Assessment of the state of coenopopulations Erythronium sibiricum (Fischer et Meyer) Krylov in anthropogenically disturbed areas of Kuzbass

УДК 582.572.2:581.552(571-17)

  • O. A. Klimova Federal center of Coal and Coal Chemistry Siberian Branch of Russian Academy Email:
Keywords: Age structure, coenopopulation, Erythronium sibiricum, Kuzbass, phytocenosis


This article presents the results of studies of cenopopulations of the Erythronium sibiricum in the disturbedareas of Kemerovo region. Erythronium sibiricum is a rare plant listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. To assess the condition of the cenopulations of the studied species in disturbed territories, research was carried out on an oldlimestone quarry (kandyk-sedge birch forest, anthropogenically altered birch-pine forest) and on anthropogenically disturbed meadows. 4 phytocenoses of various compositions have been studied. As a result of research, it was found that inthe kandyk-sedge birch forest Erythronium sibiricum occupies 10 % of the herbaceous cover, in the anthropogenically altered birch-pine forest – 5 %, in anthropogenically disturbed grasslands Erythronium sibiricum occurs singly and makesup less than 1% of the herbaceous cover. Under the forest canopy, the biometric indicators of generative individuals of thisspecies are higher than in meadow communities, where, for example, the length of generative shoots is 6–8 cm less, or generative individuals are absent. No seedlings, senile and dying individuals were found in the age spectrum of Erythroniumsibiricum cenopulations. Reproduction of the species occurs by seed. In the age structure, all cenopulations are left-handed, incomplete, of the normal type.


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How to Cite
Klimova O. A. Assessment of the state of coenopopulations Erythronium sibiricum (Fischer et Meyer) Krylov in anthropogenically disturbed areas of Kuzbass // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2021. Vol. 20, № 1. P. 234-236 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2021044. URL: