№ 1 2018
Nevertheless, the strategy of hard power does not lose its relevance to foreign poli-
cy, which is connected with geopolitical and economic interests, as well as with the issues
of state security.
This can be conrmed by an annual increase in military spending, for example,
in Russia: 2.8129 trillion. rubles in 2013, 3.2505 trillion rubles in 2014, 4.0474 trillion
rubles in 2015 (SIPRI Military Expenditure Database, 2016) 3.945 trillion rubles in 2016
and 3,776 trillions. rubles in 2017 (SIPRI: Russia increases military spending despite
nancial diculties, 2017).
Analyzing Russia’s foreign policy in Central Asia in this article, it can be noted that
Russia’s interest in Central Asia comes primarily from the desire to maintain its political
and economic inuence in the region. The greater the inuence of Russia’s foreign policy
in the Central Asian region, the more political weight Russia has on the world stage. The
weakening of ties with the Central Asian states can lead to the fact that the Russian inu
ence will be replaced by another, threatening the internal stability of the Russian Federa-
tion and the region as a whole. In addition, the importance is added by the fact that stable
strategic relations with the countries of the region facilitate access to markets and new are
as of cooperation with China, India, Iran, etc. It can be noted cooperation in the framework
of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. On the other hand, relations with Central Asia
for Russia are important in relation to their own internal interests. This provides access to
the market where Russian goods come in, realizing a signicant part of the export of food
products, machinery, light industry, etc. On the other hand, large ows of labor migrants
arrive in Russia, which also signicantly aects the country’s economy. Speaking about
migration processes, it should be noted that if ocial migration ows aect the economy,
the informal ones additionally become security issues for Moscow. In general, the security
policy of the Russian Federation and Central Asia are linked by such areas as the threat of
penetration by radical terrorist organizations that take place in the Middle East. Also, the
drug trac that begins its journey settles both in the countries of Central Asia and in Rus
sia, and in addition it also nds ways to enter the countries of Europe. Thus, this problem
becomes common for the region.
In this way, it can be noted that regional security issues are extremely important
both for Russia and for the countries of Central Asia Concept of foreign policy of the Rus
sian Federation,2016). Due to its military and political potential, Russia is to some extent
a guarantor of security in the region. And this is ensured by using the military-political
potential of Russia, as well as military bases and cooperation within the CSTO framework.
Military bases are one of the part of backbone for military operations greatly in
creasing its success. Thus, the largest military base in Russia in Central Asia is located
in Tajikistan (201 military base), the number of 5.9 thousand military, and by 2020 is
planned to increase to 9 thousand (Małgorzata Krakowska, 2017). Also in Tajikistan is
the opto-electronic complex «Window» («Nurek») and space monitoring systems, which
make it possible to detect space objects at altitudes of up to 40,000 km. The presence of
military objects is important both for Russia and for Tajikistan itself because of its proxim
ity to Afghanistan, as well as in connection with threats to the country’s internal stability
(Abdujalil Abdurasulov, 2015).