Introduction of the species of the genera Cotoneaster Medik. and × Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii Pojark. from the Siberian flora in the Botanical Garden acad. A. V. Fomin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (message 1, Cotoneaster)

  • A. T. Grevtsova Botanical Garden named after acad. A. V. Fomin of Kiev Taras Shevchenko National University Email:
  • T. B. Vakulenko Botanical garden named after N. N. Grishk Email:
  • N. S. Novischenko Institute of Botany named after N. G. Kholodny NAS of Ukraine Email:
Keywords: Bones, column, cotoneaster, endocarp, habitus, hypantium, scutellum


The range of most species of the genus Cotoneaster Medik. located in the mountainous regions of Asia.According to the latest report by Janette Fryer and Bertil Hylmo, the genus Cotoneaster is represented by 2 subgenuses,11 sections and 37 series. Cotoneasters of Siberian flora: C. commixtus, C. laxiflorus, C. lucidus, C. megalocarpus, C. multiflorus, C. popovii, C. tjulinae, C. uniflorus, C. yakuticus, located in 2 subgenuses, 4 sections, 4 series. Collection of speciesof the genus Cotoneaster in the Botanical Garden acad. A.V. Fomin was created according the method of genus complexesby F. N. Rusanov, starting from 1972. The source material was attracted both by the extraction of seeds from the catalogsof foreign and Russian botanical gardens, and by the collection of seeds and living material in places of natural growth.Two expeditions were carried out to the regions of Siberia. The first one – Yakutsk in 1982 (10.08 – 29.08) along the route Kiev – Novosibirsk – Irkutsk – Tomsk – Krasnoyarsk – Aldan – Irkutsk – Kiev. The second – Central Siberian in 1983(24.07 – 17.08) along the route: Kiev – Irkutsk – Davsha – Nizhne –Angarsk – Severo –Baikalsk – Ulan –Ude – Kyakhta –Irkutsk – Chita – Moscow – Kiev. Morphological descriptions of annual shoots leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds of three typesof Cotoneasters: C. laxiflorus, C. lucidus, C. neo-popovii, micrographs of endocarp of bones, columns are given. The material is illustrated with photographs of plants introduced in the north-west of Ukraine (Kiev).


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How to Cite
Grevtsova A. T., Vakulenko T. B., Novischenko N. S. Introduction of the species of the genera Cotoneaster Medik. and × Sorbocotoneaster pozdnjakovii Pojark. from the Siberian flora in the Botanical Garden acad. A. V. Fomin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (message 1, Cotoneaster) // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2021. Vol. 20, № 1. P. 116-123 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2021024. URL: