Genetic variability of populations of Pulsatilla species (Ranunculaceae) in the south of Yenisei Siberia

УДК 582.675.1+574.3:575.22

  • V. V. Zhivotov Siberian Federal University Email:
  • K. K Ryabova Siberian Federal University; Federal Research Center «Krasnoyarsk Science Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences» Email:
  • I. E. Yamskikh Siberian Federal University Email:
  • N. V Stepanov Siberian Federal University Email:
  • M. G. Kutsev Siberian Federal University; Altai State University Email:
Keywords: Analysis of genetic polymorphism of populations, atpB-rbcL, ISSR-PCR markers, phylogenetic analysis, Pulsatilla herba-somnii, Pulsatilla multifida, Pulsatilla orientali-sibirica, Pulsatilla turczaninovii, rbcL, rpoB-trnC


Pulsatilla is a genus of ephemeroid grasses characterized by high morphological diversity. The study assessed the genetic polymorphism of 9 populations represented by the species P orientali-sibirica Stepanov, P turczaninovii Krylov and their hybrid P. herba-somnii Stepanov, and P. multifida G. Prizel. As a result of amplification of genomic DNA with 4 ISSR primers, 61 DNA amplicons were obtained. The overall level of polymorphism is 98.36 %. The number of amplified DNA fragments, depending on the primer, varies from 11 (17899A) to 17 (17899 B, HB12). The maximum level of genetic variability was noted for hybrid populations. The coefficient of genetic subdivision (Gst) of the studied populations is 0.4718, which indicates a high level of their differentiation. The dendrogram divides the studied populations into 3 groups, each of which is represented by a separate species, while the hybrid population is combined with P. orientali-sibirica. Phylogenetic analysis of the studied populations combines P orientali-sibirica with P multifida and P turczaninovii with P. herba-somnii. These data demonstrate the intermediate position of the hybrid population of P. herba-somnii. In the study of hybrids, ISSRS are the most informative, since they are evenly distributed across the genome and can show similarities with two parent organisms, whereas chloroplasts are inherited, as a rule, through the maternal line.


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How to Cite
Zhivotov V. V., Ryabova K. K., Yamskikh I. E., Stepanov N. V., Kutsev M. G. Genetic variability of populations of Pulsatilla species (Ranunculaceae) in the south of Yenisei Siberia // Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии, 2023. Vol. 22, № 1. P. 146-149 DOI: 10.14258/pbssm.2023028. URL: