Results of the research of higher fungi in Khan Khentey, Mongolia

УДК 582.282(517.3)

  • Nyamsuren Kherlenchimeg Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Davaanyam Otgontsetseg Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Kherlenchimeg Ganbaatar Department of Biology, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia, Email:
  • Magsar Urgamal Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Mongolian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: Distribution, higher fungi, Khentey mountain taiga region, rarity, species composition


There were recorded currently 631 species of higher fungi belonging to 237 genera, 88 families, 31 orders of 2 phyla in Mongolia. In 2008-2021, we collected approximately 600 samples of higher fungi in Khentey region including Khuder, Eruu (Minj), Mandal (Khonin nuga) of Selenge province; Shariingol of Darkhan-Uul province; Mungunmorit of Tuv province and Batshireet, Umnudelger of Khentii province. As a result of study, there were recorded 479 species of higher fungi belonging to 201 genera, 79 families, 27 orders of 2 phyla in Khentey mountain taiga region, and it covers 75.9 percent of all higher fungi species distributed in Mongolia. In addition, we were newly added 12 species of higher fungi in species composition of Khentey mountain taiga region; moreover, it was also new to Mongolian mycoflora since 2000. Among them 4 species were referred to families Mycenaceae, Pleurotaceae and one new species belongs to each of the following families Agaricaceae, Auriscalpiaceae, Russulaceae, Suillaceae, Entolomataceae, Hygrophoraceae, Boletace-ae, Tricholomataceae.


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How to Cite
Kherlenchimeg N., Otgontsetseg D., Ganbaatar K., Urgamal M. Results of the research of higher fungi in Khan Khentey, Mongolia // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2022. Vol. 21, № 2. P. 196-203 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2022085. URL: