162 № 1 2018
УДК 339,5 (73:510)
S. Nurdavletova
, A. Akatayeva
L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana,
Satbayev Kazakh National Research University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
By the end of the previous century the struggle for natural energy resources had
signicantly increased, the income gap between rich and poor had become wider,
sharply rose the scales of global poverty with worsening tendency of population
growth. Consequently, the world has faced the problem of necessity to form a new
sample of human development, the model of sustainable development, which
would nd solutions to growing socio-political, economic and ecological crisis.
At the same time, talking about development it is impossible to ignore the means
of its achievement. One of the means is energy as the main generator of develop-
ment. Central Asia is a region that from the geopolitical vision occupies a strategic
position located between large economies (Russia and China), Iran with its impor-
tant location on the Persian Gulf, and Afghanistan as a hot point in international
relations. In addition, the region has been always considered as a connecting bridge
between Asia and Europe. Moreover, the region possesses a signicant amount
of natural resources, including oil and gas as main energy sources that are also
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exported. All these facts make Central Asia in high concern of those states whose
interests cross in the borders of the region. That is why stability and development
of Central Asian countries are important not only for the region itself, but for inter-
national sustainable development as well. In order to maintain the energy security
of the region, it is necessary to develop alternative ways in energy supply.
Keywords: Central Asia, energy security, renewable energy sources, Kazakh-
stan, EXPO 2017, sustainable development.
С. Нурдавлетова
, А. Акатаева
Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева Казахстан, Астана,
Казахский национальный исследовательский университет им. Сатбаева,
Казахстан, Алматы
К концу прошлого века борьба за природные энергетические ресурсы зна-
чительно возросла, разрыв в доходах между богатыми и бедными стал шире,
резко увеличились масштабы глобальной бедности с ухудшением тенденции
роста населения. Следовательно, мир столкнулся с проблемой необходимо-
сти формирования новой выборки человеческого развития, модели устойчи-
вого развития, которая найдет решение растущего социально-политического,
экономического и экологического кризиса. В то же время, говоря о разви-
тии, невозможно игнорировать средства его достижения. Одним из средств
является энергия как основной генератор развития. Центральная Азия - это
регион, который геополитически занимает стратегическое положение, рас-
положенное между крупными экономиками (Россия и Китай), Иран с его
важным местоположением в Персидском заливе и Афганистан как горячая
точка в международных отношениях. Кроме того, регион всегда считался
связующим мостом между Азией и Европой. Регион обладает значительным
количеством природных ресурсов, включая нефть и газ в качестве основных
источников энергии, которые также экспортируются. Все эти факты заставля-
ют Центральную Азию в большой степени заботиться о тех государствах, ин-
тересы которых пересекаются в границах региона. Вот почему стабильность
и развитие стран Центральной Азии важны не только для самого региона,
но и для международного устойчивого развития. Для поддержания энергети-
ческой безопасности региона необходимо разработать альтернативные пути
Ключевые слова: Центральная Азия, энергетическая безопасность, воз-
обновляемые источники энергии, Казахстан, ЭКСПО-2017, устойчивое раз-
164 № 1 2018
Nowadays an important peculiarity of world development rests on complicated
questions of energy security and energy eciency. Energy determines development, level
of prosperity and life conditions in all aspects of human activity providing electricity,
heat, and transport for most of the needs. However, resources for energy that have been
conventionally used such as oil, natural gas, and coal are limited and consuming them
in a “business as usual” scenario can lead to their end even before the year 2100 (Goro
dov, 2009: 17). Moreover, extraction, production and utilization of these kinds of energy
resources are main contributors to environmental degradation and climate change. Re
source scarcity and uneven distribution among the countries causes concerns of its future
rational consumption and creation ways to replace energy dependence on natural fossil
fuels. In this regard, signicant attention is paid on renewable energy sources as sun, wind,
water, warmth of earth bowels, and biomass. Renewable energy sources can solve not only
ecological problems, but social, political, and economic as well. Furthermore, RES di
rectly or indirectly inuence on the achievement of other sustainable development goals.
The widespread development and transition to renewable energy sources in many
developed countries represent a good example for the Central Asian countries. The imple
mentation of RES in the region is especially relevant since the energy security constitutes
one of the crucial aspects in international relations of Central Asian states. In a whole
the region has signicant reserves of natural fossil fuel resources, however their unequal
distribution among the countries and inecient energy management create threats to de
velopment of the whole Central Asia. Therefore, renewable energy sources aim to play
a contributive role in reducing electricity decit, maintaining energy security, increasing
independence on nite natural resources, improving social conditions and ecological sit
The relevance of the research topic is especially underlined in the frames of upcom
ing exhibition EXPO-2017 the slogan of which is the Future Energy. This theme high-
lights the importance of global tendency on transition to more ecological clean, safe and
sustainable energy with realization of world targets of sustainable development goals.
Kazakhstan, as the biggest Central Asian country, also plays a big role in promotion
of the development of ecological clean, safe and sustainable energy sphere making accent
on the renewables. However, RE in the country had not been so well developed, since
there was no necessity because of the abundant reserves of mineral resources. The biggest
part of energy production came from fossil fuels and economic development was in pri
ority, i.e. it was above ecological and social factors. Nevertheless, recent global trends
and promotion of RE eectiveness and transition towards its wide implementation coin
cided with Kazakhstan’s devotions for sustainable development.
According to the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On support for using renew
able energy sources” from July 4, 2009, the denition for RES is following: “it is the
energy sources that are constantly renewed due to natural processes and they include next
types: solar radiation energy, wind power, hydrodynamic water energy, geothermal ener
gy: ground warmth, ground waters, rivers, reservoirs, as well as anthropogenic sources
of primary energy resources: biomass, biogas and other fuel from organic wastes used for
electric and/or thermal energy” (O podderzhke ispolzovaniya...).
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Energy potential from the RES is very high in Kazakhstan; however, the share
in total energy consumption is miserably small. According to the BP Statistical Review
of World Energy from June 2016, renewable energy sources in Kazakhstan shared less
than 0.05% from world’s total in 2015 (BP Statistical Review...). Nevertheless, the country
has wide prospective to develop the sector of renewable energy, because it has necessary
solar, hydro, wind and biomass resources. To take development of RE seriously is sig
nicant because energy supply on the territory of Kazakhstan is distributed unevenly.
Some regions lack proper infrastructure and a lot of energy losses occur while transporting
it to far located households, therefore even electricity provision is complicated by this
fact. The western region of Kazakhstan does not have connection to the common energy
system of the republic and is supplied by the electric energy from the common energy
system of Russia. In energy economy of Kazakhstan there is a high level of deterioration
of equipment that reaches 70% (Nadirov, Nekrasov, Kenzhebekova, 2014). With the uti
lization of renewable energy sources, it will be possible to provide with power remote
and hard-achieving regions thus reducing energy decit.
Kazakhstan has favorable climate conditions for developing and consumption solar
energy on the two thirds of the whole territory (Kusaynov et al., 2004). In the southern
parts of the country, solar radiation reaches 2-3 thousand hours per year and its pow
er on the horizontal surface is equivalent 1280-1870 KWh on a square meter per year.
This makes the introduction of new technologies possible in all regions. Developing such
energy is not just ecological important, but also it contains economic benets. By anal
ysis of local specialists, using solar energy for water heating on hot-water supply needs
it is possible to receive about 13 mln. Gkal of warmth. With such results, the country could
save more than 1 mln. of fuel in oil equivalent.
On the territory of Kazakhstan there are huge resources of wind power and it is con
sidered to be the most favorable and energy eective sources of RES. If consuming only
2 percent of this energy it will be equal about 102 billion KWh per year. In some regions
winds blow with speed estimated at 27-36 meters per second. The most important wind
resources are located in the region of the Jungar Gates the power of which can reach
17000 kWh on a square meter. Other prospective regions are Akmola region, the Caspian
Sea coast, Zhambyl region, and others. Shelek corridor located between mountain Zaili
Alatau and Zhetysu ranges also has a good wind potential with the average annual speed
of 7.8 m/s on the 50 m height. The wind power density is about 510 W per each square
meter that makes possible to generate approximately 3200 kWh of electricity (Doroshin,
Power of existing hydroelectric stations is about 2100 megawatt when annual en
ergy production is 8.32 billion kWh. The country has big reserves of small rivers energy
sources that content 2 billion kWh. The total potential of hydro resources can be 170 bil
lion kWh, of which 23.5 billion kWh might be eectively used in economy. Main water
resources are located in Eastern and South-Eastern Kazakhstan. The Southern region the
total potential of this kind of energy sources is equaled 10 billion kWh. In the northern
and central parts of the republic there are not so many hydro resources and they share only
1.7% of all theoretical hydro potential.
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The production of electric energy from the RES in Kazakhstan increased on 22%
in 2015 in comparison with the year before, and in 2016 the share of renewable ener
gy resources approached 1% in total volume of electric generation. In the beginning
of 2016 year there were 48 enterprises of the RES with sum capacity 251.55 MW. Along
this, there were completed 14 projects on renewable energy implementation with total
capacity of 119,9 MW and by 2015 there were 26 realized projects. Among them are so
lar power plant Burnoye which is set up in the Zhambyl region and its capacity reached
50 MW, Yereimentau wind power plant (45MW) in the Akmola region, Upper Baskan
hydropower plant in the Almaty region with a capacity of 4.2 MW, Ryszhan hydropow
er plant in the South Kazakhstan region with a capacity of 2 MW, as well as expan-
sion of wind power station Vista International in Zhambyl region until 21 MW (increase
on 12 MW) (Information-Analytical Magazine Kazenergy, 2016).
Though not as much developed, the geothermal resources also have their place in
RE development on the territory of Kazakhstan. The most perspective reserves are con
centrated in the Almaty, Jarkent, and Arys artesian basins. Their capacity is not enough for
commercial and wide economic production; however, it is used in municipal services and
rural economy as heating supply. As Kazakhstan is a big producer of cereal crops, it is also
possible to get energy for electricity and heating from burning stems biomass of which
reaches more than 3 million tons annually (Polozhenie del... , 2008).
Kazakhstan tries making alternative energy sources more widely used in the country
that is determined by green development and international experience. According to Pres
ident Nazarbayev’s ambitious 2050 Strategy, Kazakhstan will use renewable and alter-
native energy sources to create 50% of the electric capacity generated in Kazakhstan.
The country plays an important role in promoting sustainable development ideas. There
are worked out the National Conception on transition to Green economy and correlated
initiative of “green bridge” which is aimed unite countries in this direction; “Global en
ergy-ecological strategy of sustainable development in XXI”, national programs directed
on ensuring sustainable development in key sectors, such as: energy, water, municipal and
agriculture, industry, and biodiversity. These initiatives were proposed on the summit “Rio
+20” in 2012. A chosen theme on EXPO-2017 Energy of Future has a global signi
cance. By the Kazakhstan’s Strategic Development Plan until 2020 year the country is to
achieve the part of renewable energy sources up to 3% (Strategic Development Plan...).
In 2015, at the UN General Assembly’s anniversary session, Kazakhstan declared an ini
tiative to create an International centre to develop “green” technologies and investments.
In order to better develop the RES, some changes to the Law on renewable energy
sources were made in 2013. The new legal act is directed for support of investors as well as
consumers. In particular, introduction of xed taris allows guaranteeing investors for the
reimbursements; this makes investments attraction more favorable. By the law, the electric
power from the RES is to be distributed among all consumers through specialized centre
of renewable energy support. Another amendment made in the new document is provision
of transparent scheme for 50% compensation by the government for the expenditures of
an individual consumer who doesn’t have connection to the electric grids, thus allowing
to buy RES installations by half price and stimulating development of this kind of energy.
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From the February 24th, 2017 there was admitted a Plan for placing facilities
for the use of renewable energy resources throughout the territory of Kazakhstan with
the southern part leading in amount of RES installations. According to this plan, there
are 69 installations of solar, wind and hydro electric plants. The majority of the plants
are hydro energy stations, but the summary installed power of established solar plants
is the biggest equaling 814.9 MW, whereas this of hydroelectric power station equals
359.9 MW. The total installed capacity of all the RES using objects is about 1910 MW
(Prikaz Ministerstva Energetiki Respubliki Kazahstan…). The fact that the southern re
gion of the republic has majority of such installations is explained by energy insuciency
in power and electricity. This decit was replaced by transporting electric energy from
the northern regions and by importing electricity from the Central Asian republics. Now,
with the new objects based on RES, mainly on solar and hydropowers, the Southern Ka
zakhstan can be provided with 1296.7 MW thus absolutely covering the power decit in
the region. According to the action plan on alternative and renewable energy development
in Kazakhstan for 2013-2020 years, it is planned to exploit 106 objects of RES with total
capacity of 3054.55 MW (Postanovlenie Pravitelstva Respubliki Kazahstan...).
Overall, the power generation from the RES in Kazakhstan is necessary more in en
vironmental perspective rather than because of energy scarcity. The country is a member
of all UN conventions on environment. Thus, in the end of 2016 Kazakhstan ratied the
international Agreement on Climate Change that was gured out during the Conference
on Climate in Paris, 2015. According to the statements identied in the agreement, Ka
zakhstan is obliged to shorten on 15% greenhouse gas emissions until 2030 that will be
possible with smart and consecutive regulation measures. For the Republic of Kazakhstan
the RE development is also necessary to solve the problem of electricity provision for re
gions where electric grids are hard achievable.
In Kyrgyz Republic the energy sector plays an important part in economy develop
ment of the country. Since the republic doesn’t possess fossil fuels for energy generation,
the main sources for energy supply are waters. According to the Kyrgyz Ministry of En
ergy, annual energy production that ows from hydropowers is estimated at about 94%.
