Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 184
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.3
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)2-11
Социологический анализ выбора игровых проектов
молодыми российскими геймерами
Антон Александрович Неруш
Саратовский национальный исследовательский государственный университет имени
Н.Г.Чернышевского, Саратов, Россия;, 0002-4251-2798
Аннотация.        
        -
,        -
.  ,    ,
 ,  ,    -
 .     ,   ,
       -
 .  —      -
   oine online   
,        -
,      -
  .     
.    1700 ,   
:    ;   ( -
);  (18–34 ).    -
  ,      Google
Forms,        SPSS
v22.       
  .     -
       , -
  ,   . ,  
      ,  
       
-. ,       -
,   ,      . -
         
     .
Ключевые слова: , , ,  , -
 , , 
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 185
Благодарности:   . . ,   , -
,       -
     . . ,
  ,    .
Для цитирования: Неруш А.А. Социологический анализ выбора игровых проектов мо-
лодыми российскими геймерами // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т. 7, №2. С.184–191. doi:
Sociological Analysis oftheChoice ofGame Projects by Young
Russian Gamers
Anton A. Nerush
Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia;, 0002-4251-2798
Abstract. estudy oftheprocess ofchoosing computer games iscurrently becoming increas-
ingly relevant due to therapid development ofthegaming industry, which continues to involve
new users ingaming virtual reality. ere isagap inresearch on theadoption ofsoware products,
including video games, due to thelack ofuser experience. Despite adeep understanding ofthead-
vertising market, theaspect devoted to theuser experience ofchoosing games andinteracting with
various communication channels has not been suciently studied. epurpose ofthework isto
analyze theprocess ofchoosing video games by young Russian gamers during oine andonline in-
teractions andto develop practical recommendations that can be used inpopularizing gamication
projects, replicating patriotic video games andlaunching information campaigns forthegaming au-
dience. eauthor’s sociological research was conducted using asurvey method. etarget sample
consisted of1,700 people; themain selection criteria were: participation inthe practice ofcomputer
games; place ofresidence (Russian Federation); age (18–34). edistribution ofthequestionnaire
was carried out using targeted advertising, thecollection ofquestionnaires was carried out through
theGoogle Forms platform, data processing andanalysis was carried out on thebasis oftheSPSS
v22 computer program. eresults ofasurvey among theyouth segment oftheRussian computer
game audience are presented. Based on thedata from thestudy, thedominant channels forobtaining
information inthe process ofchoosing agame, genre preferences ofplayers, their hobbies andmedia
consumption were analyzed. It has been established that among gamers there isno clear commit-
ment to one genre ofvideo games, however, thecommon features ofthemost popular genres are
therole-playing component andthepossibility ofonline interactions. Video game advertising has
been found to have lower conversion rates than alternative ways gamers learn about games. edata
obtained can be used to develop recommendations foradvertising campaigns forsocially signicant
video games andeducational projects.
Keywords: video games, media image, gamers, social interaction, communication channels,
media consumption, youth
Acknowledgments: we thank M. E. Elutina, Doctor ofSociological Sciences, Professor, Head
oftheDepartment ofSociology ofSocial Work, Saratov National Research State University named
aer N. G. Chernyshevsky forscientic guidance, constructive criticism andvaluable comments.
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 186
For citation: Nerush, A.A. (2024). Sociological Analysis oftheChoice ofGame Projects by Young
Russian Gamers. Society andSecurity Insights, 7(2), 184–191. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-11.
       
  ,     
      .
        -
 . ,   ,    -
    23%.      -
 :      18 24  
 (56%),  2534-—   (34%)1.
       
 ,    , , 
,   . , -
       
 —   , -
        
.   ,     -
       -
,   .  ,  
     
 «» (, 213).   -
  -     -
      (,     «Call
ofDuty»),     
    (, 215).
       -
,   ,  -
   . ,     -
    ,   . 
,     , , 
     ( -
, 222),  —      
  (,  , 223),  -
       
(, 22).     
  ,  ,   
      ( , 217).
         -
,       -
1 Стоп игра?! Проблемы российского онлайн-гейминга // ВЦИОМ. 2022. 20 июля. URL: https://
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 187
. ,       
 ,   .
        
        -
 .     , . .
,       -
 :     -
        
   (, 214). . .    -
    ,   -
     (-
,   )   (, 219). 
,       ,
 ,  ,   -
 . ,     , -
  ,     
   .
        
    oine  online   
 ,     
 ,    
   .
Методы исследования
 22 .       -
  .    17 ,
   :   
;   ( );  (18–34 ). -
    95%  ±2,4%. -
     -
,      Google Forms, 
      SPSS v22.
Результаты иих обсуждение
        -
       . -
         
,        -
  .
     ,   -
       .  
 ,    ,   , 
(43,6%).       -
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 188
,         
 ,     
   .    -
      (38,5%),   -
—  (33,8%).
         (17,2%), 
      (6,5%)   -
 (2,2%).       -
        
      -
  -. ,    
   ,    
       -
   .
    ,   -
       
 (48,5%),       -
 .       -
 MMORPG (44,9%),     MMOFPS
(, 28,5%),  —   MOBA (  ,
       -
 , 26,6%).   -    :
8,7%   Online , 7,4% «Battle royale» (, -
      
«  »). ,       
 . ,      , -
  .
 ,       ,
    :    -
    (72%).     
 (67%),  —    
(59%).       : 
     (53%);  
  (5%). ,     ,  
   (36%).
       
      ,   
  .      
     —  -
, ,    (89,2%),  (6,1%)  
 (4,5%).        -
  (21,5%),     (19,6%), 
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 189
,    (16,8%),    (13,2%),  (9,9%)
  (6,3%).
 ,  ,     , 
,   ,    
   -. -, -
   «»,    -
    « » (55%) «VK -
» (47%)1. -,  Mediascope Cross Web, YouTube  62%
      .   -
    YouTube   -
. ,   12 24   YouTube -
 31%    ,  
 2534 — 2%2. -,   Mediascope,  43%
  12–64  ,    3.
 ,  ,    
 .
1.        
,        -
   -.   
      ,  
  .     
       -
.      
  .   ,   
,     ,   
,    .
2.       ,  -
 ,      .  
       -
   (, ,   ),  -
    , : UGC- (-
 ),  ,  
   .
3.        -
   ,    
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  (, )  . , 
  online-,   -
 . .,  . .    -
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  —     -
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Anton A. Nerush — postgraduate student ofthe Department of Sociology of Social
Work, Faculty ofSociology, Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 06.06.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 10.06.2024;
принята кпубликации 10.06.2024.
The article was submitted 06.06.2024;
approved after reviewing 10.06.2024;
accepted forpublication 10.06.2024.