Alien species of woody plants of the city of Khabarovsk
УДК 581.527.7:581.412(571.62)
The results of the study of alien species of woody plants found in the urban area are presented. Alien plants were understood to be foreign or adventitious plants. City parks, squares, street plantings, territories of scientific and educational institutions, wastelands, ravines and other ruderal habitats within the city were surveyed. During the study, we identified 38 species belonging to 14 families and 26 genera. It is shown that the taxonomic spectrum of the studied flora is dominated by the number of species from the family Rosaceae (genus Prunus) and Salicaceae (genus Populus). According to the life form, summer-green trees and shrubs are most often found. By origin, most of the species were imported from North America, as well as from the adjacent territories of the Asian continent (Central Asian and East Asian species). European and Siberian species in urban plantings are insignificant. It was found that alien species of woody plants in Khabarovsk were deliberately imported for landscaping purposes. They are kept in the landing sites without being introduced into the natural cenoses.
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