Electric energy system of the republic is not able to provide sustainable energy supply
throughout the year. Most of the energy consumption is during the winter periods. In the
warm seasons, the overall energy consumption is about 23 million KWh per day, whereas
during the heating periods it reaches more than 70 million KWh. As a result, power gener
ators and transmitters do not work in full strength in summer times and are loaded only by
two thirds of their capacities. It creates obstacles towards investments attraction in energy
sector, because it is not protable for investors to build electric stations that will work just
several months per year. In this regard, investments in RE would create more favorable
conditions in energy eciency of Kyrgyzstan. Though the country has been used hydro re
sources for satisfaction its need in energy, it is not enough to rely only on this conventional
way of waterpower usage. If the channel inow to the rivers is small and insucient, then
it will aect the power capacity of existing hydro power plants and consequently the total
amount of energy generation would worsen electricity decit. The solution of many ener
gy problems in the country can be found in renewable energy sector development.
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Nowadays, the total potential of RES in Kyrgyzstan is estimated at 840 million
tones of conditional fuel. Notwithstanding, the real RES consumption is only 0.17%
of this potential. It is very low, taking into account how many benets this sector can bring
into development of the country. Renewable energy sources can contribute into reliable
and sustainable energy supply for remote rural areas and thus correct poverty problems.
There are favorable conditions to develop renewable energy in the country because
all the resources are available for this. But the most eective, according to head of coor
dination council of Climate network of the Kyrgyzstan Nurzat Abdyrasulova, the most
prospective are small hydro and solar energies (URL:
html). The hydro energy potential of 252 big and small rivers is estimated at more than
140 billion KWh. Despite the fact that Kyrgyzstan generates 93% of electric power by
renewable hydro energy resources, the way of its production and consumption is unsus
tainable. A strict diversication of energy supply is needed in the country.
The renewable energy sources usage in industrialized countries is dened by ques
tions and problems mostly of environment and search for additional energy resources,
whereas for Kyrgyzstan RES development and utilization is considered as a solution, rst
of all, the social and economic problems of population, especially rural. Specialists note,
that wind energy potential exists in Kyrgyzstan, but in order to eectively develop this
sphere the wind speed should be more than 3.5 m/s. However, in the republic those terri
tories which respond to such conditions are located in hard reaching places. Construction
and connection to electric cables therefore face obstacles due to the geographical condi
tions. Therefore, the renewable energy installations may be a solution for wider access
to electricity.
The president of public fund “Fluid” Alexey Vedenev is convinced that biogas
is another potential clean energy source to use in Kyrgyzstan. According to him, there
is 7.5 mln. dung per year that can be potentially gathered in the country. If to convert this
mass in the biogas installations, it is possible to get 200 million cubic meters of biogas.
It is more than one half of what the country receives from Uzbekistan. If take Bishkek
only, sixty thousand of food wastes can be gathered there and it might bring about ten
million cubic meters of biogas or circa 20 million kW/h of electricity per year.
The main problems of RES projects realization are weak legal base and low costs
on electricity. Analysis of the current situation in energy sphere shows that since the in
troduction of the national Law of the KR on Renewable Sources of Energy in 2008, little
signicant changes have been made to promote wide implementation, except some small
HPPs and solar installations which are used for private needs. The legal regulations lack
methodology of taris calculation, of mechanisms for setting up and selling electricity.
On the Paris Conference on Climate in the end of November 2015, the Kyrgyz
president Atambayev noted that by 2025 the total square of glaciers in the republic can
be shortened on average 30-40% thus following the shortage of water capacity of Central
Asian rivers on 25-35%. According to prognoses, by 2100 the glaciers of Kyrgyzstan may
disappear at all. It is a bad aective situation especially for Kyrgyz economy and future
because more than 90% energy in the country is produced from hydro resources. In this
regard, in order to coincide with the models of sustainable development, there should be
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diversication of resources for energy production. With this end, the solar energy utiliza-
tion is among the ways of this problem solution (URL:
nii_otkryitiya_21-). There are 260 sunny days in Kyrgyz Republic, making it benecial
to develop solar energy sphere. In the country there are 2800 hours of sun radiation per
year Potential RE resources in solar thermal energy is 490 million kW/h and electricity
from solar power is 22.5 million kW/h. The geographical conditions of Kyrgyzstan make
supply of electricity harder because majority of the households are located in mountainous
regions where the grids are hard achievable. Thus it is reasonable and favorable to set up
local separate systems of the RES that don’t need to be connected to the existing electric
In Tajikistan energy sector is also one of the main elds of economy, however
the energy decit concludes about 5 billion KWh per year. There is about 70% of popu
lation living in rural area with access only to 8.58% of electricity (URL: http://hdr.undp.
org/en/countries/proles/TJK); in particular, there are a million of people who suer from
electric energy decit. Along this, due to the lack of own natural mineral resources, the
state has to import fuels. And these trends take place even when the country has big re
serves of RES. By the Law on Use of Renewable Energy Sources of the Republic of Ta-
jikistan from 2010 (nowadays out of force), the priority objects for RES employment
include such regions where central electricity nets are not installed due to economic rea
sons because of the low population density; those zones where power decit or improper
conditions of energy networks cause frequent energy cut that lead to signicant economic
damages and negative social consequences; the inhabited localities and mass recreational
places where industrial and urban pollution and wastes create hazardous ecological prob
lems; inhabited localities, cottages and places of contemporary residence where heating,
electricity and hot water provision are problem parts (Ob ispolzovanii vozobnovlyaemyih
istochnikov energii...). Because of the limited provision of energy, especially in autumn
and winter periods, there are hard damages to agriculture where wastes of crops achieve
about one thirds and many factories have to stop their productions. This leads to signi
cant economic wastes and food insecurity as well.
Main and perspective energy source for Tajikistan is hydro energy that is the cheapest
in relation of production. However, other natural clean resources like sun, biomass, wind,
and geothermal energy can supply almost all energy needs of the country. Evaluating the
volume of hydropower resources Tajikistan is the leader among the Central Asian states.
It is potentially possible to generate more than 527 billion KWh annually. However, con
sumption of the economic hydro energy potential is stated at less than 4 per cent. Especially
favorable conditions exist in mountainous regions that occupy about 93% of the entire ter
ritory. The estimated potential for small hydro energy in Tajikistan is more than 18 billion
KWh per year. Good conditions for small HPP development where over a hundred small
and mini installations of hydropower generation can be set up there. As experts note, some
remote regions might satisfy their needs in energy on 50-70% by using small rivers’ power.
To comprehensively develop small and mini HPPs the country needs modern proper tech
nologies, improvement of industrial base, and increase the know-how of specialists.
