Root systems reserve under humid conditions of floodplain meadows of the Ob River in the subzone of the southern taiga

УДК 581.55+574.45(282.256.1)(1-924.83/.84)

  • M. S. Pudova Research Institute of Biology and Biophysics Email:
  • L. F. Shepeleva Research Institute of Biology and Biophysics, Tomsk State University Email:
Keywords: Belowground biomass, flood, floodplain meadows, productivity, roots, Western Siberia


The results of the study of the underground phytomass of the floodplain meadow communities in the Middle Ob obtained from three permanent sample plots in the area of the Kaibasovo research station of Tomsk University (Kri-vosheinsky district of the Tomsk region) are presented. The functioning and productivity of grassland ecosystems should be carefully studied, especially in the light of ongoing climate change, as they are actively involved in the carbon cycle. However, the belowground phytomass is given much less attention in the literature than the aboveground part, despite the fact that they are equally important for the study of the cycle. The study of vegetation cover in order to analyze the biological cycle of flood-plain ecosystems, the production and destruction of plant matter in this area was practically not carried out. The goal was to assess the structure and stock of root phytomass in the meadows of the Ob floodplain. In the course of the work, the hydro-climatic conditions of the growing season of the current and previous years were characterized in order to assess their impact on root development. The reserves of underground organs in the 0-20 cm soil layer were determined, the limits of fluctuations of the total reserves of roots in the 0-20 cm layer between the sampling periods in June and August were established.

Key words. Belowground biomass, flood, floodplain meadows, productivity, roots, Western Siberia.


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How to Cite
Pudova M. S., Shepeleva L. F. Root systems reserve under humid conditions of floodplain meadows of the Ob River in the subzone of the southern taiga // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2022. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 151-154 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2022073. URL: