Materials on the synanthropic flora of the city of Khabarovsk
УДК 581.93(571.620)
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that city tram tracks, embankments and right of way are specific ecotopes that are subject to significant anthropogenic disturbances and are places of synanthropic plants concentration. We have collected 59 species from 23 families and 49 genera of flowering plants. The family spectrum is dominated by representatives of Asteraceae, the leading family of regional flora. In the generic spectrum, most genera contain one or two species each, which indicates a sufficient floristic capacity of the technogenic ecotope of tram tracks. In terms of life form, perennial herbaceous plants with underground organs survive on the tram tracks, ensuring the constant renewal of plants. Approximately the same number of alien (or adventive) and local (or native) plants have been identified by origin. As expected, alien species are confined to ruderal habitats and are characterized by wide ranges (cosmopolitan, Eurasian-North American, Eurasian types). From local species on tram tracks, plants of open habitats (forest-meadow, meadow, forest edge and slope) find suitable ecological niches.
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