Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 89
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.43/ ББК 60.54
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)3-05
Образ будущего России воценках городского исельского
населения (по материалам исследования вВологодской
Ксения Евгеньевна Косыгина
Ирина Михайловна Бахвалова
Ксения Андреевна Кулик
Вологодский научный центр Российской академии наук, Вологда, Россия;
sene4ka.87@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5875-8912
Вологодский научный центр Российской академии наук, Вологда, Россия;
krupnoch@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8523-3254
Вологодский научный центр Российской академии наук, Вологда, Россия;
Аннотация.       -
      — 
 .    ,  2018
2023 .    ,   -
 .     1500 . 
    . -, -
       -
   . ,    
    .  
        
.        , 
. -,  -   -
 .      .
     ,    .
,        , 
.    ,    -
     ,    
    .    
     ,    -
     .    
        
  ,   .
Ключевые слова:  ,  , , , ,
 , ,  , 
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 90
Финансирование:      -
     FMGZ-2022-0013 « : -
   ».
Для цитирования: Косыгина К. Е., Бахвалова И. М., Кулик К. А. Образ будущего России
воценках городского и сельского населения (по материалам исследования вВологодской
области) // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т.7, №3. С.89–108. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-05.
e Image ofthe Future ofRussia inthe Assessments ofthe Urban
andRural Population (Based on Materials ofa Research inthe
Vologda Region)
Kseniya E. Kosygina
Irina М. Bakhvalova
Ksenia А. Kulik
Vologda Scientific Center ofthe Russian Academy ofSciences, Vologda, Russia;
sene4ka.87@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5875-8912
Vologda Scientific Center ofthe Russian Academy ofSciences, Vologda, Russia;
krupnoch@yandex.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8523-3254
Vologda Scientific Center ofthe Russian Academy ofSciences, Vologda, Russia;
Abstract. e article is devoted to the study ofsociety’s expectations regarding the future
ofRussia ina territorial context with a focus on two categories— urban andrural populations.
e study was conducted on the basis ofdata obtained in2018 and2023 during public opinion
monitoring conducted inthe Vologda region. e sample size was 1,500 people. e structure
ofthe study is presented intwo thematic blocks. Firstly, the assessments ofurban andrural com-
munities ofthe political andeconomic situation inthe country inthe near future are analyzed. It
was revealed that citizens are more optimistic about the future political situation. Regarding the
economic situation, respondents generally do not expect signicant changes inthe next ve years.
Rural residents assess economic development prospects more critically than urban residents. Sec-
ondly, the value andworldview context ofthe image ofthe future ofRussia is considered. e
study showed an increase indemand for justice insociety. At the same time, urban residents feel
injustice more acutely than residents ofrural areas. It was revealed that both social strata are more
inclined to support stability than change. Analysis ofthe data obtained showed that public opin-
ion inthe region regarding the future development ofRussia is positive, but there is also cautious
optimism andsome concerns. ere are more opponents ofthe Western way oflife for Russia
among urban residents, andaccordingly, there are more supporters ofWestern rules among those
living inrural areas. Among urban residents there are more adherents ofthe focus on the unity
ofthe peoples ofRussia inorder to revive it as a great power than among rural residents.
Keywords: image ofthe future, social justice, city, village, society, public opinion, develop-
ment, Russian society, expectations
Financial Support: the work was carried out within the framework ofthe state task ofthe
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 91
Ministry ofScience andHigher Education ofthe Russian Federation FMGZ-2022-0013 «Social
Reality: National Development andRegional Trends».
For citation: Kosygina, K. E., Bakhvalova I. M., Kulik K. A. (2024). The Image ofthe Future ofRus-
sia inthe Assessments ofthe Urban andRural Population (Based on Materials ofa Research inthe
Vologda Region). Society andSecurity Insights, 7(3), 89–108. (InRuss.). doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-05.
       -
,   -  -
,     : ,   -
,      . 
  -   
      .  -
 ,        -
     ,   
 (, 223; , , 218). ,  
,       
 (75%),   4% ,   8–1    -
  .  ,  
(«  »)    -
 ,     
 ,        -
   . ..  ,
       -
  (, 1998). .   ,  -
      (Urry, 216).  «
      
    ,  , -
  » (, , , 222).
       -
       . .. 
 ,  « ,  
,       ,  „-
“  » (, 216).   
    ,   , 
   — - (, ,
222), - (, 214, , 222), -
 (, , 222).     
     ,
   .      -
Образ будущего: оценки россиян. Образ будущего страны постепенно обретает в со-
знании россиян более зримые очертания // ВЦИОМ. URL: https://wciom.ru/analytical-reviews/
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       
  ,     
      
 .
 ,   —   -
      
       -
—   .    -
       , 
      
  .   
     ,    -
  .    -
    12  ( ., 221). 
       -
      
     .
Теоретические основы исследования
        -
 ,     ,  -
    ,   «»
    ,   
 .       -
: -, , , -
, , ,  . 
    , , 
     -
 (.. , .. , ..  .),  -
 (.. )   (. , . -
, .  .).     ,
          
    (, 218; , 212). -
 ,  ,     
  ,      ,
     (, 221).  -
     « » -
    .    
   ,     -
,      (,
224).   ,     -
 ,      , -
, ,      -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 93
      (,
, , , 221).
        -
 « »      -
  .   « -
»    ( ) 
  (Liu, Szpunar, 222).  , « -
—    ,   , 
      
  ,    , -
     » (, ,
218).  ,     -
 ,       -
 ,   (, 221). 
      
