Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 127
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 114, 316.614
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)3-07
Влияние наставников нажизненную среду воспитанников
детских домов: социологическое исследование проекта
Анна Викторовна Столь1,
Анатолий Борисович Столь2
1Институт стратегических исследований Академии наук Республики Башкортостан,
Уфа, Россия;
stolav@isi-rb.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9528-2893
2Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, Уфа, Россия;
anstol@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0000-4896-1618
Аннотация. ,      ,
   -    , 
 ,  .     
     ,   
  ( ),  — -
  , , , ,   
    .     -
   ,    ,
 .        -
    —   --
        
.       -
       ,  
 -,      
    .    
«»  « »   ,  
       
,         -
. ,       , 
,   ,  ,      ,
   .     -
  ,      -
  .
Ключевые слова:  ,    ,  , -
, ,    (), , -
 .
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 128
Финансирование:      
      2024 .
Благодарности:        
—   «»,   « » -
 ,   «»:   ,
  , ,    
,  .
Для цитирования: Столь А. В., Столь А. Б. Влияние наставников на жизненную среду
воспитанников детских домов: социологическое исследование проекта «Наставничество» //
Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т. 7, №3. С.127–147. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-07.
Formation ofa Living Environment ina Childrens Home: the
Mentoring Project Sociological Research
Anna V. Stol1,
Anatoliy B. Stol2
1Institute for Strategic Studies ofthe Academy ofSciences ofthe Republic ofBashkortostan,
Ufa, Russia;
stolav@isi-rb.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9528-2893
2Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Russia;
anstol@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0009-0000-4896-1618
Abstract. Children deprived ofparental care andliving inorphanages grow up inconditions
ofdeprivation, since it is impossible to ensure the creation ofconditions there that are completely
similar to those infamilies. Despite the eorts andprofessionalism ofteachers, children inorphan-
ages have a monotonous living environment, are limited intheir personal choice oftheir space (real
andmetaphysical), organization oftime— arrangement andlling ofthe room, activities, commu-
nication, information, food andother choices ofeveryday life familiar to families. Children from
orphanages face diculties insocialization andinculturation, having a number ofpsychological char-
acteristics that interfere with communication. e skills ofbuilding stable andtrusting relationships
intheir lives with a signicant adult friend— a mentor outside a boarding home andsecondary
school— become an important resource for a child inan orphanage. In this work, using sociological
survey methods using a standardized questionnaire andinterviews with experts, an assessment is
made ofhow both the subject-spatial andsocial components ofthe living environment ofchildren
inorphanages are enriched through communication with mentors. Based on an analysis ofthe ex-
perience ofthe “Mentoring” project ofthe Charitable Foundation “Our Children” inthe Republic
ofBashkortostan, it is shown exactly how communication with mentors occurs andhow it is assessed
by direct participants inthe project, including identifying the features ofthe projects impact on chil-
dren with disabilities. Communication with mentors has a strong inuence on all children, andinim-
proving the qualications ofmentors, this has an eect, since its protability for graduates is greater
for children with special needs. Childrens health characteristics inuence the choice ofevents with
mentors; friendship with them becomes the main opportunity to diversify their living environment.
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 129
Keywords: living environment, children without parental care, orphanage, mentor, mentor-
ing, disabilities, disability, sociological survey
Financing: the research was carried out within the framework ofthe state assignment ofthe
Institute ofStrategic Studies ofthe Academy ofSciences ofthe Republic ofBashkortostan for 2024.
Acknowledgments: we express our gratitude to all the children andmentors who took part
inthe survey— participants inthe “Mentoring” project, the director ofthe “Our Children” Chari-
table Foundation Salima Manuilova, the curators ofthe “Mentoring” project: Semyon Andreevich
Elizariev, Albina Fanilevna Dmitrieva, Svetlana, as well as the psychologists ofthe project Sham-
sutdinova Regina, Lena andSvetlana.
For citation: Stol, A. V., Stol, A. B. (2024). Formation ofa Living Environment ina Children’s Home:
the Mentoring Project Sociological Research. Society andSecurity Insights, 7(3), 127–147. (InRuss.).
doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-07.
      -
  ,  . — 
,   .    -
,      .
    ,   
  ()   -
     ,  -
 —  .    
    «  »,
  «  » (, 24: 46–48).
Проблема адаптации детей ксоциальной жизни.   
 ,  ,   ,   -
  ,    (, 221: 25–41; -
, 22; , 223: 565–566),      
(  )     . 
      
     , -
 ,      . 
      
  : , , , 
 (, 213: 158–163).    -
     ,   
,      ,  ,
 , ,     .  -
    .
       
  ,      -
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1 (Sheridan et al., 222).   
   -   
  ,     ,
       
,   2.
     
—   , , 
 ,    
 ,     -
     (, 213: 158–163).
   —    
      ;   -
,      , :
  ,   , , -
,   , , 
   ,  , -
  ,  3.
   Kidsave4  
  2 .     -
  ,   .    
        ,
    : «» -
      5, «
  »  6 «»  «-
 »7.
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5 Всероссийский проект «Наставничество» Фонда «Солнечный город»: официальный сайт.
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6 Программа профессионально организованного индивидуального наставничества для детей
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Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 131
    — ,  
 ,    .   -
   ,   -
       . 
 :     -
,     (54%  21%),     
 (   97%,  — 64%),   -
    (11%  6%)   (23%  11%)1.
  222 .     19  -
/,  223 .    5  2.
Жизненная среда как фактор депривации или адаптации. 
  ,    ,    -
,    :  , ,  -
     (),   — 
,   : , , , -
,   ,     
   .
  ,       
       ,    (-
- ., 216: 24). .  ,    -
    ,   ,
       «
 » (, 221: 17).   . . -,
        ,  -
   (-, 219: 1526).  -
 -     -
     
  (, 22: 14–146).
  ,    ,  -
  ,    
     (- ., 216: 2627).
    (Sumida & Minami, 23) i-basho
,    , ,  -
 ; «   ».  i-basho  
   ,  ,    -
   ,   i-basho    (Sumida
& Minami, 23: 28).
1 Тахаутдинова Л. Как наставник помогает подростку из детского дома адаптироваться
ко взрослой жизни? Итоги большого исследования проекта. 11 октября 2023. URL: https://
2 Программа «Наставничество» БФ «Наши дети». URL: https://nashideti.org/project/programs-
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 132
       , 
 ;       
(- ., 216: 8).      -
   (    
-,    ) -
       (  -
 ,   ,  -
  ),      
  (- ., 216: 2627).    
 ( 14           -
 ),    ,   , 
  ,       -
   ,   .    
      
 .
  ,    , 
 , ,   -
  .      
,  . ,  222 . 
    99% , —  81,1%. 
         - 
 ,         -
. , 34    222 .— -
  ()   - ,
   ,  22 1 (6,5%)   -
   . 422    
  222 .     379 — 89,8%. 
  ,      -
 38,3% ,    — 73,3%.
 ,       -
   (    ,   -
   )  -   
   ,   ,   -
       .  
        -
   .    «
» . ,      ,
 ,        -
 (, 22).
1 Министерство просвещения Российской Федерации. Сведения по форме федерального
статистического наблюдения № Д-13 «Сведения об учреждениях для детей-сирот и детей,
оставшихся без попечения родителей» за2022 год поРоссийской Федерации исубъектам
Российской Федерации. Раздел 7. Летний отдых воспитанников. URL: https://edu.gov.ru/activity/
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 133
Цель ипостановка проблемы.     -
   —  , -
 ,   . ( , -
   ,  ). , 
..   . ,    -
   ,     (-
, 221: 13–24),  ..  (, 1993: 1324) , 
        -
  , . .    -
 -   — 
      , -
  ,   , ,
. (, 214: 911). .. - (-, 219: 1526;
- ., 216),  ..  (, 22: 14–146), -
     .
  ,  ,   -
 ,   , , -
,   .     
, , ,    
,    . 1,   -
.        -
 ,        -
    -   (St. Petersburg-USA Orphanage
Research Team, 28).      (-
, 222)    (.,   ., 223: 7174),
         
  (Poon, Christensen & Rhodes, 221: 17411756),  -
 (., , 223: 564–578).    ,   
 ,     , 
.      -
,  ,  ,   
.          -
        
  .    
,         ,
       «». Цель данной рабо-
ты—    «»2   
       
     «» -
 ,    « »
1 Эволюционная теория привязанности Джона Боулби. URL: https://attachment-theory.by/art_
2 https://nastavnichestvo.org
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218 .  1,— ,   ( -
 ).     , 
,      
 — 214.
 : 1)      -
    «»; 2)   
    ; 3)  
      ;
4)     «»  
    .
         ,
 . 198–199 .  « »  -
 . .  . . .   -
      , 
      (, 216). 
        
1991 .:        -
    (— - )
    ,  ,  
   ,   .
Гипотеза исследования.       -
      -
 ,     --
    .    
,   ,     , 
,      -
 , —  ,  
 ,  .  
 ,       -
  ,    ,   ,
     
,   ,    , 
  ,   ,  .
Методика исследования и полученные результаты.  -
:    -   -
 ( ),  ,    -
 .    224 .,   
      
    .
Результаты и обсуждение.     37  (
    34 ,  11%— , 89%
) 31  (   16  15 , 
1 https://nashideti.org/, https://nashideti.org/project/programs-program3/
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52%—  48%— )  /  «-
»   (       .
       -
,  —  .  — 35 55 , -
 — 43 .   — 12 21 , 
      12 16 ,   ,
  ,— 14,5 .   
     « »1.
   (65%)   -
   ; 38%     -
  (. 1).
) 
)   
 1—    (  )
    , %
Figure 1— Characteristics ofsurveyed couples (according to mentors’
responses) by length ofacquaintance andchild’s health status, %
1 Буракова С. Инструкция. Как стать наставником ребенка из детского дома. URL: https://
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 2—       «/
»    ,  , %
Figure 2— e most common types ofactivity incommunication between “mentor/mentee”
pairs by duration offriendship according to mentors’ responses, percentage ofrespondents, %
 3—    
  ,  , %
Figure 3— Preferences intypes ofactivities when communicating with a
mentor based on childrens responses, percentage ofrespondents, %
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 137
   «      -
?»    :   ( ), 
(-  ),  ( 36 ),  ( ) . 
  « » «»  «»,  
     .
      , 
 ,    (. 2),  ,   
    (. 3).
   ,      
   —  ,  , -
 ; , ,  ,   
   ,       -
   .    
    (   ,  -
  )        912  .
   /    -
,   ,  ,     -
 ,  .    /   -
   ,  , . 
 ,  , , ,    (. 4).
 4—     «/»
  ,  , %
Figure 4— Types ofactivity incommunication between “mentor/mentee” pairs
according to the childs health status, percentage ofrespondents, %
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 138
       / -
 (71,4%  ,    ,
 47,8%   , . 5).
 5—     ,  , %
Figure 5— Inuence ofa mentor on the outlook ofyounger friends, percentage ofrespondents, %
 6—    
 ,  , %
Figure 6— Preferences for places ofcommunication among children according
to the observations ofmentors, percentage ofrespondents, %
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  ,      
  ,     -
    ,     23 ..  
 / — 92,9%    / -
  69,6%   ,     
  (. 6).
          -
,     ,   -
   .     : -
      ,  
,— 57,1%      ( 2  ),
 3,4%      (. 7). 
      .   4% 
,  ,    ,  ,
    .
 7—     ,  , %
Figure 7— Children’s expectations from meetings according to
mentors’ observations, percentage ofrespondents, %
          
— 92,9%   78,3%   (. 7).   -
   ,      
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 140
     (5%  , 43,5% 
).        ,  
 .   ,  ,   (42,9% 
26,1%),        (35,7%
 26,1%), (.8).
 8—   : «     
    ?     .
      …»,  , %
Figure 8— Distribution ofanswers to the question: “During your meetings, what
does your younger friend react to most? You can select all appropriate options. He has
more impressions ofthings that are new to him...”, share ofrespondents, %
   «      -
?»       (—  -
, 1— , 2—  ),     
  ,   (. 9).
      ,   
 1.       , , 
, ,    ,   . 
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  ,    ,   .  ,
    «»     
,       
  ,  ,   
   .
 9—      «    
 »,  (—  , 1— , 2—  )
Figure 9— Score inchildren’s answers to the question “What attracts you most incommunicating
with a mentor”, points (— not at all important, 1— important, 2— very important)
        
      1.    
      : «
 » (  1,8 2 ), «  » (1,7), «-
 , ,  », «  », «, 
 » ( 1,6 ) (. 1).
  ,      , 13  31
(42%) ,   .   ,   
, ,     ,  - 
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 142
  ,    , , -
  .     -
 ,       
   ,     -
 1—      
,  (—  , 1— , 2—  )
Figure 1— e inuence ofcommunication with mentors on the lives ofchildren according
to their assessments, points (— not at all important, 1— important, 2— very important)
   ,     
       «-
»   (Maxwell, Chmielewski, 28) (-
., 216: 24).    «»  ,
      (-
,  )     (-
,  .).       
 ,   .    «   -
     ».   
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 143
       ,
   ,   -
       -
.        
   «-».
 ,     , 
 .       
,  .     -
,     , 
  ( ,    .)
  ,    .    -
 ,       
  - ,   ,   
 .      , 
     .
    ,  
    .  -
     ,  , 
,     ,   . 
     . , -
 ,       
      
     ,    -
        -
 .  ,        
    ,     
  ,  ,      
 .        -
,  . . , . . , . . ,
. ., . .  . . ,   
. .        -
    (, 214: 135). 
 ,     
   .     
      
   — -, , , , 
  (, 214: 1–35).
      :
, ,   , 
       
    ,   , ,
, , , ,  .. , 
  .
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    ,   -
      , 
,     , , 
     , ,  -
       
   .    
 ,        , -
   .      
  ,     — 
 ,   ,  , -
       ,  
. ,      -
     ,   
,     .
 ,  —    -
   «  »  
  вместе    
,      -
 ,  ,    , -
 .
       
     ,  -
 .   ,    -
     ,    
 .      ,
  ,    .   
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  — . . , ,   ,
    ,   -
    , . , 
Anna V. Stol— Cand. Sci. (Economics), Associate Professor, Leading Researcher, Center
for the Study ofthe Social Development ofthe Region, Institute for Strategic Studies
ofthe Academy ofSciences ofthe Republic ofBashkortostan, Ufa, Russia
  — . . , ,  
,   ,  
  , . , 
Anatoliy B. Stol— Cand. Sci (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Head ofthe Department
ofPhilosophy, History andScientic Engineering, Ufa State Petroleum Technical Uni-
versity, Ufa, Russia
Статья поступила вредакцию 10.06.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 15.07.2024;
принята кпубликации 23.08.2024.
The article was submitted 10.06.2024;
approved after reviewing 15.07.2024;
accepted for publication 23.08.2024.