Preliminary results of studying the genetic diversity of Malaxis monophyllos (Orchidaceae) in the Amur region

УДК 582.594:57.088.1(571.61)

  • E. I. Terentieva Botanical Garden, Moscow State University Email:
  • G. V. Degtjareva Botanical Garden, Moscow State Universit Email:
  • S. V. Efimov Botanical Garden, Moscow State University Email:
  • T. I. Varlygina Botanical Garden, Moscow State University, Email:
Keywords: Molecular-phylogenetic study, morphological traits, ITS, phylogeny, Protected Areas


For research the plants of Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. were sampled in the Amur region and takenfrom the herbarium collections of the same region (MW and MHA). The plants of M. monophyllos have a high degreeof vari-ability of quantitative morphological characters. First, we paid attention to the number of leaves, the height ofplants and peduncles, the number and size of leaves and the number of flowers. Therefore, the purpose of this workwas compara-tive molecular studies of individuals of the same species with different morphological characteristics.Internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of the 18S–26S region of nuclear ribosomal DNA were chosen as amolecular marker. On the molecular phylogenetic tree, the analyzed M. monophyllos plants form clade with a highposterior probability (1.0). The ITS sequences of the analyzed samples are not identical. The level of geneticdifferentiation of nucleotide sequences was 0.12 %, which corresponds to the variability within the species, whichconfirms the belonging of the analyzed samples to the same species. Since the species has a large area, it is necessary toanalyze plant samples from other regions to obtain reliable results. The different regions of the nuclear and plastidgenomes should be added to the genetic analysis.


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How to Cite
Terentieva E. I., Degtjareva G. V., Efimov S. V., Varlygina T. I. Preliminary results of studying the genetic diversity of Malaxis monophyllos (Orchidaceae) in the Amur region // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2021. Vol. 20, № 1. P. 429-432 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2021085. URL: