Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 338.242
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)3-04
Основные экономические детерминанты формирования
уровня жизни населения: дальневосточный кейс
Наталья Михайловна Полянская
Бурятский государственный университет им. Доржи Банзарова, Улан-Удэ, Россия;
natali_mz@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6387-6494
Аннотация.  ,     ,
        .
   ,  - -
   ,     -
  ,   .   — 
  .      
    .   
       --
 ;       .
  -    
   :     -
   ,     ; -
        «».
    , ,   
,   ,   
 ,    .  -
    , - -
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 68
    - 
 ,      
  .      -
    .
Ключевые слова: , - , , -
,  ,  ,  , -
, ,  , ,  
Финансирование:      24-05-01 «-
        
 »,      
 .
Для цитирования: Полянская Н. М. Основные экономические детерминанты формирова-
ния уровня жизни населения: дальневосточный кейс // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т. 7,
№ 3. С.67–88. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-04.
e Main Economic Determinants ofthe Formation ofthe
Standard ofLiving ofthe Population: the Far Eastern Case
Natalya M. Polyanskaya
Banzarov Buryat state University, Ulan-Ude, Russia;
natali_mz@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6387-6494
Abstract: One ofthe tasks set by the President ofRussia for the coming years is to improve
the standard ofliving ofRussian citizens andensure economic growth. To create prerequisites for
sustainable, progressive socio-economic development ofterritories, conditions are necessary, the
most important ofwhich is the preservation andenhancement ofhuman resources, or human
capital. People andtheir well–being are the main values ofany country. is work is devoted to
the study ofthe main economic determinants ofthe formation ofthe standard ofliving ofthe pop-
ulation. e main aspects ofthe sectoral structure ofthe economy as the basis for the formation
ofa vector ofsocio-economic development are considered; an assessment ofthe standard ofliving
ofthe population ofthe Far Eastern regions is carried out. In many parameters ofsocio-economic
development, the Far East lags far behind the average Russian level. us, inmany regions, social
labor productivity is signicantly lower than inother regions andon average inthe country; so-
cially signicant industries are noticeably “disadvantaged” inthe structure ofinvestments inxed
assets. is aects the achieved standard ofliving, inparticular, the provision ofhousing andits
well-being, per capita income, consumer spending ofthe population andtheir structure, as well as
the economic accessibility offood. Comprehensive measures are needed to increase labor produc-
tivity, technical andtechnological equipment, andingeneral, inthe eld ofadvanced socio-eco-
nomic development ofthe Far Eastern regions, the preservation andincrease ofthe population
andthe achievement ofhigh standards ofliving. e Far East needs comprehensive state support
inimproving peoples living conditions.
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 69
Keywords: standard ofliving, socio-economic development, population, demography, labor
productivity, sectoral economy, human capital, regions, poverty, management, state regulation,
Far East
Financial Support: the article was prepared with the support of the project 24-05-01
“High-quality food supply as a factor inimproving the standard ofliving ofthe population ofthe
Republic ofBuryatia, implemented at the Buryat State University named aer D. Banzarov.
For citation: Polyanskaya, N. M. (2024). The Main Economic Determinants ofthe Formation ofthe
Standard ofLiving ofthe Population: the Far Eastern Case. Society andSecurity Insights, 7(3), 67–88.
(InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-04.
   —    . 
,      
   , ,  -
,      .   -
  ,   -
 ( ),  «»   
  .     
    —  -
 , - ,  -
 ,   ,   ,
 ,   .    
 :      , -
 ,   , ,  ,
    ,   ,
      .
      
      -
   (, 223; , 223),  (-
, 224),  (, 221)  --
 (, 223; , 222)    
.  -    -
 (, 221; , 223),  (,
223)    ,  
    .
    1  
  ,   -
       --
  (),    ().
1 Об утверждении Стратегии пространственного развития Российской Федерации на пери-
од до2025 года : Распоряжение Правительства РФ от13.02.2019 № 207-р. URL: https://www.
consultant.ru (дата обращения: 25.08.24)
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 70
   ,    -
        -
      -
.     ,   
       -
   ,  
- ,    
    .
  —    
   .     :
       
  -  ;
      
   ;
      .
     . -
    ,   -
 .
        
  ,     
 ,   --
  .
Отраслевая структура экономики, предопределяющая параметры социаль-
но-экономического развития регионов
      
 ,    
   (, , ,    -
,  , , ,  .).   -
   ,   ,
..    .     
   ,      ,
    .    
 .      ,  
. Рациональность    -
. ,     
      ,   -
     ,   ,
   . Эффективность  -
      -
        
. ,     
   ;  
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 71
      
  ( );     
   .   — 
—      -
    ,  , -
  .
     ,    -
    .   ,  , 
  ,     -
,  -, , 
,    - 
     (, 224; -
, 223).   -  -
      -
 .
    --
      , ..  -
 ,     
 ,      -
 .    ,
   -  -
  .      
  (),     -
.        -
    1.
 1.
     (222 .,  )1
Table 1.
Industry structure ofgross value added (222, percent oftotal)
Наименование Российская
Федерация ДФО
,  , ,  -
 4,5 5,9
   14,4 31,3
  17,2 4,9
  ,  2,5 2,9
;  0,6 0,4
 5,1 7,0
1 Таблицы и рисунки (графики) составлены автором по данным Росстата (Регионы России.
Социально-экономические показатели. 2023: Стат. сб. М., 2023. 1126 с.).
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 72
Наименование Российская
Федерация ДФО
  ;  
  14,5 8,5
  6,5 10,0
    0,9 0,9
    3,2 1,2
   0,6 0,1
    10,5 6,7
 ,   4,3 1,5
   -
  2,3 1,9
    -
;   5,0 7,6
 2,7 3,4
     3,8 4,6
  , , 
  0,9 0,8
    0,5 0,4
       -
    ,  
 ,  —   -
, ,  .
     
   ,   .  
      ,  
 ,  , - .
     .  
,        -
     .  -
    8,% ,    
14,% (. 2).
       
    ,  
   «  ».   
       , 
 .
        -
  .     
—  (21  17  ),  (8 -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 73
 ),  (     -
  ,   -
 )  (   
 13 . ).   ,   
   ,     -
  .    -
     .
 2.
    (222 .,
   )
Table 2.
e sectoral structure ofthe employed inthe economy
(222, percent ofthe total number ofemployed)
Наименование Российская
Федерация ДФО
,  , ,  -
 6,3 6,4
   1,7 4,1
  14,0 8,0
  ,  2,2 3,8
;  1,0 0,9
 9,2 9,0
  ;  
  18,6 17,1
  8,1 9,8
    2,6 2,4
    2,3 1,7
    2,6 2,4
 7,4 8,8
     6,2 7,1
   17,8 18,6
      
,      
(. 3).
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 74
 3.
    
Table 3.
e number ofemployed andthe unemployment rate inthe regions
Регионы На начало года
2011 2016 2021 2022 2023
Среднегодовая численность занятых вэкономике, тыс. чел)
  401,0 398,0 352,8 370,9 366,2
  () 482,2 482,7 492,4 495,7 509,2
  488,2 475,4 452,5 456,8 446,3
  169,5 170,1 167,0 172,0 164,5
  975,9 965,3 924,7 936,2 928,3
  692,1 683,0 666,5 674,4 669,8
  423,2 393,2 381,2 381,4 383,1
  98,6 94,9 88,8 90,2 86,7
  292,4 287,7 275,4 270,8 275,7
   76,9 70,3 63,9 62,2 62,7
   36,6 33,1 33,5 35,0 33,5
 4136,5 4053,7 3898,6 3945,5 3926,1
  71493,1 72424,9 69550,3 70817,9 71216,9
Уровень безработицы, %
  10,4 9,2 16,0 13,0 11,5
  () 8,9 7,3 10,5 8,9 8,3
  11,1 10,4 12,8 11,4 11,3
  7,0 4,5 6,5 5,1 4,4
  9,5 6,9 8,1 6,4 5,3
  8,9 5,3 5,4 4,7 3,6
  6,9 5,8 8,8 7,5 6,2
  5,6 4,3 6,8 5,8 5,8
  8,9 6,3 8,2 6,7 5,7
   9,3 7,9 11,9 10,4 8,5
   4,5 4,0 5,4 2,8 1,9
 8,6 6,3 9,4 7,8 6,9
  7,3 5,6 7,8 6,4 5,2
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 75
         -
 ,     ,   ,
     .   -
     «»
221222.,        
 (  ,    -
 ).
       
  ,   ,   
(. 1).
 1—     222 ., . .
Figure 1— Gross regional product per capita at the beginning of222, thousand rubles
    (
 ),    ,—  -
,      .  -
     , -
     ,   
  - , 
   .
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 76
      
  .      -
 ,  ,    
       -
     . ,  
  ,    , -
  .      ,
  .  ,   -
 ,      
,       
   .
  ,     -
  «      
 .    , -
  » (, 221: 36). —  -
   —    -
 .     -
 ,    1.    , -
    — , 
  ,   , -
     . ,   
    :   ,
   ,    -
,      
(, 223: 37).      
   .
 -    -
-       
(. 4).
 4.
   
, 222 .,   
Table 4.
Sectoral structure ofinvestments inxed assets, 222, percent oftotal volume
Наименование Российская
Федерация ДФО
,  , ,  -
 3,1 3,8
   18,0 23,0
  15,3 16,1
1 https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/5915110 (дата обращения: 04.06.2024)
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 77
Наименование Российская
Федерация ДФО
  ,  5,9 6,5
;  1,3 0,6
 3,5 3,6
  ;  
  2,7 1,7
  20,3 32,2
    0,4 0,5
    4,1 2,2
   2,7 0,3
    6,2 2,0
 ,   6,0 1,7
   -
  1,0 0,2
    -
;   2,3 1,8
 2,7 1,6
   
 2,8 1,4
  , , 
  1,7 0,8
    ,      -
      ,
 .     
 .  ,  ,—  
,      
 «»    .    -
 ,   ( , -
, , , )  
  ,    -
  ,   -
,   ,    -
 —   .
Уровень жизни населения дальневосточных регионов
 ,      ,  ,
     ,  -
 . , ,  (),   
 ,      -
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 78
,      
 :    
   (. 2).
 2—       , 222 ., 2
Figure 2—  e total area ofresidential premises on average per inhabitant, 222, m2
   .   , -
    ,      
(. 3).
   ,  ,  
       . -
  ,    .  -
   —  , 
  .      ,
       -
 ,   ,—     .
   ,   
 «   ,       
   ,    
 » (, 221: 115).     
    , «  -
         ,
     » (, 221: 115).