 ,     -
     (, 221).  
       , 
, , ,  ,   (,
, , 223).
       
 ,    ,  -
.         
    ,   
  (, , , , 221). 
         -
      , -
 - .
Материалы иметоды
      
,    223 .     ,
    .   -
  15 .  —   
.        
  .    -
     
     .   -
—       -
,     — , ,  
  .     
    (, , ). -
        .
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     -
  : , .   ; -
     SPSS.
      , 
   :  . --
,   -    
       
   .    -
      -
      
  .     -
      -
       . -
    ( )  
      (, 223). - , 
    - 
      
 ;   ;  -
    ,    -
 .     
  , , ,     -
  .
Основные результаты исследования
Оценки городского исельского населения политической иэкономической
ситуации наближайшую перспективу
     -
    .  
       (2%),  -
,   ,  — 27%.  
     
 (31%),       
      . -
         -
    : 23%  , 
 ,  17%  .  -
  223 .      
   ,    .
 218 .   223 .   
      -
    ( 17% 27%),     ( 2%
27%).  218 .       -
,  223-   .    -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 95
   ,    223.
(. 1).
 1.
      , %
Table 1.
Population expectations regarding the development ofthe political situation inRussia, %
Вариант ответа
2018 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
25,6 21,6 24,6 23,2 17,2 19,9
  
35,8 35,8 35,8 30,9 30,4 30,7
17,1 20,2 18,0
27,1 27,3 27,2
 
21,5 22,3 21,7 18,8 25,2 20,6
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
,       -
   ,   
,      -
 .      , -
     .  
       
,  ,     -
,     
      
.     ,   -
     ,  
« »  47%    32% ,
   54% 23% , -
   — 24% 13%.   
        -
   ,  
- .  ,  -
       .
       
  ,    
   (, , , 22).
 ,    -
 ,   «    
       ?». -
   23%  ,    -
       
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 96
.  , 42%   ,  « -
     ,     -
  ».  — 16%,  
,   (19%).   ,   -
      (16%),  
 (23%).      -
 :   ,    
  ,   ,    ,
  . 218 .   ,   -
    ,   -
    (. 2).
 2.
   «   
       ?», %
Table 2.
Distribution ofanswers to the question «Which ofthe following judgments
about the political system ofour society do you agree with most?», %
Вариант ответа
2018 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
  -
  -
  
14,6 9,8 13,2 16,2 16,4 16,3
  
  
,  
  
 
46,6 41,1 45,1 42,2 41,1 41,9
  
 
 , 
 
25,8 30,8 27,3 22,6 23,3 22,8
  13,0 18,2 14,5 19,0 19,2 19,1
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
    . -
       -
 ,   ,   -
      ,   9%,
    (4%) ,     
 ,  . ,  ,
      , 
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 97
 .      218 .  
        
 ,   ,     -
    (19; 28%; . 3).
 3.
Оценки населением перспектив развития экономики в ближайшие пять лет, %
Table 3.
Public assessments ofeconomic development prospects inthe next ve years, %
Вариант ответа
2018 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
 8,1 9,3 8,4 9,7 5,5 8,5
 ,  
37,3 37,8 37,4 38,7 43,0 39,9
 19,6 19,2 19,5 24,2 27,8 25,2
  35,1 33,7 34,7 27,3 23,8 26,3
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
  ,     -
 ,    ,  -
   .   
 ,     --
   (, , 223).   
,   ,    - 
   , ,  ,
  ,  .  ,  -
  ,     -
 ,   (, , , 223).
Ценностно-мировоззренческий контекст образа будущего России воцен-
ках городского исельского населения
        -
       
    - .
 ,    ,  -
  ,    -
  (, 223).  
       -
   .     
    .    -
      
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 98
,      -
,   , ,   (, 214).
     
   .    
    .   
   ,   . , 
  ,     
,    .    223 . -
       
 218 . (. 4).
 4.
   
  , %
Table 4.
Distribution ofopinions on the fairness ofthe structure ofmodern Russian society, %
Вариант ответа
2018 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
 11,7 20,6 14,2 23,2 29,1 24,8
 65,3 48,9 60,7 57,0 49,0 54,8
  23,0 30,5 25,1 19,7 21,9 20,3
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
   - 
     ,  
     ,  . -
       
,       ,  , -
, ,  . 223 .   
 «» (32%) ( …, 223, . 5).   
,     224 .  -
 :      ,  
  (26%, +1 ..  22 .),    
 (22%, −4 .. 22 .).    223 .
       .
        
.      -
 «»,  «».
      
,       (45%),  -
Социальная справедливость: мониторинг // ВЦИОМ. URL: https://wciom.ru/analytical-reviews/
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 99
  ,    (38%).   -
  ,      , 
  ,   .  -
,      
 ,       .
    ,  223 .   -
        -
:       , 
.  218 .   :  
    ,   45% -
, ,     — 46%. 
       31%
218 . 41% 223 . (. 5).
 5.
   «  ,  
  —   ?», %
Table 5.
Distribution ofanswers to the question «What do you think is more
important for the country today— stability or change?», %
Вариант ответа
2018 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
  -
,  ,
 
37,6 46,4 40,0 45,4 44,2 45,1
  -
 ,
  
 -
  
44,5 31,4 40,9 37,2 41,3 38,3
  17,9 22,2 19,1 17,4 14,5 16,6
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
  ,    -
  ,       
 (52%). ,     -
     .  ,  -
,     ,    2%. -
     ,     
   .  
 ,         -
       . 
  ,  ,   « ».
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 100
218 .       , -
    22 .,    
    . , 
22 . 223-      -
    :  28%  52%; —
3% 52%, — 23% 52% (. 6).
 6.
   «,  ,
 ,    ?»
Table 6.
Distribution ofanswers to the question «How promising, inyour
opinion, is the path along which the country is moving today? »
Вариант ответа
2002 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
,  
,  -
 
29,8 23,2 28,1 52,0 52,3 52,1
,  
 ,
  
20,8 32,6 24,1 19,5 22,6 20,3
  49,3 44,2 47,8 28,5 25,2 27,6
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
    :    -
,  ,    ,    (
52%),—        -
 .  ,  ,    ,
 22%.     ,   
     ,
   ,     -
 ,   -
. ,      
       -
   ,     .
      (66%) ,  
           ,
    11%. ,  -
      -
,    ,  
  .  ,  
     .   -
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 101
        (68%  61%), -
       
 (1%  14%; . 7).
 7.
   «, ,  
    ,  
  ,     
 ,    ?», 223 ., %
Table 7.
Distribution ofanswers to the question «Please tell me, should Russia follow
the model oflife that operates inmodern Western countries, or does it need to
develop its own civilizational concept, follow its own special path?», 223, %
Вариант ответа Гор од Село Область
—  ,    -
   
68,1 61,3 66,2
     ,  -
  
10,4 13,5 11,3
  21,5 25,2 22,5
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
 223 . 22 .        -
 ,    . 2- 
     .  5% , 
       
   ,     
    (39%),     
  ,   .  -
       
(3%).  22 . 223 .  ,  
         -
 26 .. ( 23% 49%),      -
— 14% ( 22% 36%),      
,   ,— 16% ( 8% 24%).   
       ,   -
 .   22 .     -
 ,  ,  223 .    .
       
        (51%),  
 (45%; . 8).
     ,   
     ,   
  .   , 
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 102
      (--
 )     
,   ,    -
  .
 8.
   « , 
,    ?», %
Table 8.
Distribution ofanswers to the question «What idea, inyour
opinion, is capable ofuniting our society?», %
Вариант ответа
2002 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
  
  
 
 
21,0 26,4 22,6 50,9 45,1 49,3
 
  
22,9 20,5 22,1 37,3 31,8 35,8
 
  
 ,
 
7,5 8,6 7,8 25,9 19,0 23,9
 
7,0 5,7 6,6 21,3 15,7 19,7
  
 
5,4 4,0 5,0 17,1 18,3 17,4
 
 
 
4,0 3,5 3,9 3,9 5,7 4,4
 
, 
 
3,1 3,2 3,2 14,6 11,2 13,7
 
, 
  
 
4,1 3,0 3,9 8,5 8,3 8,5
 
, 
 
 
2,9 1,1 2,3 10,4 5,5 9,0
Государство, гражданское общество истабильность 103
Вариант ответа
2002 г. 2023 г.
Гор од Село Область Гор од Село Область
 
 
 
4,3 3,5 4,1 4,0 1,0 3,1
  0,2 0,3 0,2 1,6 4,0 2,3
  30,7 35,0 31,9 18,6 30,9 22,1
Источник: Мониторинг общественного мнения ВолНЦ РАН, N=1500.
      -
     .   -
      -
 ,       
 .    
        .
       ,
 .
   -   -
     
  ,   . -
      .
     ,   
. ,       -
   ,     
  .      -
    ,    -
     .   
        
   ,   .
 ,  ,    
 223 .,       -
   ,  -
 ,      
  , ,   
,   .      -
,        
    . 
      
    ,  -
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  —   ,  
    , . , .
Kseniya E. Kosygina— Candidate ofEconomic Sciences, Senior Researcher, Vologda
Research Center ofthe Russian Academy ofSciences, Vologda, Russia.
  —     -
  , . , .
Irina M. Bakhvalova— junior researcher at the Vologda Scientic Center ofthe Russian
Academy ofSciences, Vologda, Russia.
   —     , .
, .
Ksenia A. Kulik— postgraduate student, Vologda Scientic Center ofthe Russian Acad-
emy ofSciences, Vologda, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 15.07.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 06.08.2024;
принята кпубликации 06.08.2024.
The article was submitted 15.07.2024;
approved after reviewing 06.08.2024;
accepted for publication 06.08.2024.