Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 121
Обзорная статья / Review Article
УДК 005.95/.96:005.953
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)2-07
Тенденции подбора персонала вРоссии имире в2021–2024 гг.
иих влияние наищущих работу
Татьяна Васильевна Милаева
Институт социально-экономических иэнергетических проблем Севера
ФИЦ Коми НЦ УрО РАН, Сыктывкар, Россия;
Аннотация.          
   ,   
 ,   .  
   ,   
,    ,   -
,       
 .         
. -       -
    .   -
     ,    
 .      
. ,       -
 ,      , -
       
  .     -
        
 .     -
 ,     ,    
       
.       
          -
  .     
      -
       , -
 ,        , 
     .
Ключевые слова:  , ,  ,  , -
 , ,  .
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 122
Финансирование:      « 
  :      »
Для цитирования: Милаева Т.В. Тенденции в процессе подбора персонала в России
имире в2021–2024 гг. иих влияние наищущих работу // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т.7,
№2. С.121–136. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-07.
Recruitment Trends inRussia andtheWorld in2021–2024
andeir Impact on Job Seekers
Tatiana V. Milaeva
Institute forSocio-Economic andEnergy Problems oftheNorth,
Kоmi Science Centre oftheUral Branch oftheRAS, Syktyvkar, Russia;
Tasha20012001@inbox.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1675-2915
Abstract. Currently, inRussia andtheworld inwhole, due to theinuence ofvarious factors,
large-scale changes take place inthe recruitment methods used by human resource management
specialists. emost signicant factors are thedigitalization ofsociety, increased competition
among enterprises, lack ofproper wages, alarge number ofjob seekers, upgrading society’s life-
style andincreased demand forskilled labor. Aer thepandemic andwith thebeginning ofits
development, theRussian labor market has been signicantly transformed. Due to themobiliza-
tion andmass departure ofmen from thecountry, enterprises lost alarge number ofemployees.
Employers are trying to retain their sta andattract new employees, using traditional anddigital
technologies forthis purpose. Dierent recruiting practices can have adierent type ofimpact.
erefore, an assessment ofthese relevant strategies isnecessary to determine themost optimal,
ethical andfeasible recruitment practices that organizations can apply inorder to gain competitive
advantages andsustainability inthe long run. epurpose ofthis study isto review andanalyze
current trends andfeatures inrecruitment andtheir impact on employers andjob seekers. Based
on theanalysis oftheavailable literature andearlier research on this topic, including most recent,
thepractices ofusing digital technologies andintelligent systems forrecruitment are considered.
A comprehensive review ofmodern recruitment strategies will help to compare theadvantag-
es anddisadvantages ofeach ofthem interms oftheir impact on employers andjob seekers.
Inthefuture, it isnecessary to continue research inthis eld inorder to understand theviability
ofthepractice ofusing articial intelligence anddigital technologies inthe recruitment andper-
sonnel management process inorder to understand what impact it will have on thelabor market
inthe near future, will lead to an improvement or deterioration ofthesituation ofjob seekers.
Keywords: labor market, employers, job seekers, recruitment, articial intelligence, technol-
ogy, digital tools
Financial Support: thestudy was carried out within theframework oftheresearch project
“Human resources ofthenorthern regions ofRussia: development potential or limitation ofeco-
nomic growth” (No. GR 122012700169-9, 2022–2024).
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 123
For citation: Milaeva, T.V. (2024). Recruitment Trends in Russia and the World in 2021–2024
andTheir Impact on Job Seekers. Society andSecurity Insights, 7(2), 121–136. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-
  221 .,   ,     -
 ,   .    
  .  ,   Headhunter, -
       37% -
 . ,    
  .
  222 .      ,
       34 . -
        .
  ,   .   
  ,      -
  .  -    
.      ,   -
  . ,     -
 .       ,  -
  .   -  . 
   ,     
 .   — -
          -
 ,      . 
  ,     , , 
 ,      .   
  ,   ,  .
    .  -
   , ..   
 ,    .   
«» —  ,    -
    (, 223).
    , 
   -.  222 . 
     IT,  , , -
,     . 
      -
   .    -
     .
   ,    
    223,  224 . -   -
      -
  ,      — 5+,
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    .   -
   .      
  .     -
 ,     ,  
    .     
    ,   . 
   ,     
    .
 ,      
224.       -
      ,  -
  .       -
  .
       
