitating
varied tactics. Legislation, arbitration, acculturation and cooperative networks all
have important roles in incentivizing progress, ensuring accountability and prior-
itizing ethics throughout AI technology advancement. Without proactively address-
ing interrelated legal, social andtechnical issues, equitable treatment, responsibility
andmoral application ofAI cannot be guaranteed.
8. Conclusion
erefore, it isobvious that thegrowth ofarticial intelligence inthe e-commerce
marketplaces confronts new challenges concerning signicant, substantive violations
oftheintellectual property rights andcorresponding legal liability. epresent article
illustrates that thebroad potential ofAI algorithms andmachine learning systems to
substantially transform thee-commerce marketplaces has theeect ofimproving user
interaction andoperational eciency results inserious issues oftheutilization ofAI
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 101
without respecting intellectual property rights. As such, e-commerce marketplaces face
complex legal surrounding theintellectual property rights ofAI, andit seems obvious
that they need to be proactive to reduce therisks ofutilization ofAI technologies andin-
fringe on their rights. eaim can be achieved using AI governance anddue diligence
ofmarketplaces andensuring thefair treatment mechanisms. Finally, e-commerce mar-
ketplaces, AI developers, andlegal experts must continue to collaborate to ensure theset
requirements. Only inthe case ofutilizing an ethical AI-use framework, e-commerce
can grow inthe future andmeet thechallenges andbetter understanding ofAI.
Regulatory issues concerning intellectual property include thefollowing:
•Deciding who owns theintellectual property produced by AI might be dicult. It
has sparked the question of whether AI itself can develop original work and who
has theauthority to claim ownership. Inventorship: As seen, AI systems are capable
ofcoming up with creative andbrilliant ideas andoutputs. is raises theissue ofwho
should take credit fortheinvention ofAI-produced inventions.
•e patentability standards may need to be revised to reect AI-created inventions.
Existing requirements ofhuman invention andnon-obviousness may need to be mod-
ied to accommodate AI intervention.
•Comparable to patents, there has been adebate about whether AI systems may be con-
sidered theauthors oforiginal works. erefore, clear regulations outlining copyright
ownership andprotection must be inplace.
•AI systems make independent choices, andit might be dicult to link legal respon-
sibility fortheir consequences. Determining whether accountability can remain with
theAI system, creators, or users iscomplicated,
•e AI systems nondisclosure andnon-transparency issues may make it challenging
to be responsible forusing it’s missteps. is iseven more concerning inareas ofsever-
ity such as health andself-driving cars.
•AI systems are dependent on gathering andusing substantial amounts ofpersonal
information. However, consent isamust priority andcan be dicult during practice.
Importance ofEthical considerations: Legal culpability must address any ethical as-
pects such as equality, discrimination, andbias ofAI judgment outcomes. Developers,
as well as enterprises, are required to be held accountable forcreating andoperating
equitable AI systems.
•Policymakers andlegal experts are developing frameworks andregulations. ey at-
tempt to maintain adelicate balance between protecting intellectual property, sup-
porting legal accountability, andencouraging more responsible AI practices. Active
collaboration ofgovernments, industries, andacademia isessential to address theAI
intellectual property rights andlegal liability landscape as per our rapidly shiing en-
vironment’s needs. It iscrucial that AI developers, e-commerce platforms, andrights
holders take theinitiative andactively cooperate to tackle thechallenges ofintellectual
property andliability during theera ofAI.
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Anna V. Pokrovskaya— Postgraduate student oftheLaw Institute, Department ofCivil
Law andProcedure andPrivate International Law, Moscow, Russia. Expert ofpatent
practice national phases, Intellectual Property Center “Skolkovo”, Moscow, Russia.
Анна Владимировна Покровская— аспирант юридического института, кафедры
гражданского права и процесса и международного частного права, г. Москва,
Россия. Эксперт патентной практики понациональным фазам РФ, ЦИС «Скол-
ково», г. Москва, Россия.
Статья поступила вредакцию 20.05.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 10.06.2024;
принята кпубликации 10.06.2024.
The article was submitted 20.05.2024;
approved after reviewing 10.06.2024;
accepted forpublication 10.06.2024.