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In 2007, the government adopted the Targeted Comprehensive Program on the
use of renewable energy sources, such as the energy of small rivers, sun, wind, biomass,
energy of underground sources for 2007-2015. Program provided for the implementation
a number of measures to establish a production base and infrastructure for the widespread
use of RES.
A potential source of energy in Tajikistan may be agricultural waste - biogas from
manure and bird droppings. At present, several experimental generators working on bio
gas are in operation. In addition, it is possible to generate energy from household waste.
The climate of Tajikistan is favorable for the use of solar energy. There are 280-330 sun
ny days per year in the country. During the year, the intensity of solar radiation varies
from 280 to 925 MJ per square meter in the foothills and from 360 to 1.120 MJ per square
meter in the highlands. The longest radiation is noticed in the southern parts and in Eastern
Pamir where are the best conditions for developing and using solar power stations. Solar
energy can potentially provide 10-20% of the energy demand. Intensive solar radiation
reaches a thousand watt per square meter and the annual radiation is more than 2000 KW
on each square meter. It is two times more than in European continent where this eld
is progressively used. However, in Tajikistan this potential is almost not used, except
for the heating of water. Experts evaluate this potential to be used for electricity produc
tion through photovoltaic, as well as for thermal energy through the helio-collectors. Be-
cause of the developed hydro energy the solar photovoltaic is not used actively since the
price is very high and there are diculties in its exploitation.
Sources of geothermal energy in Tajikistan are not well explored. There is no data
on the use of thermal waters, although it is known that thermal waters are used in some
parts of the country, for example, in Khodja-Obigarm.
Wind energy potential in Tajikistan is low, but in a number of regions its use could
become an additional source of energy (in addition to hydropower). The strongest winds
are observed in the mountains (on Fedchenko Glacier and Anzob Pass), where the relief
aects the convergence of air masses (for example, in Khujand and Faizabad). The av
erage annual wind speed in these areas reaches approximately 5-6 meters per second.
The average annual wind speed of 3-4 m/sec is observed on open plains and in valleys.
The potential of wind power in Tajikistan is still almost not used. There are no active wind
farms in the country. It can be used just locally in some parts for self provision.
In agricultural regions it is possible to use biomass for thermal and electric power
production. According to experts, biomass utilization has a practical meaning in house
holds of 75% of the country’s population. Big cattle farms and in agriculture it is protable
to use biogas installations. Thus there will be dual benet: energy supply and wastes utili
zation. In the country there are some biogas generators that are used for local needs (URL:les/reports/SE4ALL_TAJ_Rapid_Assessment_Final_Russian.pdf).
Concerning Uzbekistan, a country with the highest population in Central Asia and
relatively developed, has good possibilities to develop energy sector from RES. Despite
signicant reserves of natural fossil fuels and their stable supplies, some problems with
aged infrastructure and electricity exist. For example, as it is common within the whole
Central Asian region, rural areas lack electricity provision because of the absence of elec
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tric grids. Taking into account the high advancing rates of development of the industrial
sector, the country’s electricity needs in 2030 will increase by about 2 times against the
2013 year and will amount to over 105 billion kWh. The gross potential of renewables
in the country is estimated at 51 billion tons of fuel equivalent; even though the technical
potential is many times less than gross potential being around 182.3 million that exceeds
annual volume of conventional energy resources in three times. The most protable and
reasonable spheres to develop in the RE sector are hydropower and solar energy. Uzbek
istan takes eorts to solve electricity decit problems by developing own hydro energy
potential. A eld of utilization the water resources for energy in Uzbekistan has been
explored quite well in comparison with the other sources. The gross potential of the big
and small rivers is counted at 9.2 million tons of oil equivalent, with technical prospective
of 2.32 million tons of oil equivalent. The government adopted a new program for hydro
power sector development on the term of 2016-2020. In the frames of this program about
890 million USD dollars of state money and loans will be directed to modernization of hy
dro power stations to upgrade the power capacity until 1384.99 in total and for the con-
struction of new plants in total capacity of 94.4 MW (O programme razvitiya gidroener-
Sun potential in Uzbekistan has prior perspectives because the gross potential of solar
power is approximately 50900 million tons of oil equivalent, which is 99.7% of all explored
RES in the country. The sun period on the territory of Uzbekistan reaches 2000 hours in the
north and about 3000 hours in the south, this is equal to solar radiation of 4800 mega joules
per square meter and 6500 mega joules per square meter, respectively. This sphere of RE has
been promoted for a long time, most actively with foundation of a scientic experimental
centre “Physics-Sun” in 1986 on the base of Physical Technical Institute. Existence of such
scientic basis means that the country prepares good and qualied specialists in the eld.
The support for RE development also runs from the government of Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan has some experience in wind power plants utilization, though in much
lesser scales as in comparison with the solar plants installations. It is dependent on seasons
during the year and wind unevenly blows on the territory, thus in industrial and commerce
aims it is unprotable. An average power of wind blow is about 84 watt per square meter.
According to the UNESCO’s report, for whole wind power technical potential utilization
it is necessary to set up over 70 thousand wind power plants with average capacity 60-
250 KW. But wind energy has been developing locally and projects are being implemented
in this sphere. For example, in 2013, there was an experimental project of the wind power
plant with power capacity of 750 kW with energy production of 1.3 million kWh annually.
The most favorable regions are north-western part, in particular Usturt plateau, and Bukhara,
Navoi, Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions. Improvement in knowledge basis and technolog
ical development allow making progress in the eld of RES. Wind energy development is
favorable for rural economy in some remote regions. Many farmers and inhabitants of such
villages can benet from the plants installations because additional possibilities for energy
supply and therefore better irrigation positively inuence on their prosperity.
In terms of absolute value of all types of renewable energy, Uzbekistan has the larg
est integral energy potential in the form of heat from dry rocks (petrothermal resourc-
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es) and large basins with hydrothermal waters. The most promising for energy use are
petrothermal resources - huge massifs of granitoids lying at a depth of 4-6 km, heated
from 70 to 3000С in the zones of the Amudarya geological basin, the Southern Aral Sea,
the Kyzylkum Desert, the Chust-Adrasman petrothermal anomaly in the Fergana Valley.
By today, this sphere has not been developing, however it is counted that gross potential
of petrothermal resources reached 6.7 trillion tons of oil equivalent. It should be noted
an important advantage of using geothermal energy, which because of providing a stable
generation and supply of the consumer with thermal or electric energy in comparison with
solar, wind and even water energies with because they are dependent on signicant varia
bility during the seasons of the year and day.
