Productivity of some varieties of peony in the conditions of the Saratov Volga region
УДК 582.675.1:581.165.1+635.92
The article presents the results of studying the productivity of flowering and vegetative propagation of some varieties of hybrid peony in the conditions of the Saratov Volga region. The material for the study was 26 varieties of hybrid peony (Paeonia x hybrida hort.): ‘Duchesse de Nemours, ‘Mons Durent, ‘Party Gown, ‘Мoskvich, ‘Silvia, ‘Lyubimets, ‘Rosetta, ‘Gladys Hodson, ‘Solange, ‘The Bride, ‘Lady Alexandra Duff, ‘General Bertrand, ‘Albert Crousse, ‘Sarah Bernhardt, ‘Valencia, ‘Coral Queen, ‘Miss Dainty, ‘Martha Bulloch, ‘Butch, ‘Mary Brand, ‘Francois Ortegast, ‘ Kreyser Avrora, ‘Ruth Clay, ‘Anna Zaller, ‘Yellow King. Based on the study, promising varieties of peonies from different garden classes and flowering groups were identified that are of interest for floristry, landscape design and breeding work: ‘Valencia, ‘Lady Alexandra Duff, ‘Francois Ortegast, ‘Acron, ‘Yellow King, ‘Ruth Clay, ‘General Bertrand, ‘Sarah Bernhardt.
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