 
  
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 551.583.1+ 316.334.5
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)2-01
   
   
(    )
Светлана Геннадьевна Максимова
Дарья Алексеевна Омельченко
Дарья Константиновна Щеглова
Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Россия
svet-maximova@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4613-4966
daria.omelchenko@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2839-5070
daschul9@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2601-0306
.  ,     -
   ,    , -
      .   
  ,     ,
     ,   , -
        -
.     ,  2022–
2023.      ( ,  ,
 ).      (n=1345)
        -
       ,
  ,   ,
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 14
  . ,    -
       ,   -
     ,   — 
   .  
 :       
   ,      -
   .    
 ,    ,   -
    ,   .
 :   ,  , -
    ,  ,  -
,   
:     No 22-67-00020
« ,    ,  
        -
   » (2022–2025 .).
Для цитирования: Максимова С.Г., Омельченко Д.А., Щеглова Д.К. Климатические изме-
нения вобщественном сознании жителей Алтайской горной страны (сопоставление социоло-
гических данных втрех регионах) // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т. 7, №2. С.13–36. doi:
Climate Change inthe Public Consciousness oftheAltai
Mountainous Country Residents
(Comparison ofSociological Data inthree Regions)
Svetlana G. Maximova
Daria A. Omelchenko
Daria K. Shcheglova
Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
svet-maximova@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4613-4966
daria.omelchenko@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2839-5070
daschul9@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2601-0306
Abstract. eglobal character, scale ofconsequences andclose connection with sustainable
development make theissues related to climate change apriority andvital fortheentire world
community. Mountain areas are theepicenters oftheclimate crisis, accumulating not only natural
risks associated with thedegradation ofglaciers andpermafrost, but also ethno-cultural risks,
themain consumers ofwhich are indigenous peoples andtheir distinctive cultures. earticle
presents theresults ofsociological expeditions conducted in2022–2023 inthree regions oftheAl-
tai mountain country (Altai Krai, Republic ofAltai, Republic ofTyva). Based on thedata ofstruc-
tured interviews with residents (n = 1345), theassessments oftheimportance ofclimate change
issues forresidents are analyzed inconjunction with theassessments ofthehorizon ofperceived
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 15
climate change andits consequences, therelationship with environmental risks, adaptation to cli-
matic conditions, security andlife satisfaction. It isshown that climate issues occupy asignicant
place inthe public consciousness ofresidents ofmountainous regions; however, if inthe national
republics they are inthe category ofvital issues, inAltai Krai they are secondary andcompete
with economic andsocial problems. eperception oftemporal characteristics isheterogeneous-
inAltai Krai theinitial point ofchanges islocated more deeply on thetime continuum, while
residents oftherepublics tend to perceive changes inthe near retrospect. elinks with conjugate
dimensions are regionally specic, but ingeneral indicate that concern about climate risks ishigh-
er insocial groups with increased vulnerability.
Keywords: perception of climate changes, ecological situation, risks ofeconomic activities
ofindigenous peoples, public consciousness, Altai mountainous country
Financial Support: thepublication was prepared within theframework oftheRNF project
No. 22-67-00020 “Changes inclimate, glaciers andlandscapes ofAltai inthe past, present andfu-
ture as abasis foramodel ofadaptation ofthepopulation ofintra-continental mountainous areas
ofEurasia to climate-induced environmental changes” (2022–2025).
For citation: Maximova, S.G., Omelchenko, D.A., Shcheglova, D.K. (2024). Climate Change inthe
Public Consciousness oftheAltai Mountainous Country Residents (Comparison ofSociological Data
inthree Regions). Society andSecurity Insights, 7 (2), 13–36. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-01.
 
       
      
     « »,
     ESG-   -
    -  -
  (,  222; , 223).  
     (), -
     ,  -
  (Masson-Delmotte et al., 221).   
    -
 ,     -
 (, , ,) -
,     
    (Adger, Brown, Surminski, 218).
      
.        ,
    , -
   ,  3–6  .
 (, 219).     
  ,   
       (22–
28%  XXI . 4–72%    ), 
    (, 217).    
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- ,    
.      -
  , - -
,       
. ,        
   ,   -
   ,  , ,  , ,
 .  ,    , 
     , -
     (, , 221).
  -     -
,    ,   ,  
    , , 
  .      ,  -
       
,   ,   . -
   :    (-
    ),     ,
  ( ,   ), -
  (  ), / (-
   ,    
),     (    
 ) (Morris et al., 219).   -
    : ,    
  ,  -   
 - ,      
    .  ,  ,
   ,  ,  -
       -
  (Valkengoed, Steg, Perlaviciute 221).  -
     — -
(, ),  ,    (-
     ).  -
   ,     
       -
.      
    ,  -
      ,   
     
   (Schneiderbauer et al., 221).
         -
  ,     -
.       -
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 17
,      (, ,
  . .)      (-
, 217).      , -
       ,  -
      
 .      
   ,   .
   ,  -
   ,    
     
   ,    -
 (, , , , 219).
      ,
   ,   -
    , ,  -
  ,     
    
 (, 22; , 223).   
  ,    --
 ,   -, -
,  ,   -
    -  
.  ,   
   ,    -
 ,      -
, , ,    , 
 ,     .
      -
  
      
,   , 
 ,  
 ,   
.     -
         
 ,      
      (, 24). -
      --
      (, ,
) ( …, 211).
    
,     ,    -
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 18
       
, , ,  .     -
 .    -  
  . ,  22 .,  -
   ,  794   ( 219 .— 17),
495      ( 219 .— 767), -
      -
 (    ),    299— 
  ( 219 .— 33),    
 5      -
    ,  
.         -
     — , , ,
  (  , 221, 222).
      -
  ,  ,    
 —  ,    ,  
  ,    
      -
   ( ., 22).
    ,    -
      -
,      
    .   
2,13 . (223),        22- -
,        (14,1 .
).    ,   -
  56,7%, — 43,3%.   (-
22)      (95%),  (1,3%,
25,4. .),  (,5%, 1,6. .),  (,28%, 5,6. .), -
 (,27%, 5,2. .),  (,26%, 5,1. .)  (,18%, 3,6.
.).   ,   -
, ,    ,  ,
     189 . (,5%). -
     
   .  -
     ,    
   (, )    - .
      
,  ,  . -
      ,  
       
12–15%,      ,  -
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 19
,     ,   -
  .     -
- — ,    ,  
   (,  ),  -
   ,    
   ,   ,  
       -  
  (  , 221, 222).  -
,      ,
       
, , , , , 
 ,   ,   ,
    .
       
 ,     , 
      ,
      -
 ,  - 
 ( ., 22).    -
    ,    -
   —  .    -
     (69%  
 222 .).   21,8. .  
( -22) 53,7%     (16,3. .),
    ,  - (37,1%,
73,2. .), —  (6,5%, 13,. .).   -
   —  (-, 1,7%, 3,4.
.),  (-, -, 1,3%, 2,6. .), 
(,6%, 1,2. .),  (,5%, 137 .).   -
   - - . -
    3–6    --
 - ,    . 
    ,   
   ,   -
       -
     .  
    . -
      . 
      -
,     (, 218).
 ,     -
,    , 
. ,      
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 20
 ( 22 . 12–2%, 221 .— 1–15%),    
 .     
( ,31,3 221 .  ,62,2 222 .).   ,
  . 22 .   35  -
  ( 219 .— 56, 221 .— 43).    
   (-,,  -
).   -  -
   ,     -
    ,  
    (  ,
221, 222).      -
 ,      
-   ,  
 .
       