   .    
,      .   -
   ,    
 ,      
,       
   (, , ), -
     , 
  ,    .
      .
  ,   -
      ,    -
  .    
   .     -
   ,     -
,      , 
    ,   . 
     ,    ,
  .. (, 222).
 COVID-19        
 ,     -  
        .
        
 ,       -
.       
  -.  ,   
        .
 ,       
      
(Kucherov et al., 222).
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      -
.         
     .    -
    ,      -
        .
       
    ,   . 
    :
•      ;
•       
•   ,    
  -     .
Цифровой рекрутинг вмире
       
-.      -
     . - -
     -   -
 .    ,  
   ,    
.    (AI)  -
 (ML)       
 , , ,   , -
     .  -
  ,  ,  ,  1   (Rąb-Kettler
& Lehnervp, 219).
 ,   , ,    -
    ,    -
       -
. ,       
,     ,   -
       .
       
,       
,    .   -
     ,   -
       
   - (Kraev & Tikhonov, 22).
 ,     -
  ,      -
  ,       
   .    
       ,  
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- ,  ,    . 
         -
 .      -
      
.        -
 ,        ,
     ,  .
Цифровой рекрутинг вРоссии
 219    Talantix   Skillaz -
      .  
   ,  -
  .  ,    
    .
    Talentech ,    HR--
         
       ,  
  (, 222).
     -
    ,    
  .    -
,   ,  ,  , -
 .
     1 
     
,        -
      . -
    ,   
      , 
  HR-   (-
, , 22).
       -
 :
•   ;
•  ,     -
  HR-,      -
 ;
•        -
;  -    
    .   
   ,   , , -
 .
    Talentech ,    HR--
         
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       ,  
 .
      .  -
        
 .   WebCanape1 221 .  -
 124  ,   99  
 .       -
   .     -
  .  ,    
   .    
       
  (, 22).      -
        
       .  
        
      .   
     .   -
      , 
  .     
      
(, 222).
Современные стратегии электронного подбора висследованиях ученых
      -
 ,      .
    (219),   -
  ,     
 (Johansson, & Herranen, 219).
  ,  ,  , -
    -,   -
      . 
,          -
     
 .     -
    ,   
  .
 . (221)  ,     -
       
     ,     -
    (Cavaliere et al., 221).    
1 Сергеева Ю. Вся статистика интернета исоцсетей на2021 год— цифры итренды вмире
и в России. 2021. 2 февр. URL: https://www.web-canape.ru/business/vsya-statistika-interneta-i-
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   ,   -
  ,      
 .       
,    ,    -
,         
,   .    -
         
    .
  (217) ,    
     
,      (Okolie & Irabor, 217).
    ,   -
,      ,
    .    -
    ,     -
 ,     
 .     
       . 
       ,  -
  .
      -
 .
Переманивание человеческих ресурсов. (218) ,  -
     ,  ,
      -
 (Davis, 218).      -
 -       -
   ,       ,
   .  — 
,       -
        -
      .  -
    ,    , 
       -
 .
    ,   -
       .   -
   -   , 
 ,    ..
   ,    , -
  .
Аутсорсинг.  utsourcing  c   «
».    -   
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 129
 .   ,   , 
   .    
,   ,   
 ..
 Patel et al. (219), —     -
 ,    , , 
 , ,  .. (Patel at al., 219).
,   ,  -
   ,    
 ,    ,   -
     . , 
 ,    -    
   . -,  ,
      
