Physiological bases of adaptation processes of tree species in the Altai botanical garden
УДК 581.176.4(574.42)
This article reflects the results of studies of the water regime of 15 species of woody plants in the Altai Botanical Garden for two years. Deciduous species (trees) have a high water-holding capacity and general hydration: Fraxinus lanceolata Bjrckh., Tilia cordata L., Padus racemosa (Lam.) Gilib., Juglans cinerea L. and deciduous species (shrubs): Berberis thunbergii DC., Euonymus maackii Rupr. and Coryulus avellana L. Juglans cinerea L. and Berberis vulgaris L. are distinguished by a high content of «mobile» moisture. Studies have established that the highest parameters of the water regime are characteristic of deciduous species (shrub). Two species of barberry Berberis thunbergii DC. and Berberis vulgaris L. have significant fluctuations in water-holding capacity at the beginning and at the end of growing seasons, which provide a wide ecological amplitude to these species. The coniferous species Juniperus sabina L. water retention capacity and hydration were at the same level during the two growing seasons. The smallest differences between the species are noted on the basis of leaf hydration. Data on water retention capacity, general hydration, «mobile» moisture indicate the species-specificity of these signs. The purpose of the study was to study the water regime of tree species of various ecological and geographical origin in the mountain forest zone of the East Kazakhstan region.
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