,    .  
 337 271 . (223).   ,   -
  ,    ,
(222.— 313 ., 221 .— 361 .),    -
 54,7%.      
(88,7%, 279,8 . .) - (2,3%, 7,2. .),  
   1% (31,9. .).  
   (556 .),  (378 .),  (289 .), 
(223 .).      -
   ,   
- .   ,
      
    - 
   (, -, , -
, 221).  8%    ,  -
     ,  -
      3   
.   — - (3976 ).   
   .   -
—  ,    , -
,  ,      (,
214; , 219).
   ,    -
      
     ,  -
     ,  
  ,     
 ,       -
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 21
,     ,  
, ,   ,    
 .    ,  
 (  I .)    
, , ,    
,    ,  
,  ,  .  -
       
     , 
   ,  ,    
  (, , , 221).   -
        -
 ,    (   22 . -
      159%).  
 ,  22 .    15 -
   2,4–6,7 ( 219 .— 16, 218 .— 6), 
     . 
, ,  ,  -
   - -
,   -   -
,       -
  (  , 221).
       -
  ,  ,  -
     , 
   « ».  
    -  ,
     - .  ,
-, -, -, -, -,
, , -, -,,-,
-, -, -, , --
  (   )  ,
     (   
 , 221)
.  ,     -
      , 
 , ,  , -
  ,     -
.   , -
Об утверждении перечня районов Крайнего Севера иместностей, приравненных крайонам
Крайнего Севера, вцелях предоставления государственных гарантий икомпенсаций для лиц,
работающих ипроживающих вэтих районах иместностях, признании утратившими силу неко-
торых актов Правительства Российской Федерации ипризнании недействующими натерри-
тории Российской Федерации некоторых актов Совета Министров СССР: Постановление Пра-
вительства Российской Федерации № 1946 от16.11.2021. URL: http://static.government.ru/media/
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 22
     ,  
 ,     -
       ,
     .
    222 223 .  -
 ,   2    -
 (  :   n = 347, 
 n = 359,   n = 637,   n = 1345). --
     1.
 1
Table 1
-  
Socio-demographic characteristics ofrespondents
 30,7 35,6 28,0
 69,3 64,4 72,0
 30  15,8 19,1 33,5
31-49  44,6 45,9 43,1
50   39,6 35,0 23,3
 .±. . () 45,6±14,8 43,4±13,8 38,4±+14,1
 ()   
21,9 26,3 26,3
   
30,9 33,9 25,8
  ( ,
  )   
 
46,9 39,7 47,9
 85,6 7,8 2,5
 38,2
 40,7
 89,8
 9,7
 14,4 3,6 7,7
   (-
, , ,  -
35,9 34,1 44,7
   -
 (  )
10,9 12,5 11,2
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 23
,  8,8 7,7 5,4
,   
,  -
, 
8,2 5,6 10,3
,  8,2 4,6 2,9
 ,  -
15,5 18,7 8,0
   1,5 5,4 1,7
  10,9 11,3 15,7
       -
       
 ,   (69,3%  , 64,4%  
72,%  ),      (
 3     15,8%,  
19,1%,  — 33,5%),     
  43 ,    38,4 . -
       , -
     .   -
    :  
     (85,6%,  
7,8%,  — 2,5%).    -
   ,    (38,2%), 
(4,7%),  — ,    -
,   (89,8%) (. 1).
 ,    ,  
       -
    ,  -
 - .
     , 
    
        -
  ,     -
,     , , .
         -
  .     ,  
 ,      (39,5%),   
 —      
       (39,1%   -
 ).    15%   
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 24
 ,   ,  ,  
    6%    , -
 ,      ,   
     (  -
   — 9,5%,     -
      -
   ).
      «-
»         442
   « » « »,  
       , -
        
,     336 ,    -
     , , -
       ,
        -
    .    
 139 ,     
         -
, —   «  »  
-  « -»,  
   «   
      »
     
