Collection of woody plants in Khakassia


  • G. N. Gordeeva The Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Research Institute of Agricultural problems of Khakasia» Email:
Keywords: Introduction, arboretum, plant testing, new species, landscaping, steppe zone


The main results of long-term research of woody plants in the arboretum of Khakassia are summarized. In steppe conditions, winter hardiness is the main limiting factor for the resistance of new species. The range of plants used in landscaping is insufficient. Tests of plants are carried out in order to develop cultivation technologies for use in landscaping residential territories. Some species are included in the range for use in the biological reclamation of coal dumps. The arboretum has existed for 47 years, contains 345 species, with a life form of a tree - 151 species, a shrub - 174 species and 20 species of lianas. Multi-species collections of the genera Crataegus, Malus, Cotoneaster, Salix, Betula, Juniperus, Rosa and others have been created. Most species bloom and bear fruit, 14.6 % of the observed give self-seeding. The assortment for landscaping has been replenished with 20 new species. They have been tested in an arboretum, adapted, and go through all phase of growth and development. Recommendations on cultivation in new growing conditions have been developed for individual species and genera. For testing, it is necessary to attract modern forms and varieties to replenish the collection and in the future for introduction into production in different areas of the national economy.


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How to Cite
Gordeeva G. N. Collection of woody plants in Khakassia // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 114-117 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023021. URL: