Study of phylogenetic relationships between wild and cultivated oat species (Avena L.)

УДК 582.542.1:585.86+575.17

  • A. A. Gnutikov N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources; Saint Petersburg State University Email:
  • N. N. Nosov V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute (BIN RAS); Saint Petersburg State University Email:
  • I. G. Loskutov N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR); Saint Petersburg State University Email:
  • E. V. Blinova N. I. Vavilov Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (VIR) Email:
  • A. V. Rodionov . L. Komarov Botanical Institute (BIN RAS); Saint Petersburg State University Email:
Keywords: Domestication, ITS, NGS, oats, phylogeny


We performed next generation sequencing (NGS) of wild and cultivated oat species (Avena L.) ITS1 sequence and the beginning of the gene 5.8S rRNA on the Illumina platform. For the first time, the NGS method was used to carry out a phylogenetic analysis of the domestication pathways of three cultivated oat species: tetraploid A. abyssinica (AB), hexaploid A. sativa and A. byzantina (ACD). We found that the A. abyssinica genome with the most massive number of reads is the A-genome, while in A. sativa, it is the D-genome. Also, we studied the putative ways of obtaining polyploid genomes from diploid species. According to NGS sequencing data, it was revealed that the most widespread A. sativa ribotype is inherited from A. ludoviciana, A. byzantina has two unique families of ribotypes, and A. abyssinica probably comes from the wild A. vaviloviana (A-genome was obtained by this species from the diploid A. atlantica (As-genome)). Putative ancestor of A. abyssinica, tetraploid A. agadiriana, forms unique families of ribotypes, to which the most widespread ribotype belongs. It most likely was not a direct ancestor of A. abyssinica. C-genome species A. clauda turned out to be related to the D-genome of A. sativa; it could also be involved in the formation of the hexaploid A. ludoviciana.



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How to Cite
Gnutikov A. A., Nosov N. N., Loskutov I. G., Blinova E. V., Rodionov A. V. Study of phylogenetic relationships between wild and cultivated oat species (Avena L.) // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2022. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 16-20 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2022046. URL: