Distribution of Montagnea arenaria (DC.) Zeller mushrooms in Mongolia, some new records from depression of the Great Lakes semi-desert steppe

  • N. Kherlenchimeg Botanic garden and research institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences Email: nkherlenchimeg@gmail.com
  • М. Urgamal M. Botanic garden and research institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences Email: nkherlenchimeg@gmail.com
Keywords: Agaricoid fungi, distribution, Montagnea arenaria, new record, Mongolia


The euagaric Montagnea arenaria (DC.) Zeller (Basidiomycota) one of the rarest fungi in Mongolia, wasfound in new locality in xerothermic sward of depression of the Great Lakes semidesert steppe. The habitat, ecology andgeographical distribution of M. arenaria in Mongolia are reviewed. The Mongolian material is completely described andillustrated, and a brief taxonomic discussion is provided.


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How to Cite
Kherlenchimeg N., Urgamal M.М. Distribution of Montagnea arenaria (DC.) Zeller mushrooms in Mongolia, some new records from depression of the Great Lakes semi-desert steppe // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2020. Vol. 19, № 1. P. 66-68 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2020013. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/bpssm/article/view/pbssm.2020013.
Study of vegetation of Russia. Flora of Altai, South Siberia, Mongolia and adjacent territories. Geobotany and resource science