   .     
,      (53,1%,  
— 3436%),       -
       (42,5%,  -
— 34–38%).      
    , , 
       -
,       (16,6%  17,8%,  
— 9,8%).  ,       
       -
 -    ,
        ,
    ,  , -
      (. 2).
      , 
    ,   -
       -
    .
Документация о публичном поиске «Крибрум». URL: https://kribrum.ru/upload/pubsearch.pdf
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 25
 2
Table 2
    , %
Estimates ofimportance ofclimate change problem, %
 
 -
 -
 ,  
 
 -
  
,  
  -
  -
 
 15,5 39,5 39,1
  9,8 53,1 34,4
  17,8 33,9 42,5
  16,6 36,4 37,6
       -
    (31,3%).   -
 ,      
  ,  22,7%—    
,     .   -
,       -
 ,  11,1% .  
 8,1% , ,     -
    .
        -
   (12,7%)    (13,7%),   
     5,3% .    ,
,     (26,6%),   -
 (23,4%),     ,  , 
  (17,1%).      
      (36,8%)   -
—    (32,9%).   
       (28,2%),  
   .    
      
    (11,9%).  ,    -
        -
    .
     ,   
  ,    -
.         
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 26
    . ,  
    ,  ,   
    «У нас тут прекрасная экология, унас тут за-
мечательная природа»,, , ,  «у нас тут есть серьезные
экологические проблемы»,     , -
       -.
        , 
  ( ,   -
),       
,     , -
    ,  -
   (, , , 216).  
   ,    ,   -
     (, , ,
217), ,    ,   -
     --
 .       
(-  -),     
 (, , 21).
       
 ,     2%   .
 ,   ,   -
      -
  .     ,  -
 ,    ,   ,
,  («сильно дуют ветры», «трава нерастет»,
«стало холоднее», «затапливает через дамбу», «соль выступает», «температура
снизилась, плохо все растет, что-то приходится выращивать в теплицах, но
нет воды централизованной»)     
(«все земли взаповеднике», «расширение территории заповедника», «все озера арен-
дованные», «стало меньше озер», «земли скупают москвичи», «некому продавать
скот», «сократили скот», «раскупают земли», «много туристов»).  ,
  ,   «много волков», «появились
браконьеры», «нашествие клещей», «падают ступени, рядом Байконур», «радиация
из-за ступеней».       ,
  ,    ,  -
  ,   ,    
   ,   .
    ,   -
  .   ,  -
  ,  , ,   :
   1991222 .      
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 27
 1961199 .
   
  ,     , , -
        
.     ,   -
,     .
 3
Table 3
   , %
Estimates ofenvironmental situation inthe region, %
 -
 -
 -
 -
 -
 -
 11,1 22,7 31,3 24,9 8,1
  5,3 26,9 36,8 22,9 8,0
  12,7 23,4 27,5 28,2 6,2
  13,7 17,1 32,9 20,7 11,9
    (28,1%) ,    -
 ,  1  ,      
   ,      5 1
  (33,9%),   5   (35,9%).   
  ,    ,  ,   -
   1  ,   .
,        
— 51  (4,9%),     , , -
   ,   -
  (48,6%).      -
  (. 1).   (2,3%)  ,
       ,  
,    , ,    ,
,         
  (   ,   -
    ,   , -
     ).
Всемирная метеорологическая организация. ВАзии усиливается воздействие изменения
климата. URL: https://public.wmo.int/ru/пресс-релизы/в-азии-усиливается-воздействие-измене-
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 28
 1—   : «  
 , , -    
    ?»
Figure 1— Distribution ofanswers to thequestion: «How long ago were there changes
inclimate, nature that made you have to give up your usual ways ofhousekeeping?»
       ,   
      , 
   :    - 
 ,   (38,4% ,  
),      ,  (36,1%),
  ,     
-   (3,6%).  ,   
,         ,
  —     , -
     ,  , 
13%—    ,   .
    ,    -
     ,  
   ,    -
 «»    «» . -
 17%  ,    «» 
 ,    -
,   .   ,
 15,% ,     
   , 8,8%— ,    -
  ,  1%—   -
  ,   ,   . -
,    ,   
     -
:  5,7%   ,    -
 ,      ,  
,  .  7%     .
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 29
 3—  , 
,     , %.
Figure 3— Changes inenvironmental management caused by climate, combined data andby region, %.
        -
   .    -
,       
   (43–46% ),    
  (39,6%,  — 23,6%).  
         -
  (32–33%).  « »   -
  ,       
(25,4%),        (13–15%). 
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 30
      « -
»,  1,5–2     . -
        -
     — 
,    , , 
(1,7%,  3,% 5,8% ; . 2).
       -
        
