№ 3 2020
ment, express their opinions onany matter. Such changes become the basis for the growth
ofquality characteristics ofthe entire civil society inthe country: self-evaluation is increas
ing, self-awareness andresponsibility ofpeople are growing.
However, as a rule, any large-scale political developments, including the enforced
change ofpower have negative consequences also. ese include growing unemployment,
ination, rising prices for food products, weak, andalmost stagnating economy; security
problems ofthe country citizens increased inrecent years. e absence ofeective power
hinders the development ofthe economy, that is conrmed by the indicators ofpost-revo
lutionary years, which are not infavor ofthe new government.
Aer the revolution, the country governance system has not been radically changed,
even inspite ofthe adoption ofthe Constitution of2010, which legally enshrined a parlia
mentary form ofgovernance.
e new government has not been able to implement declared reforms inthe eld
ofdecentralization, provision ofservices to the population, administrative management,
law enforcement andjudicial systems. Reforms inthe system oflaw enforcement bodies
andthe judicial power were launched, but virtually failed. Other reforms have not even
begun, because the authorities were completely unprepared for them.
Analysis ofthe situation ofthe post-revolutionary period inthe Kyrgyz Republic
has identied a lot ofpending and, oen, not solvable problems. We should also add to the
above the increased ethno-nationalism, which has been spread among both the political
elite ofthe republic andamong some part ofthe Kyrgyz population.
Atmosphere of total intolerance and state-supported public antagonism against
objective information about the June events is prevailing. e same attitude is manifest
ed inrespect ofthe activities ofhuman rights defenders, lawyers, journalists andvarious
international institutions that have participated inthe protection ofthe rights ofvictims
(Ismoilov, 2014: 3).
is situation can be recognized as a crisis, andthis crisis has been brewing up for
more than a year. One more serious symptom ofthis prolonged crisis inthe republic is
the fact that citizens preferred to act inresolving their problems not inaccordance with
the laws ofmodern state, but according to the concepts offeudal society, they preferred
to settle the case ontheir own rather than appeal to corrupted law enforcement system
ofthe state. A large number ofcases, where problems were resolved by illegal methods,
became, sadly, a clear evidence ofthe spread of«lawlessness» inthe republic (Shamenov,
2013: 11). Moreover, the trend ofignoring laws andresolving any problems by rallies,
demonstrations, blocking strategic roads, leading people onriots, andetc. is widespread
inthe society, andsuch things are taking place inour reality, we cannot talk about the rule-
of-law state.
At the present stage ofdevelopment ofKyrgyzstan there is an extreme lack ofcontrol
inthe eld ofmanagement ofpolitical, economic andsocial processes taking place inthe
country, andin control inthe government machine itself, inits internal controls also. Such
negative factors as the separation ofparties ona regional basis, pretensions andambitious
claims ofthose political parties that failed to gain representation inthe parliament, pres
ence offormer regime public gures among the members ofthe ruling parties, strength-