There are several clauses in the Program of measures to reduce energy intensity, the
introduction of energy-saving technologies in the economic and social sectors for 2015-
2019, that was decreed by the president Islam Karimov on May 5, 2015. In the frames
of this program a special commission was created to realize measures for decreasing
power-consuming when producing goods, as well as measures to foster development and
application in the social and economic spheres the renewable energy sources, including
tested technologies of solar energy (Ob utverzhdenii polozheniya o Respublikanskoy
Komissii..., tasks II (4)]). The decree on Measures for further development of alternative
energy sources from 2013 has not been transformed into a law up until now. Though there
are dened privileges concerning organizations that produce energy from the RES, as
well as organizations producing installations for energy generation from the renewables
according to the above mentioned presidential decree from the 5th of May 2015 (O merah
po dalneyshemu razvitiyu...). However, these preferences and tax-free measures are ap
plied for RE generating organizations that produce energy with nominal power of 0.1 MW
and over. Since the sphere of RES utilization is not as much developed and technologies
are still in construction, this threshold of power is relatively high, thus making fewer or
ganizations able to relate to the privileges.
Turkmenistan is too dependent on its gas export that creates energy insecurity for
the country. By now, when the country is condent in the mineral resources reserves, the
development of alternative energy sources doesn’t present serious concerns. However,
Turkmenistan as a member of dierent international conventions on climate and environ
ment issues, implements its obligations in the form of own laws and decrees. Though there
are no separate laws about renewable energy sources, some provisions of RES utilization
exist in the frames of the Law of Turkmenistan on Electrical Energy from August 16,
2014 (Zakon Turkmenistana ob elektroenergetike..., article 10 (4)). The country stresses
its accent more on environmental problems, climate change in particular. Thus, there is a
National Strategy on Climate Change adopted in 2012; an initiative proclaimed by Turk
men delegation during the 66th GA session to create a Regional Centre on Climate Change
problems solution.
Unfortunately, to develop renewable energy sector the country still lacks proper
legal base, though Turkmenistan has favorable conditions to use RES in its energy sector.
As the most favorable alternative energy resources in Turkmenistan are seen the energy
of sun and wind. The wind power generation is potentially possible to develop in mainly
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western and north-western regions, whereas solar energy is accessible on the entire ter-
ritory of the country. About 4/5 of the territory consists of deserts and mountains where
live about 10% of population. For every small rural household it is unreasonable to pro
vide them with separate gas pipelines or electricity grids. For this reason, the inhabitants
of those regions transport fuels for the diesel generation installations that supply them
with energy. However, this kind of energy provision is not sustainable since transportation
depends on weather and terrain conditions. Moreover, it causes additional gas emissions
while delivering fuels through the automobile transport.
The natural and climatic conditions of Turkmenistan are exceptionally favorable
for the wide use of alternative energy sources, such as solar, wind, geothermal and bio
mass energy, in the production of electricity, biofuels, heat and cold. Since Turkmenistan
doesn’t possess strategic water reserves (however, water resources exist in the depth and
are considered to be signicant), but has a lot of sun and wind resources, it is prota
ble to develop solar and wind energy generation. According to Dr. Akhmet Pendzhiev,
the energy potential of sun over the territory of Turkmenistan during the year is estimat
ed at 1.4*109 tons of conditional fuel. With the existing eciency of solar photovoltaic
cells and the average annual intensity of solar radiation, which is 600 watts per square
meter, all the electricity produced by Turkmenistan’s power plants during the year which
is about 14 billion kWh can be obtained from one solar photovoltaic station with active
area of several dozen square kilometers. With eective use of this energy, it is possible
to provide up to 25% of heat consumption in heating systems, up to 50% in hot water sys
tems and up to 75% in air conditioning systems; it allows reducing consumption of organ-
ic fuel and save thousand tons of fuel and energy resources or 52.6% (Pendzhiev, 2015).
The second most prospective RES in Turkmenistan is wind power; however this
eld is not explored in sucient extent. Favorable regions for wind energy generation
are Balkan oblast near the Caspian Sea. The gross potential of energy from wind resourc
es is evaluated at 640*109 kWh per year. Biomass energy, as other RES, doesn’t have
wide usage in the country, despite its potential. Pendzhiev suggests to use animals’ dung
to convert it to energy and receive about 50-60 million cubic meters of methane annual
ly. In Turkmenistan, there are about 1 million cubic meters of livestock wastes with ap-
proximately 250 thousand tons of organic components (Pendzhiev, Mamedsahatov, 2007).
Unfortunately, the weak technological development doesn’t allow realize this potential.
Every renewable energy source is used only locally for private needs.
However, the Turkmen government pays special attention to its development to im
prove ecological situation, lessen gas emissions, diversify country’s economy and increase
energy eciency. Thus, such legal base was created. There is a state Concept on develop
ment of electric energy sphere of Turkmenistan on 2013-2020 years. It includes investi-
gation for possibilities to produce electric energy on the base of renewable energy sources
use. To reduce the pressure on the climate, the National Strategy on Climate Change de
termines the direction of the policy of Turkmenistan on a gradual transition to an economy
with the least greenhouse gas emissions without compromising the pace of socio-eco
nomic development. Energy eciency and energy saving, rational use of natural gas and
petroleum products and increased use of alternative energy sources are the main priorities
174 № 1 2018
of the policy to limit greenhouse gas emissions. In order to increase the role of renewable
energy sources in the country’s energy balance and development of alternative energy, the
following measures should be implemented: further support for research and development
of renewable and alternative energy technologies, as well as their adaptation to the climatic
conditions of Turkmenistan; in the short term, the introduction of small and medium-sized
installations of renewable and alternative energy in remote and sparsely populated areas;
in the medium- and long-term perspective, the introduction of own production capacities
and the increase in the share of renewable energy in the country’s energy balance; creation
of economic incentives for the use of alternative energy sources (Natsionalnaya strategiya
Turkmenistana po izmeneniyu klimata...).
Combining the separate analysis of the countries in Central Asia, the common pic
ture is looked as following. Priority direction of RES in Kazakhstan relies on wind energy;
small hydro power plants and biomass energy is favorable for Kyrgyzstan; for Turkmenistan
the main accent is made for solar power plants; Uzbekistan’s most benecial eld in RE
as well as in Tajikistan are solar and small water power plants energy. From the economic
point of view, if taking into account short-term prospective, the RE will not be as much fa
vorable for countries whose economy is based on natural mineral resources. It is explained
by lower prices for conventional energy production rather than development and exploita
tion of new technologies for RE. Nevertheless, the renewable energy sources have big per-
spectives taking into account such possible scenarios as lack of fossil fuels, over-pollution,
climate changes, and other environmental problems that directly aect social, ecological
and economic spheres. Having considered potential and possibilities of renewable energy
utilization in Central Asia, the following conclusions can be identied. The most rapid de
velopment in the eld of renewable energy is noticed in Kazakhstan and the least developed
sphere of RES is in Turkmenistan. However Central Asia at a whole has immense potential
to develop renewable energy sector thus providing diversication in energy sector and meet
countries’ needs in energy minimizing imports and increasing energy security in the region.