      
        
:    , -
      ,  -
    ,  -
,   .   
     -
.        (< ,2), ,  ,
 . ,     
     -
     (ρ=,181 ρ=,155),  -
  ,   . -
       
  (ρ=,156)   (ρ=,127),   -
      (ρ=,22).  
      
     (ρ=,113),    -
        (ρ=,163).
 4
Table 4
     , 
 ,   , 
,   
Correlation coecients between assessments oftheimportance ofclimate change issues
andassessments ofenvironmental situation, security, adaptability andlife satisfaction*
 -
 -
 -
 
  0,059 0,156 –0,015 –0,010
  0,181 –0,022 0,113 0,049
  0,155 0,127 0,077 0,163
* Коэффициент Спирмена, полужирным шрифтом выделены коэффициенты сp < 0,05.
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 31
 
     ,  -
  ,      -
 ,          
  4%    .   
     -
  ,      
      
   -  -
  .
      
  ,     -
  .   (  1% )
        -
 (  ),    ,
       (  
    ).   -
 —     , -
 «»   (  ),
     -.
        -
,     (   )  
  :   -  
,  ,     ,
,    ,  
  ,     -
  ,  —   
   (     45,8% -
, — 41,9%).     
,  ,   -
       -
  ,   ,
        
. ,     
  ,  
 .     -
         ,
    « »,   
     .   -
   ,      . -
     «»
   :  7%  -
      
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,  36%—    5  .   -
      ,   -
       .
 ,  ,    -
    ,  ,
       -
,       -
 ,    .  
  ,  , 
   , ,   -
     ,   -
    ,  -
   ,   
  ,     
,     ,   -
    .
 
 . .,  . . (21).    -
    //    .
21. 5. . 22–25.
 . .      -
    //   -
    . 218. . 8–12.
 . .      -
  //   : ,  / 
. . . . : , 22. . 273277.
 . .     -
  // , -  . 214.
 12-1. . 6163.
 . .,  . .,  . . .  
  //  :    -
. .:  . 221.  2. . 611.
 . .   :  -
 //    . : , 24.
 . .,  . . ESG-    
      //  -
 . 222.  12(1). . 51–518.
      ,   
  - :   /  .
. .. ., 211. 168 .
Интеграция ибезопасность встранах Азиатского региона 33
 . .     
     ESG- // -
  .  . 223.  1. . 83–88.
 . .       -
. .: , 217. 7 .
 . .,  . .,  . .    -
  ,     
 - //   . 216.  21.
. 86–95.
 . .,  . .,  . .    -
,   -  (-
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      
, . , .
Svetlana G. Maximova— Professor, theHead oftheDepartment ofSocial andYouth
Policy, Institute ofHumanities, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
  — . . ,   
    , . ,
Daria A. Omelchenko— Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associated Professor at theDepartment
ofSocial andYouth Policy, Institute ofHumanities, Altai State University, Barnaul, Rus-
   —  ,   -
     ,
., .
Daria K. Shcheglova— educational specialist, PhD student at theDepartment ofSocial
andYouth Policy, Institute ofHumanities, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 12.05.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 03.06.2024;
принята кпубликации 03.06.2024.
The article was submitted 12.05.2024;
approved after reviewing 03.06.2024;
accepted forpublication 03.06.2024.