, 
 
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.7+ 316.347
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)2-04
    :
   
Светлана Геннадьевна Максимова1,
Ольга Валерьевна Суртаева2,
Дарья Алексеевна Омельченко3,
Кристина Андреевна Великжанина4
1 Российский биотехнологический университет (РОСБИОТЕХ), Москва, Россия,
svet-maximova@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4613-4966
2Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Российский биотехнологический
университет (РОСБИОТЕХ), Москва, Россия,
bubuka_s@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6535-2838
3Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Российский биотехнологический
университет (РОСБИОТЕХ), Москва, Россия;
daria.omelchenko@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2839-5070
4Алтайский государственный университет, Барнаул, Россия,
velikzhanina_kri@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0856-0857
. — -   , -
        .
    ,   -
    ,     
.  -  , -
   ,     -
 .      :   
   ,   -
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 70
 .   1000 ,   , -
 ,  ,    
 .  ,    
       
 ,     , 
     ,  ,  
     .
 : , ,  ,  -
,  
:        24-48-03002
«  - : 
      -
   » (2024–2026).
Для цитирования: Максимова С.Г., Суртаева О.В., Омельченко Д.А., Великжанина К.А. Ре-
лигиозность женщин приграничных регионов России: общие характеристики ирегиональная
специфика // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т. 7, №2. С.69–90. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-04.
Womens Religiosity inBorder Regions ofRussia: General
Characteristics andRegional Peculiarities
Svetlana G. Maximova1,
Olga V. Surtaeva2,
Daria A. Omelchenko3,
Kristina A. Velikzhanina4
1Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia,
svet-maximova@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4613-4966
2Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Moscow, Russia,
bubuka_s@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6535-2838
3Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Russia, Moscow,
daria.omelchenko@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2839-5070
4Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia,
velikzhanina_kri@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0856-0857
Abstract. Religion isstill an important sociocultural phenomenon, and religiosity contin-
ues to be an important context forunderstanding social processes. ere are numerous studies
inforeign literature that focus on gender specics ofreligiosity, but inRussia this topic isless
explored. Specic socio-economic andcultural conditions inthe Russian border regions form
the need for in-depth analysis ofthe populations religiosity. All this determined the purpose
ofthis article— to assess thegeneral trends andregional specics ofreligiosity ofwomen living
inthe border regions ofRussia. Based on asurvey of1000 women living inthe Republic ofAltai,
theRepublic ofTyva, Altai Krai, thecharacteristics ofwomens religiosity inthe border regions
were analyzed. estudy showed that, ingeneral, women inRussias border regions are not highly
religious andare not inclined to demonstrate religious behavior. especic regional characteris-
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 71
tics are that themost religious women live inthe Republic ofTyva, andclose to them, but slightly
less religious, women from theRepublic ofAltai.
Keywords: religion, religiosity, religious behavior, religious identication, border regions
Financial Support: the article was prepared as part of Russian Science Foundation pro-
ject  24-48-03002, “ Religious landscapes oftheRussian-Mongolian borderland: institution-
al andnetwork mechanisms forconstructing religious andethnic identities andsecurity in a
post-secular reality” (2024–2026).
For citation: Maximova, S.G., Surtaeva, O.V., Omelchenko, D.A., Velikzhanina, K.A. (2024). Wom-
en’s Religiosity inBorder Regions ofRussia: General Characteristics andRegional Peculiarities. Soci-
ety andSecurity Insights, 7(2), 69–90. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)2-04.
:  
        -
,     (Kelland, 217). -
 , 88–93%     (Zuckerman, 27). 
      ,  
,       (He, Stets,
221; iessen, Wilkins-Laamme, 217)    (Van
Tongeren, DeWall, 221),       -
      (Burnett, 1979).  -
        
       
(Abdel-Khalek, 212; Ngamaba, Soni, 218; Perveen et al., 217; Sultan et al., 22; Vang
et al., 219; Villani et al., 219; Zahoor et al., 221; Unterrainer et al., 214; Wixwat,
Saucier, 221).  ,    
  ,  ,  ,
- ,  -  -
,   .
    :  .
       
: , , ,   -
 —    ,    -
  . ,    -
  ,   « »,  
      (Allport, Ross, 1967).
  ,      
:  (     -
 ),  (    
),   (     -
   ),   ( 
      
)  (    -
  , ,   -
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 ) (Stark & Glock, 1968).   ,  
     ,
       
       
  (Yeniaras & Akarsu, 217).
       -
  ,  ,  -
    (Koenig, 28).  
 (Abdel-Khalek, Lester, 213; Munawar, Tariq, 218) 
       
,       , , -
     .  -
 (Turner et al., 1987) ,    
       
. ,      
     -
   , ,  ,  
   .
 —  ,   
   ,   . — 
 ,   ,  
,       
 (Acevedo, Shah, 215; Heidemarie, 219). ,  -
 ,      -
  (Reitz et al., 215).
       -
  (de Vaus, McAllister, 1987; Li, Liu, 221), , -
   . , , . , . 
.  (218)     -
    ,  -
 -,       -
 ,  . .  
       
  ,     
   (Roberto et al. 22).   -
    ,  
 .  ,    -
   ,    -
     (Alvi et al., 221).
  ,      -
   .     
   - ,   
  ,   
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 73
.        -
      
.  ,    -
  ,  - 
  ,    -
  .    
    ,  
  (, , , 223). -
      -
     ,  
       -
  ,   -
    (Saryglar et al., 223).
 ,  ,—    -
   ,   
  .
  
     
 ,    , -
        
.   222–224 .   
  ( ,  ,   -
 ).     -
 ,     ,
    , 
 .       , -
 — ,     (
  ).     -
 -.    
,      (
      ,  
     ).
     1868 ,    -
        ( 1
,  53,7%  ).
      
        -
,     ,   , -
      . -
,    .  (Huber, et al., 212, 22)  
      -
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    .  
    ,  
   ,  
   (    : -
  ,   ,  ,
   ) (Huber, et al., 22).
 ,   (Huber, et al., 212, 22) , --
,        -
 ,     
,   , , -,   -
       
,  , ,  , . 
       
    , 
      -
,   ,  -
  ()    .
       -
,      -
 ,     :
1.     1.
2.    (e Centrality ofReligiosity Scale, CRS),
   ,   
    (Huber, Huber, 212).  
 CRSI-2,  ,  , -
     
,     (, ),
   (, ).
3.    .
4.   ,   ,   
 .
5.    .
6.     (, , 
 ,   , -
  ).
7.   ().
8.    (,    -
  ,   , -
   ,   -
,   ,  ,  
,   ).
      
   ,    
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 75
    χ2  -
     .
 
        -
 ,  ,     
  (  31%),     
   ,      -
 .      (36%),
     
 1. ,     
     :  
 51%,  — 37%     ,
 ,   ,    
 ,      -
 (49%).      -
,      —  9%,  
        -
,    .  -
   ,    
(36%),     « » () (16%),
    5%,    
  (52%)     (16%).  -
,      ,   
 ,   ,   
 ,     , -
     .    -
      ,
   , ,    -
      .
      ,   -
   .    , 
 ,    , 
  4,68   1 .  -
    ,   -
    (p<,1)   
.   ,    -
  ,  :     ,
   (  3,8)  
(  4,25).    ,  -
1 Здесь идалее для оценки значимости региональных различий представленные выводы о
достоверности вариаций сделаны наоснове проведения процедуры тестирования покрите-
рию хи-квадрат, все выявленные различия достоверны, р ≤ 0,005.
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 76
  (  5,19),    
 «».  ,   ,  -
 ,    (  5,73).
     
   ,     
  «» ,   (« -
 »).     
  2,75   5 .  
   ,    -
   (p<,1)   
.     ,  
       ( -
 2,49),        
  (  2,68).     
(  2,84)    ,     -
,    (  3,1) -
      (. 1).
 1—    CRS ,  .
Figure 1— Self-assessment andCRS-2 data about women’s religiousness, mean values.
,    ,   
  ,    .
  ,   3,9%  
  , 3,2%     
, 32,6%—   , 33,3%   ,  
   .   (χ2, p<,1)
     :
 ,   ,  -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 77
,      (8,2%) 
 (46,9%) ,      
  (35,6%),   —  (5,2%).
   —    -
 ,       . -
,  68,5%        
 ,   ,    
,    31,5%      -
.  , 6,3%      -
 (        -
 ), 49,7%     ( 
 ,     , 
    ), 44,%     -
 ,         .
     
   .    -
,  13,9%     , 12,6%  
  , 13,6%—  , 16,2% 1 3  , 15,2% 
  , 15,2%   , 19,9%   .
   ,  ,  
    5,4%,   — 9,1%,   — 14,%,
1 3  — 16,3%,   — 14,5%,   — 11,4%,
27,9%    .   
      (χ2, p<,1) -
 . ,       ,
     (16,4%),    (14,9%)   -
 (25,1%).        
1 3   (22,6%).      , 
    (1,7%),    — 
   (2,5%),    (33,6%).  
    .
   :   1,6% 
         ,
      3,5% ,   -
  — 9,9%,   — 11,9%,   — 46,2%,
   (26,8%)    -
 .   (χ2, p<,1)   
    :   
   ,      
   (2,3%).        
 ,       
(5,2%),      (18,%)    (2,6%). -
         
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     (5,%),    -
       (35,4%).
   (21,%),    ,
,      , 
 (16,3%)  ,    , 62,7%  -
      
  .     (χ2, p<,1)
 ,   (38,3%)     -
  (23,8%),    (74,%)  
,    .
  (11,%) ,   ,
      , 17,3%   
  , 56,1%     -
 , 15,7%    . -
  (χ2, p<,1) ,      
  (17,%)   (21,1%)  , -
    (6,7%)     ,
    (25,8%)    -
  .
      
-  ().   (25,%) ,
   ,     -
  - , 5,8%   , 
   -  (. 2).  , -
    ,  -
  : 39,7%   , 12,5%— -
, 5,3%—  « », , 4,1% 
  , 1,9%  , 1,7%  -
  ,   , 1,7% 
 , ,4%      
 (,   , , 
..), ,2%   .     -
     (55,2%),  — -
  (6,8%). ,  ,   
 (57,6%), —   (,6%).  «
»      (2,%), 
       (13,1%).
     ,    -
 (39,6%),     (7,6%).
,         
- ,     -
   . , 56,6%     
  , 3,%    5 , 5,6%  -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 79
 3 5 , 7,8%       3
.   (χ2, p<,1) ,  ,  -
,    (63,%),   5   
  (43,1%),      ,
  3 5  (7,7%)     (12,3%).
 2—   , %.
Figure 2— Confessional belonging ofwomen, %.
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 80
 3—    , 
  - .
Figure 3— Engagement with members ofreligious community, %
ofrespondents having identication with aconfession.
  (85,2%   - -
)    , 8,4%   -
   .  ,     
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 81
,   :     
 (28,1%   ),    -
  (15,1%),    ,  
  (14,4%),     (12,9%)
       
(7,9%).  ,   , -
      .
  ,     - ,
 22,6%      ( , -
 , ).   15,3%    -
        ,
21,2%   , 34,7%— , 15,3%— , 13,5%—  .
   (27,2%) ,     -
,       
    (. 3).     
   :  (37,6%), 
  (2,2%),  ,  
(18,5%),    (17,3%),   (13,3%), 
 ,  (12,1%),   (12,1%) -
-  (6,4%).
 6,2% ,  - ,  
      ( -
 , ,  ,   -
,  ..),       -
  (12,4%).  , 25,6%   
,        (28,6%).
   (68,2%)  -   -
    ,    ,
      (77,%).
  (24,6%)   ,  - -
,     (   
   ), 17,8%     
(       ), 2,1%
  -   (    -
 ), 25,7%—   ,     (  -
       ),   
 (11,9%)     ,    
  .
  ,    - , -
  (33,%) ,      -
,       . -
  ,       
, 4,7% ,    ,  
Society andSecurity Insights № 2 2024 82
   .    (1,6%) -
     (     -
 ), 6,3%   -   ( 
   ), 6,8%—   , 
    , 2,7%—   ,  -
        (. 1).
 1
Table 1
     ,
   - 
Compliance with requirements forbehavior andappearance, %
ofrespondents having identication with aconfession
  
 
 
 
 
 
 
   
 6,2 5,8 12,4 2,8 1,4
  , 
   25,6 28,6 25,8 24,9 21,6
   ,  
  68,2 65,5 61,8 72,4 77,0
 -
     24,6 16,3 40,2 13,8 26,4
    17,8 23,6 20,1 13,3 11,4
-   20,1 18,8 12,8 29,3 21,4
  ,    
 25,7 29,3 16,4 30,4 28,6
   11,9 12,0 10,5 13,3 12,1
 -
 -
      33,0 14,1 38,4 59,9 18,0
   40,7 56,3 34,3 16,8 58,6
    10,6 16,6 9,3 9,0 5,5
-   6,3 3,5 6,0 7,2 10,2
  ,    
 6,8 8,0 7,9 4,8 5,5
   2,7 1,5 4,2 2,4 2,3
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 83
  
 
 
 
 
 
 
   
 23,9 8,5 34,4 34,4 17,2
   56,4 78,5 43,5 38,7 65,6
   9,9 6,5 12,9 9,8 10,2
  , 
   5,7 5,5 6,2 6,7 3,9
   ,
    
  
4,1 1,0 2,9 10,4 3,1
  ,    - , -
   (23,9%) ,     -
 ,       
 .    ,  
    , 56,4% ,  
 ,      .  
 (9,9%)     (    -
  ), 5,7%   ,  -
   (     ), 4,1%
,    ,   -
  ,       -
  .
 ,   - ,  -
   ,  29,3%.   -
 (36,4%) ,  -   ,   
.     28,3% , -
  ,  6,%   .
 ,   ,  -
  ,     -
    (2,75   5, ).    -
 ,     ,  
    .   , -
 ,  ,    
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 ,    .  ,
    ,   , 
   ,  .
       ,  -
 ,     - .  
  (   ,  
 )     , 
  ,   « »,
,    .  -
   ,    (
 ),   , .  -
     .  
 ,     ,  
       , -
        ,
   .
       
:       , -
         
 -    .  -
   ,  , , 
      -
    ,  ,    -
   .
     
   .    -
,        -
 :      ,  
,    ,    
  ,    
,   .   -
  —   .
      -
   ,   :  -
 ,     ,  
   ,    
  ,      (, -
,    ).   
  « » .
,   ,     -
   :    -
 ,  ,     ,
        
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 85
 ,   .    
, .
     ,
     ,  -
  ,    , , -
    ,    -
 .    ,  
,   ,  
    ,      -
   .
 ,    - -
     ,   
    —  
« »,   ,  
   . ,  —  
  , ,     -
       -
 ,      , 
      , 
«» ,  .    -
  ,   , , ,
       -
  ,   , -
,   ,   -
 .  ,  ,  
,       
 , , ,    
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