Energy produced from the renewable sources positively inuence on the develop
ment of human prosperity and well-being. The Central Asian region can increase its econ-
omy, improve social life and health, and integrate faster into the developed community by
transition to more sustainable energy provision and thus solving energy problems. This is
connected with the fact that one of the most important factors that determine international
relations within the Central Asian region in all political, economic and security perspec
tives are the relations in energetic sphere. At the same time, the regulation of this question
in the region’s energy security has been a subject for discussions for a long time. Especial
ly harsh the question remains in the water management, taking into account that the water
also serves as energy supplier and electricity generator.
The energy crisis is presented in Central Asia by several factors. First of all,
it is a decit of energy in electricity supply that is most suered by Kyrgyzstan and Tajik
istan. Unequal distribution of energy sources in the region and resource scarcity are main
contributors to this problem. Many remote regions in all ve countries lack electricity that
especially harsh during cold seasons when there are insucient resources for heating.
Secondly, unsolved disputes around water energy resources, which create tensions in the
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relations of Central Asian nations. Finally, the unsettled system of electric grids network
in the region, thus making electricity deliver from one country to another complicated.
There is interdependence in energetic system among the CA countries. The united
energy system was planned for the whole Central Asia without taking into account possi
ble political changes. It is historically determined that energy systems in the region could
not be employed separately. The northern parts of Kyrgyzstan cannot be supplied with
energy from the south with sucient reliability and therefore the country needs help in
electric grids provision from the neighboring Kazakhstan. At the same time the southern
part of Kyrgyzstan is supplied from both own electric grids and through the grid of Uz
bekistan’s energy system. The south-western region uses electric nets from Tajikistan for
power transportation. Central Asian countries have serious obstacles towards econom
ic development, including rational management of water and energy resources, as well
as ecosystems protection on national and regional levels.
Possible solutions to the above mentioned problems can be found in renewable
energy development. It can be argued that for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan water is the stra
tegic energy source as coal, oil and gas for the countries of lower stream, and it will be
true in some extent. Yes, water relates to the renewables, but the question lies in its man
agement, that in some cases led in unsustainable ways. For this reason, diversication
of energy supply should be found in other sources. In this regard, solar and wind power
development is an alternative which contributes to provision of energy in the countries
on more sustainable base. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan can use their wind and solar power
potential to satisfy countries’ needs in electricity. As a consequence it will lessen their
energy consumption from the hydro stations. When Kyrgyzstan uses rivers for electricity
in smaller scales, the disputes in water management in the Central Asian region will be
eased. Energy decit can be solved by creation of new RES installations. It will release
the necessity of construction disputable hydro power plants in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan
and as a consequence the international relations in the region will be less strengthened.
Considering the impact of renewable energy on the regional development of Cen
tral Asian counties, the analysis should be based on the triune concept of sustainable de-
velopment. From the economic point of view, RES will increase electric energy produc-
tion with fewer expenses. It is connected with the fact that while transporting energy from
producer to consumer, from 20% to 70% of initial volume is lost on the way. It creates
huge wastes to economy. Evidently, that with establishment of renewable energy power
installations in close proximity to consumers savings can be made in energy production
and transportation. The authors of a scientic study published in the Journal of Ener
gy Economics and Policy, which assessed the impact of RES development on economic
growth in the long term, based on analysis of data for 80 countries, concluded that the de
velopment of RES has a positive eect on GDP growth. Countries actively developing
renewable energy achieve great success in economic development, that means RES is im
portant for economic growth, and economic growth encourages a greater development
of renewable energy (Maegaard, Krenz, Palz, 2013). But due to the slow development
of RES in Central Asia GDP growth is not noticeable now, however in prospective the
region can benet as well.
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From economic perspective, the region can benet from RES in many elds, in-
cluding food security, agriculture improvement and clean water consumption that reect
the aims of the sustainable development goals. Irrigated agriculture, demanding water
resources in wide scales, occupies a serious place in the regional farm economy. Water
resources scarcity in lower stream countries in the region create problems for proper ag
riculture activity. In this regard, the renewable energy sources also can help. For exam-
ple, Turkmenistan can solve its water decit by using solar photovoltaic collectors that
would generate power to extract water from earth depth in 30-250 meters. This method
can be used in the all Central Asian countries where ground water is taken by diesel fuel
installations. The replacement of pump installations working on fossil fuels to the eco
logical clean solar power technologies reduces carbon dioxide emissions on 82% (Pen-
dzhiev A.M., Penzhiev A.A., 2016). Since the solar plants need seven times less diesel fuel
to generate energy, four times less expenses for one installation (in comparison with the
diesel generator) and have exploitation term for 15-25 years, it is economically favorable
and benecial for regional development.
Satisfying domestic needs by energy and electricity from renewables, countries can
export electricity in wider extent and thus increase their economies. For example, upper
stream countries (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) have excesses of electricity during the warm
seasons when there is lesser demand because of lesser necessity for heating; this leads
to sheer wastes, whereas in colder periods big hydro power plants cannot supply all people
with proper energy and electricity, thus causing economic and social problems. Solution for
these problems can be presented as followings. In summer and when insolation is high the
named countries can generate power from solar photovoltaic and thermal plants providing
thus with power their economies. At the same time, water needed for agriculture and farming
can be used in scales that would satisfy the needs of the countries in the region.
Another positive moment where the RES technologies might be useful and contrib
utive to food security is upgrade of greenhouses. Using renewable energy the food issues
can be improved while developing greenhouses. For instance, all seasonal greenhouses
can be used during the year in all regions of Kazakhstan; along this, in summer there can
be grown those agricultures that are not developed in Kazakhstan. As the rest of Central
Asian countries have similar conditions they all can develop this sector and provide them
selves with ecologically clean, healthy products throughout the year. This will increase
quality of nutrition and as a consequence to improve health issues of people. So, it is no
ticeable that the prot relates both to the economic and social issues.
Talking about other social benets from RE development, the job creation advan
tages are to be mentioned. The renewable energy is one of the biggest world employers.
There were more than eight million people working in this eld by the end of 2015 (Re
newable Energy and Jobs, 2016). According to the IRENA report, the biggest amounts of
workplaces are created by the solar photovoltaic technologies followed by liquid biofuels
and then wind energy. From this data it is evident that the region might increase employ
ment by developing their solar and wind energy production.
The greatest benet has, evidently, the environment. Ecological problems in the
region are very essential. Renewable energy is many times cleaner and safer than con
№ 1 2018
ventional one produced from coal and oil, for example. According to the data of Carbon
Dioxide Analysis Centre prepared by US scientists Tom Boden, Bob Andres, and Gregg
Marland, emissions only from CO2 reached over 2.4 million tons in 2014 in Kazakhstan,
as the country with the biggest fossil fuels consuming economy in the region (picture 1)
(National CO2 Emissions...). With the RES exploitation gas emissions would be short
ened and this fact will consequently lead to the protection of ozone layer degradation and
improvement of ecological conditions at whole.