 .     -
  .
 ,       
,  ,  -,   
 ,   (Patel at al., 219). -
,      ,
   .      -
  -,   .
Стажировки.  (215) ,  —  -
   ,    -
      
(Costache et al., 215).     ,
 ,   .  -
        -
      .  , -
      ,    
,       -
,     .  ,  , -
 ,    , , ,  
  ,     
.       
   .  ,  
       
   .
Концептуальная модель, предложенная индийскими учеными
       -
  .  , .   .  (Jayaraj,
Gowrishankkar & Sarasu, 223)     -
    .  ,  -
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 130
   ,    , 
 ,       
     .
 1.
Table 1.
 ,    
Modern methods used inthe recruiting thesta
  -
 
 -
   
 
 
  -
 
 
 
  
  
  -
   -
     ,   -
- ,  ,  , 
   ,      
 .     ,    ,
     , , 
,    -   
.       -
  .  ,    -
 ,     . 1
       -
,   ,    
      ,  
  ,   -
 .
        -
,          
.        
     -.    -
    ,      -
 ,       
  .
    ,  
  ,    -
1 Recent Trends in Recruitment. 2022. URL: https://www.economicsdiscussion.net/recruitment/
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 131
     .   -
         
  (Ahmed et al., 22).
Популярные онлайн-порталы вакансий
,  -     -
        -
    1.
     ,  , HeadHunter, Go
Talent, Jobvite,  ,  , Experium, FriendWork Recruiter,
SuperJob  .
     HR-   -
   .  ,  -
     ,   -
.     .
        -
   ,    .  -
         -
   .    hh,
SuperJob,        12
 .
HeadHunter—       -
,       -
   .       
.        -
   .
GoTalent— -      
   ,     -
    .
Jobvite— ,    -
   ,     
     .
        -
,    .   ,
   ,   -   -
    .
       
 .    
    (HeadHunter, SuperJob Zarplata.ru),  -
    .
Experium —      25- 
 .
1 Платформы подбора персонала. URL: https://soware.ru/categories/recruitment-platforms (дата
обращения 21.05.2024).
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 132
     . -
    :  , 
,  ,   .
FriendWork Recruiter— -     
      .  -
         
  .
SuperJob    , 
        -
 .  2 .      
   -.
      ,   LinkedIn.
com1. LinkedIn—  -,   -
 -      
  . LinkedIn   22 . -
  83     58  . 
 83    4%   ,
    1    (Osman, 222).
LinkedIn—     ,   -
         -
.       
   .
- ,   Monster.com2.  
    ,    -
 Monster.com,       -
     .   : 
  ,    ,
      .   
     ,  -
   .
    Upwork.com3. -,
    ,
       -
.         -
 .     , 
       ,  -
  .    ,   
       .
1 Заблокирован натерритории Российской Федерации за нарушение правил хранения персо-
нальных данных российских пользователей.
2 Monster, который ищет работу. 2022. 2 апр. URL: https://welcometoma.com/monster/ (дата об-
ращения 21.05.2024).
3 Upwork.com. About. 2022. URL: https://www.upwork.com/about
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 133
  Internships.com.     -
, LinkedIn   .   -
 ,    ,  -
,      Internships.com.   
       . 
,      
 ,      -
    .
Заключение ивыводы
       -
 -, , ,    
  .     
          -
,   .     - 
       
   . - -
       -
,     .
      ,  -
     ,   
       -
  .     -
,       . -
      ,  
        , 
    .
          -
    .   
    « »  , ..
 ,   .  
      
,    ,   
 .     -
   ,     -
 ,         (,
, 218).
       -
     ,   
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   .
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  — . . , ,   -
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, .
Tatiana V. Milaeva— Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher,
Institute forSocio-Economic andEnergy Problems oftheNorth, Kmi Science Centre
oftheUral Branch oftheRAS, Syktyvkar, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 04.06.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 10.06.2024;
принята кпубликации 12.06.2024.
The article was submitted 04.06.2024;
approved after reviewing 10.06.2024;
accepted forpublication 12.06.2024.