Morphological and anatomical structure of two species of the genus Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae Juss.) in the Alpine belt of the northwestern Caucasus

УДК 582.734:581.4+581.8(470.631)

  • N. V. Lyubeznova Lomonosov’s Moscow State University Email:
Keywords: Alpine belt, anatomy, genus Alchemilla, morphological structure, Northwestern Caucasus


Two species of the genus Alchemilla L. growing in the alpine zone of the Northwestern Caucasus are considered. A. sericea Willd. occupies rock crevices, A. caucasica Buser grows in alpine lichen tundra. A. sericea, in comparison with A. caucasica, has more compact sizes, a reduced leaf series, rare branching, and later formation of adventitious roots, which secondarily thicken only one season. Its main root is secondary thickens and preserved for a long time. When dying, it is replaced by a lateral one, in which an additional cambium is formed for secondary thickening. A. caucasica forms more branches and adventitious roots to feed and take over new territory. It has the system of epigeogenic rhizomes with a supply of nutrients lying in the upper soil layer. In anatomy, the general plan of the structure of organs is preserved, with the exception of the structure of the main root. A. caucasica is characterized by the accumulation of orange or black contents in the endodermis, phloem, in the cells layer under the epidermis, to protect against the adverse effects of ultraviolet light.


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How to Cite
Lyubeznova N. V. Morphological and anatomical structure of two species of the genus Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae Juss.) in the Alpine belt of the northwestern Caucasus // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2022. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 115-119 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2022065. URL: