Cariological analysis of Chondrilla brevirostris and C. laticoronata (Asteraceae) species in the European part of the range

УДК 576.316.2:575.174.015.3

  • A. S. Parkhomenko Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia Email:
  • A. S. Kashin Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia Email:
  • L. V. Grebenyuk Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia Email:
Keywords: Asteraceae, Chondrilla, chromosomes, karyotype


A karyological analysis of two species of Chondrilla (C. brevirostris and C. laticoronata), growing in theEuropean part of the range by the method of routine staining of chromosomes, was carried out. The karyotypes of C.laticoronata (3x=15) and C. brevirostris (3x=15) were compiled and the morphological structure of chromosomes wasdescribed. A polymorphism was revealed from the morphology of group III chromosomes (meta- or submetacentrics) intwo populations of C. laticoronata from the Astrakhan region. In populations of C. brevirostris, not only intraspecificbut also intrapopulation polymorphism was observed according to the morphology of chromosomes of groups III and IV.


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How to Cite
Parkhomenko A. S., Kashin A. S., Grebenyuk L. V. Cariological analysis of Chondrilla brevirostris and C. laticoronata (Asteraceae) species in the European part of the range // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2019. Vol. 18, № 1. P. 154-161 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2019030. URL:
Systematics of different taxa. Morphology and biology of different species