Distribution of fungi of the genera Nectria and Neonectria in the southeast of Kazakhstan

УДК 582.282.192.2:581.9(574)

  • A. M. Assylbek Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Email: a-asema-89@mail.ru
  • Y. V. Rakhimova Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Email: evrakhim@mail.ru
  • L. A. Kyzmetova Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Email: lyzka79@mail.ru
  • G. Sypabekkyzy Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction Email: gulnaz_92_21@mail.ru
Keywords: Feeding plant, host plant, parasite, saprotroph, sporodochia, wound parasite


The article presents data on the distribution of microscopic fungi of the genera Nectria and Neonectria in the territory of the south-east of Kazakhstan, developing as saprotrophs on fallen or dead branches of the host, or as wound parasites. The material for the research was the authors’ own collections on the territory of the Ile Alatau, Dzhungarian Alatau, Kungey Alatau, the Ketmen, Terskey and Altyn-Emel ridges, as well as herbarium specimens stored in the mycological herbarium of the Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction. 5 species of Nectria and Neonectria were identified, developing on 25 species of feeding plants. Most of the samples are represented by the conidial stage. The most common species is Nectria cinnabarina. Among the most affected species are representatives of the genus Ribes L., as well as the genera Acer L., Betula L., Malus Mill. and Rhamnus L. The maximum number of Nectria and Neonectria species was recorded at an altitude of 1200-1600 m above sea level, which corresponds to the belt of steppes, small-leaved and dark coniferous forests. In the steppe belt, representatives of Nectria and Neonectria are found in floodplain forests and shrubs.


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How to Cite
Assylbek A. M., Rakhimova Y. V., Kyzmetova L. A., Sypabekkyzy G. Distribution of fungi of the genera Nectria and Neonectria in the southeast of Kazakhstan // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 21-25 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023004. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/bpssm/article/view/pbssm.2023004.

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