Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 148
Научная статья / Research Article
УДК 316.4
DOI: 10.14258/SSI(2024)3-08
Соотношение семейных ивнесемейных ценностей
вконтексте репродуктивного поведения
Джомарт Фазылович Алиев
Российский государственный социальный университет, Москва, Россия,, 0009-0009-0127-9414
Аннотация.        -
    ,  
    .    
     ,  -
     .  -
    ,   
-    .   
     , 
  ,   ,  .  -
      ,  -
,  .    
   .   
      
   .    -
        -
 ,      .
Ключевые слова:  ,  ,  -
,  , - 
Для цитирования: Алиев Д. Ф. Соотношение семейных ивнесемейных ценностей вкон-
тексте репродуктивного поведения // Society andSecurity Insights. 2024. Т. 7, №3. С.148–159.
doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-08.
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 149
Correlation ofFamily andNon-Family Values
inthe Context ofReproductive Behavior
Dzhomart F.
Russian State Social University (RGSU), Moscow, Russia,, 0009-0009-0127-9414
Abstract. e purpose ofthis work is to analyze the correlation offamily andnon-family
values inthe consciousness ofa modern person, the transformation ofreproductive attitudes
ofresidents ofRussia andother countries. e article analyzes the key trends inthe hierarchy
ofvalue attitudes ofmodern youth, compares the results ofnational andglobal representative
studies. e key family andnon-family values were highlighted, anda comparison was made
with changes inthe socio-demographic situation invarious countries. To identify key trends, the
results ofrepresentative studies conducted by large sociological centers such as VTSIOM, FOM
andothers were used. e reproductive attitudes ofRussians andresidents ofother countries,
attitudes towards fertility, having many children andhaving few children were analyzed. Accord-
ing to the results ofthe study, common family andreproductive practices were identied. e
scientic novelty ofthe study is to identify the relationship between the transformation offamily
andnon-family value systems andreproductive behavior. Based on the results obtained, the au-
thor concluded that the conict-prone nature ofthe relationship between family andfamily values
is especially acute among young people.
Keywords: family values, family values, reproductive behavior, reproductive attitudes, so-
cio-demographic situation
For citation: Aliyev, D. F. (2024). Correlation ofFamily andNon-Family Values inthe Context ofRe-
productive Behavior. Society andSecurity Insights, 7(3), pp. 148-159. doi: 10.14258/ssi(2024)3-08.
       
     ,    -
    ,    
  ,  .  
   , ,  -
       ,
     .
       , -
  ,      -
:       -
,       
  - .  , -
,  ,      -
    7  224 .  39 « 
     23   
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 150
 236 ».    :   
        -
 .
       -
   ,   , 
   .
Методы исследования
      
       -
,    ,    -
,      .
       -
 -: . , . , .  . 
      -
   ,  . . , . . , . . -
, . . , . .  .
       -
    ,  -
     .
Социологическая концептуализация семейных ивнесемейных ценностей
  ,    
,    , ,  
    .  -
       
: «  XX   ,   -
  (  )    , 
       
 » (, 25).
     ,    -
   . . , 
   ,     -
   , : «…  
      
,        
 ,       
 .      XX . -
        
 , ..     -
,    ,  . -
        , 
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 151
.      ,   
      
 .       
,   .    
  ,      ».
-     
   ,      -
   ,     -
, ,    
     ,   
 .
      
     интегральная выс-
шая ценность—  ,  .   -
       
.   ,   ,   4 
,       
,    .      -
 ,       -
  ,    ,  -
.  , ,   , 
         -
 , «    
 ».
       -
   ,   , 
   .  ,   -
     ,  . . , . .-
, . , . , . .  .  ,   -
       
  ,  ,  -
       -
 .       ,
       
 .
   « : , » . . 
  : «   „ “ 
        ,
     
;      -
 ,    
 ,      -
  ».
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     -
    :   ,    
   ,  —   -
,    ,    
-   ( , 
..). ,      -
      ,  
 .
Трансформация соотношения семейных и внесемейных ценностей в со-
временном мире
       
     ,  
   .     -
      
 ,  ,     .
  Eurobarometer,  27  -
,       
  ,   , , .   
   , , ,    ,
 ,      , -
    -
       -
 (77%)    (  
: 78%     73% 
 ).      , 
  (47%),   (22%)   (13%).
       
