Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 15
tically signi cant relationship was revealed between thechoice of“new media” asasource ofhis-
torical memory formation andsuch indicators asage, level ofeducation received. eobjectives
ofthe study also included thestudy ofmemory nodes (selection ofthe most signi cant events
from thehistory ofthe country), digital practices (activities related to historical Internet resources
andportals). earticle makes an attempt to sociologically comprehend theproduction ofdigital
historical memory inmodern conditions, which, on theone hand, is hyperconnective, i.e. acces-
sible to alarge number ofusers andhyper-meditated— formed on thebasis ofvarious andmany
sources, andon theother hand, there is agreat risk ofproducing afake story andits di erent
versions, far from scienti c character andobjectivity, eauthors make theassumption, based on
thedata obtained, that inthe new geopolitical conditions thein uence ofthe “digital memory”
index on theformation ofRussian identity among young people can be described aspositive,
although this issue requires further research.
Keywords: digital memory, historical memory, student youth, memory studies, digital media,
social media, family memory, civic identity, commemorative practices, sociological research, Re-
public ofMordovia
Financial Support: thework was supported by theSvetoslav Foundation for Russian Civi-
lization Project . 1/2023 on thetopic «Representations ofhistorical memory insocial media
asafactor inconstructing theRussian identity ofyoung people: digital challenges andsolutions».
For citation: Dadaeva, T.M., Bogatova, O.A. (2024). Digital Historical Memory and Civic Iden-
tity ofStudents inthe Region // Society andSecurity Insights, 7(1), 13–26. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/
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(, , 223; Liebermann, 22) -
: « », «-
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29; Rigney, 222), (Birkner, Donk,
218) . -