On the seed science of representatives of the genus Feather grass (Stipa L., Poaceae Barnhart), included in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Region

УДК 582.542.1:581.48(470.341)

  • A. N. Khrynova Botanical Garden of Lobachevsky State University Email: sad@bio.unn.ru
  • T. R. Khrynova Botanical Garden of Lobachevsky State University Email: sad@bio.unn.ru
Keywords: Feather grass, Poaceae, rare species, seed sizes, Stipa


 Data on the morphology of fruits and seeds is important in plant identification, especially for botanical gardens, which receive a significant part of planting material in the form of seeds. We studied 18 seed samples of 7 feather grass species listed in the Red Data Book of the Nizhny Novgorod region, obtained from various botanical gardens: Stipa capillata L. (5 samples), S. dasyphylla (Lindem.) Trautv. (2 samples), S. lessingiana Trin. et Rupr. (3 samples), S. pennata L. (2 samples), S. pulcherrima K. Koch (2 samples), S. sareptana A. K. Becker (2 samples), S. tirsa Steven. (2 samples). For each sample, the weight of 1000 seeds, their average dimensions (length, width, ratio of width and length) and the percentage of completed seeds were determined. Seeds were weighed and measured in flakes (regardless of completion, as they come from other orchards, without awns) and cleaned, completed grains. Samples were identified, the species affiliation of which is doubtful, and which, after growing and flowering, must be identified more accurately. The data can be used to compare the quality of seeds from different origins, to reject questionable samples, or to decide whether they should be examined further.


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How to Cite
Khrynova A. N., Khrynova T. R. On the seed science of representatives of the genus Feather grass (Stipa L., Poaceae Barnhart), included in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod Region // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2022. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 178-183 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2022038. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/bpssm/article/view/pbssm.2022038.