• Grigory Ivanovich Karapetov Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute Email:
  • Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Iohvidov Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute Email:
  • Tatiana Dmitrievna Fedotova Stavropol state pedagogical Institute Email:
Keywords: endurance, strength training, working muscles, improve and develop general and special endurance, weekly training cycle


This article deals with the problem of development of General and special endurance inchildren engaged in athletics. Development of power abilities as a component of the development ofGeneral endurance. What determines the development of General endurance. Complexes of exercisesaimed at the development of General endurance. Muscle adaptation to stress. Work muscular systemin oxygen regime. Endurance the ability of the body to resist fatigue.Endurance as a physical quality required in every sport of athletics. An indicator of enduranceis the time during which muscle activity of a certain nature and intensity is carried out.As the results of modern scientific research show, the leading role in the manifestation ofendurance belongs to the factors of energy metabolism and vegetative systems that provide it(cardiovascular, respiratory, Central nervous system). The world health organization considers themain parameter of human health maximum oxygen consumption the level of endurance developmentAll energy exchange factors are evaluated by power criteria that reflect changes in the rate of energyrelease. To assess the endurance of the parameters of power, capacity, and efficiency, the most importantare the direct physiological and biochemical changes in the exercises where it is possible to achieve themaximum values for these parameters. Overall endurance depends on the delivery of oxygen to the workingmuscles, i. e. the functioning of the oxygen transport system: cardiovascular, respiratory and bloodsystem. Development of General endurance is provided by diverse alterations in the respiratory system. With the development of endurance in schoolchildren, it is necessary to create conditions witha steadily increasing increase in total aerobic endurance based on various motor activities. Thedeveloped weekly cycle of trainings allows to influence development of the General endurance. Thedevelopment of special endurance in long-distance runners also occurs when using the additionalfunds.Such as 100‑meter acceleration on each 200‑meter segment; running uphill; running on softground-strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the legs


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How to Cite
Karapetov G. I., Iohvidov V. V., Fedotova T. D. DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL ENDURANCE AT RUNNERS FOR LONG DISTANCES // Health, physical culture and sports, 2019, № 4(15). P. 434-439. URL:
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