Picture 1 Carbon dioxide emissions (kilotons) from fossil-fuels burning by country in 2014
Table 1
Conventional energy sources consumed for dierent purposes
Electricity Heating Motor fuel
Coal, natural gas, oil Coal, natural gas, oil Natural gas, oil
Natural gas, coal,
diesel fuel, fuel oil
Natural gas, coal,
black mineral oil
Oil and gas conden-
Water Coal
Imported fuels
(oil and gas)
Natural gas Natural gas Oil products
Insucient coal
and gas
Imported liqueed gas
As a continuation of previous diagram analysis it would be reasonable to dene
consumption of mineral fuels by sectors. The table 1 shows which resources are used
in some economic spheres where fossil fuels occupy major place. Thus the table proves
reasons of high ecological contamination from the side of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
178 № 1 2018
where coal, gas and oil are used for electric, heating and transport needs. There is big
expenditure to tackle pollution. Thus, for example in Turkmenistan, the capital costs
per unit for greenhouse gases reduction are in average USD 16 per every ton of CO2
equivalent [25, p.40]. This fact makes reasonable to invest in development in more
ecological clean and energy eective technologies rather than waste money for double
work. In the next table there are suggested possibilities for renewable energy sources
to alternate traditional fuels mentioned in the table 1. Alternatives can widely shift min
erals used in electricity and can be mixed with other fossil fuels thus not totally replac-
ing their usage but sharing a part in total energy production (table 1). Such approach
doesn’t compromise consumption of conventional fuels and at the same time increase
stable and diverse energy production that releases stresses for ecological situation and
climate change in particular (because of less gas emissions which are main contributors
for temperature increase).
Thus RES utilization in the region is one of the crucial issues for the whole national
economies in Central Asian countries. The solution of this problem will increase fossil
fuel resources usage eciency while producing wide range of industrial and agricultural
production; RES will lessen energy consumption from organic fuels and as consequence
soften the anthropogenic pressure on environment.
Table 2
Additional energy sources from renewables to diverse energy generation
Electricity Heating Motor fuel
Kazakhstan Wind energy, solar PV
Solar power, thermal
Natural gas + biomass
Small HPP, solar
Natural gas + solar
Altered natural gas,
biofuel, battery accu-
mulated energy
Kyrgyzstan Water, solar PV
Biomass, solar, geo-
Biomass + fuels
Turkmenistan Solar PV
Solar thermal + natu-
ral gas
Natural gas
Middle and small
HPP, solar PV
Solar thermal and PV
Wind and solar accu-
mulated batteries
After reviewing the possibilities and potential to develop renewable energy con-
sumption the question as why this eld has not been implemented earlier and widely rises
in front. There are several reasons for this. First of all, power provision from traditional
natural resources didn’t create sharp demand for alternatives to satisfy energy needs (as
in the case of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, for example). Secondly, there was weak legal
base. Thirdly, the lack of scientic resources and professionals was a drag on RE progress.
The fourth breaking moment was improper technological base. Finally, it is insucient
№ 1 2018
nancing and investments for developing this sphere in wider scales. Though development
of RES has been promoted more actively in the last years, some problems and obstacles
remain crucial on the way of renewable energy wide utilization in Central Asia.
One of the major obstacle for RE to take wider utilization in the region is self-suf
ciency in mineral resources. Unless Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan can
provide themselves with energy through existing fossil fuels, renewable energy will take
slow development. For example, according to the Prognosis of socio-economic develop
ment of Kazakhstan for the period 2017-2019, there is a tendency in the national econ-
omy to increase oil and gas extractions and to discover new oil savings. It proves that
governmental priorities and accent are still stressed at the conventional resources since
they represent strategic part in national economies. Moreover, in mineral resources rich
countries the development of RES is contained by strong lobby from the side of mining
and smelting complex and its inuential players. They argue that prime costs for pro
duction will inevitable rise and it will lead to competitive ability decrease; moreover, the
export possibilities will also low because RES receives assets from energy producing
industries which pollute environment. However, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan have to rely
on renewables more in order to ease their energy decit problems. To foster the process
of transition from conventional energy to alternatives there should be shown the evident
benets. In the long-term prospective realization of prots from RES will achieve high
levels when established and realized projects prove eectiveness of RES utilization.
Moreover, non-renewable fossil fuels thus will be left for satisfaction of the future gen
erations’ needs.
Another big hindrance is the costs of RES installations. Prices for energy, especially
that produced from natural gas are subsided and remain low due to the established gov
ernmental policy for socio-economical protection. Big reserves of natural gas and fast de-
veloping power capacities from this fuel make the barrier to comprehensive development
of renewable energy. Despite governmental supports as subsidies, feed-in taris and tax
releases the technologies of renewable energy are very expensive, taking into account
the fact that many economies establish such installations locally and for private usage.
For example, low recoupment of solar collectors in Uzbekistan is connected with relative
expensiveness and secondly, with the relatively low taris for natural gas and as a con
sequence for thermal energy for consumers. However, there are positive global tenden-
cies on shortages of prices on renewable energy that would denitely have positive eect
on the development of such energy in the countries of Central Asia as well. Thus, accord
ing to the International Renewable Energy Agency report, average costs of wind and solar
energy will decrease on 26-59% by 2025 ([IRENA, 2017).
The third barrier is investments. Investments attraction is one of the main factors
of RES development and utilization. Renewable energy has such disadvantages as de
pendence on seasonal and climatic conditions as well as some technological unreliability.
These barriers determine the unstable character of the RE. Therefore, investors look at the
RE market with high caution. Main international investments are own from the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Moreover, the lack of political and economic
stability, or low solvency of the population, or subsidizing energy taris, or other objec
180 № 1 2018
tive factors, negates all the eorts made by national governments towards investments
What seriously had stopped progress of renewable energy was the weak legal basis
in all states in the region. Despite all the possibilities existing in the Central Asian coun
tries the eld of RES development is lacking concrete measures established by the gov-
ernment that is seen from inecient legal basis. Though some positive eorts have been
implemented towards RES development, not every state took it seriously. In such a way,
the declarative measures are initiated, whereas implementation goes on slowly. The coun
tries were working out such laws and decrees on the utilization of renewable and alter-
native energy sources mainly because of obligations in front of international conventions
and to attract investors.
Existing disputes on the ground of water resources management create additional
obstacle at the way of HPP development. Tajikistan has started constructing its hydro
power plant Rogun that is one of the most disputable questions between the countries in
the region. Tajikistan considers the HPP as life necessary because it will solve country’s
problems in energy demand and provide its population with constant electricity. Moreo
ver, Tajikistan defends its position saying that water energy resources are renewable and
clean as dened in the international conventions. However, the way of this HPP utilization
is far beyond the concept of sustainable development. It might cause damage to environ
ment and people in the neighboring country Uzbekistan. Because of these disputes the
energy security in the countries of upper stream was threatened since there was electricity
scarcity. The problem and unsolved water and energy questions create further diculty
in regional cooperation (Hakimov, 2013).
There is neither common policy nor actions in the region towards mutual RES
development. It is right that this sphere is developed locally in each country and any inte
gration is not necessary for this. However, cooperation in the eld of research can improve
eectiveness of RES technologies, combining and exchanging experience and knowledge,
plus attracting investments in common projects. The existing Regional Ecological Centre
of Central Asia is not enough for RES promotion in the region, though there are some
conferences and discussions organized for the issue. There is no Central Asian platform
for technical and nancial assistance in researches towards RE development. There are
initiatives of Kazakhstan to create international centre for green technologies in Astana,
Turkmenistan’s idea of establishing regional centre of climate change within the Central
Asian countries; by now, these initiatives haven’t been realized yet. Common actions and
investments in regional “green” policy, projects and programs development have favora
ble impacts on the region. It ensures economic security and prosperity through more sus-
tainable, stable, and reliable way of development.
The above suggested measures could solve another breaking obstacle: techno
logical underdevelopment. In all countries in the region there is very small production
of own equipment thus making this sphere dependent from imported installations. Those
technologies that are made within a domestic economy demand high capital investments
and it leads to even higher costs for energy to recompense expenditure. The fact of tech
nological ineciency is connected with another fact that sets up next barrier qualied
№ 1 2018
professionals and specialists. Turkmen scientist Pendjiev A. in his articles and scientic
works frequently stresses the problem on the lack of cheap technologies as well as insu
ciency of scientic activities to improve the sector of RES (Charyiev et al., 2016).
The study made by UNESCO and gathered in the nal report called Use of Re
newable Energy Sources in Central Asia also led to the conclusion that one of the limiting
factors in the wide spread and application of renewable energy sources in the countries of
Central Asia was the limited capacity of specialists, both in terms of quantity and quality,
employed or interested in the development of this sector [83, p.96]. Therefore, now it is
necessary to take systematic steps so that in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turk
menistan and Uzbekistan the potential of professionals sucient to promote and develop
the use of RES in the Central Asian region was created in the very near future at the most
diverse levels:
1) at the level of decision-makers: deputies of parliaments, state bodies (ministries), agen
cies, local executive bodies;
2) at the level of organizations / persons responsible in CA countries for the implemen
tation of the RES policy on developing and improving the regulatory and legislative
framework for the use of RES;
3) at the level of local communities that have the most opportunities to specically pro
mote initial knowledge about the opportunities and benets of using RES;
4) at the level of private companies already working or intending to work in the region,
which will undoubtedly provide an inow of additional capital to nance projects.
Thus the main constituents for the process of RES development are improvement of
scientic potential, strengthening international cooperation in the eld of energy ecient
technologies creation. Therefore such initiatives as EXPO-2017 should become a platform
for further improvement of RES utilization.
Talking about external obstacles for RES development, it is reasonably to mark out
the internal advantages and disadvantages of the renewable energy itself. Positive com
ponents of the alternative energy sources have been dened in previous chapters in wide
extent, but for the visual comparison it would be convenient to combine them in a single
whole (table 3).
From the explanations it is clear that the possibility of renewable energy develop
ment is possible everywhere, in contrast to the mineral resources such as oil, gas or coal.
However, it would be too naïve to assume that these kinds of energy are ideal and can
solve all the human problems in economy and ecology. They also have their negative sides
that many RES-opponents use as counter-arguments to the prots. First negative aspect
is dependence on climatic conditions of the region as well as seasonal dependence. For
clarifying, an example of solar energy can be shown. Solar radiation in dierent periods
of the year is unequal. Insolation is especially high during summer and during winter it is
two and half times less. At the same time, energy demand for agricultural objects increases
in winter seasons. Another barrier to the insolation is amount of cloudy days a year which
are especially frequent again in winter periods when energy is most needed. It creates
obstacles to wide RES exploitation and demands special additional installations for supply
of warmth that are usually based on the fossil fuels usage. Also, because of the mentioned
182 № 1 2018
facts, special accumulators, concentrators and transducers are needed to save, accelerate
and transform receiving power into the necessary energy. And this results in more expend
iture. The next negative fact is small density of energy as from sun and wind.
Table 3
Advantages of main renewable energy sources utilization
Advantage Short characteristics
It is impossible to nish sun, wind or water while using energy from
these sources
No additional CO2
Energy produced from sun, wind or water doesn’t emit any negative
gases causing air pollution
Solar, hydro or wind power can be found on any territory in accord-
ance with environmental conditions
Low water demands
Solar or wind installations don’t need additional water resources
to generate energy (comparing with oil or gas extraction when big
amounts of water are necessary)
Small risk of ca-
RES installations exclude possible big man-caused disasters since
generated power is directly transformed into necessary energy (elec-
tric or thermal); there is no need to extract, rene and transport these
Howsoever surprising or rather upsetting it sounded, the renewable energy sources
and plants also can negatively aect environment in indirect form. For example, solar
panels in big commercial scales (to generate power more than 500 MW) the big territories
of several dozen square kilometers are needed. This reects on the occupation of elds
shading grounds which can be fertile for developing agricultural sphere. Because of una
vailability of insolation on such territories the structure of the soil changes and this leads
to negative eect on organisms living in the ground (insects, worms, or plants). To avoid
similar environmental problems it is necessary to provide scientic and expertise research
prior to establishing solar plants on the ground.
Wind power plants also create some hazardous eects on environment as danger for
ying birds. It is argued that wind energy generators cause death of migrant birds by their
long blades that can reach eighty meters length. This, however, is not a serious obstacle
which could be the reason for rejection of wind energy development, because the amount
of aected by wind turbines birds is far less than those which die annually from high volt
age conventional electric grids (Frank, 2014).
To summarize, the renewable energy sources have their pros as well as cons which
inhere to any phenomena. Thus on the way of RES market development there are psycho
logical, economic, technological, legislative and informational obstacles. Economic bar-
riers are connected with relatively high unit cost of renewable energy equipment. The do-
mestic market for renewable energy resources does not develop because of low eective
demand and lack of legislation that protects the rights of independent producers of clean
№ 1 2018
energy. Technological barriers can be overcome with the help of new energy technologies,
which, when developed by industry, increase the competitiveness of renewable energy
in the energy market and contribute to the reduction of economic barriers. The legislative
barrier is associated with the lack of legislative and regulatory acts and economic regula
tors that ensure the free supply and sale of electricity to the energy system by small and
independent energy producers, as well as the lack of a market and competition between
electricity producers.
Eective support for alternative energy promotion should be regarded rst of all at
the national levels by governments. The regional cooperation in the eld of RES and en
ergy eciency might give additional benets for all countries such as:
1) fulll the potential for RES development that cannot be realized at the national levels;
2) expand possibilities for experience, best practices and technologies exchange;
3) investments attraction by common eorts;
4) increasing social level of living;
5) environmental protection and preservation;
6) Sustainable Development Goals achievement.
In this regard, the regional prosperity can be implemented through mutual devotion
to achieve the common and global sustainable development.
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