     . 
 « »,  Eurostat 223 . 24 -
  —  , ,   
« »   .   -
, 75,7%    .  ,  -
  « »  5   
 Pew Research Center,   222 ., ,
       . 
        
    
.   
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    .    
  ,    ,  
   .
       
.     ,  -
,     ,     -
     .  
,   ,     
     .
, ,    215 .,     «
 —  »,       -
.  ,    21  
218.    15,23 ,    2 , 
217 216 .
.      -
  . —    
  .     
         -
 .  ,    
       .
      -
   .      -
      ?
,  .     , , -
     .    -
  ,       
   .    -
,    ,   -
  
. -   
      , 
  .    ,   
  ,     -
 .       ,
     .
Семейные ивнесемейные ценности врепродуктивном поведении россиян
    ,   -
    222 .  
,      18 35  
       
Кашина М. А. Модернизация семьи в России и Китае: роль государства. URL: https://www. (дата обращения
Рыбалкина И. Г. Особенности семейно-брачных отношений в Африке. URL:file:///C:/Users/
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Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 154
     .   223 .
    
.  -
  ,   ,   .  34%
    , 6%— ,  
  , 3%—  , 2%  
     .   -
    .
  ,    
       ,
     ,     -
 ,      ,  -
       .  
      .
 1.
-3    
Table 1.
Top 3 values ofdierent generations ofRussians
Топ-3 ценностей различных поколений россиян
18–25 лет 25–34 лет 35–60 60 истарше
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
     , -
   ,    .  
      -
 .
    ,   25 223 .
25 .    ,     ,   -
     ,   
   .  223 .   
 ,   —   ,   -
   .
 ,  ,    
   () ,   -
    ,  
 .
Традиции в эпоху перемен // ВЦИОМ. URL:
Социальные, культурные, исторические исследования ибезопасность 155
 2.
  .  ? ( 
 ,   )
Table 2.
e distribution offamily roles. Whos incharge? (in % ofthe total
number ofrespondents, change inthe opinions ofRussians)
2005 г. 2023 г.
   (  ,   
38 18
     ,   -
  , —  ,
   
35 68
  ,     
  
16 7
  ,    , 
 
10 4
  1 3
 3.
   213 223  (
   )
Table 3.
e values ofthe ideal family in213 andin223 (in %
ofthe total number ofrespondents surveyed)
2013 г. 2023 г.
, ,    26 66
, , ,  25 16
  (, , ) 20 14
 12 20
 , ,  11 28
   7 14
 ,   4
 3 3
 2 2
   2 1
,   1
    2
 1 10
  17 14
Society andSecurity Insights № 3 2024 156
 223 .    ,   
 ,      
.  
  ,   213 . -
 .    ,   -
   ,     . -
  213 223 .
   ,    
    , ,   -
    , , .
      -
      . -
        -
      ,
   .
,       -
  ()       -
    
.   222 . 
     18–2 
.  -
        -
    : ,  ,
 - , , ,  .
   ,     -
    ( ) -
.  ,     
 ,    -
  ,    
 .
 ,  ,      -
       
    .    
 ,       -
 ,    — .   -
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   .      
    ,     .
       -
     .   
       , -
      .
    -
,   ,     , 
    ,  , , 
 ,    .  -
  ,     
      ,   -
      ,     -
   ,  . 
        
 ,    . -
        
      ,    -
 ,     .
 . .,  . .,  . .   -
       : -
.-. . . : , 224. 116 .
 . .   :  
  //  . 213.  11. . 118–13.
 . .,  . .   : 
       //  -
 :   . 22.  3. . 463–498
 .  /   .  ; . .  2-. . : -
 , 25. 632 .
   :    :
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Dzhomart F. Aliev— Cand.Sci. (Economics), DBA, PhD, First Vice-rector ofthe Rus-
sian State Social University, Moscow, Russia.
Статья поступила вредакцию 05.08.2024;
одобрена после рецензирования 08.09.2024;
принята кпубликации 12.09.2024.
The article was submitted 05.08.2024;
approved after reviewing 08.09.2024;
accepted for publication 12.09.2024.